Tree of Savior Forum

Solo survival Priest-Paladin

Int is a better option for classes that scale with it better, though the heal boost is nice it’s not large enough to be a must have. Otherwise it only scales with Resurrection (gets interrupted to easy), Turn undead and barrier with the attribute.
But they’re all single hit effects with crap dmg, so that’s not really any synergy for your build.

Thank you for confirming you didn’t test sacrament nor bothered to watch the webm.:cold_sweat:

And i think you’ll want to look up what a slash is, i’m pretty sure the multiplier was obvious enough since i talked about it two sentences above. PS dark mobs are really common. Nor is that op. I think it can have merit occasionally.

And you need to chill if someone disagrees with you. It’s not the end of the world.

Anyways, for Paladin, you’d want str/spr/con.
I used alot higher STR than SPR but, if you go for priest c3 I think it might be better to run abit more SPR/level than 1 per 10. (especially if you’re planning to get Chaplain once the game updates for an extra rank)
I found CON to be needed with atleast 1 per 10lvs just for overall mobbing, you won’t be dying much at all bc of MassHeal

Which means Sacrament’s holy property attack deals (40+2*(40HOLYATTACK))* = 240
And first attack just deals 40HOLY*2 because of the Holy Attack it gives you(220 -> 300). Idk what’s wrong with the explanation I gave.

Wasn’t that demo a 175 cleric vs a 130 dark mob?

Look at this video…

He saved the whole match by having a ressurection with small CD (at 4:00)… Now im gonna max this skill with no doubt


How does he have so much HP? :F …I rly want to know how the equipments and stats standardised in the arena because that seems too much even for full CON…dunno…

The 0 SPR seems right…and a bit weird…XD

Did anyone play paladin in kTOS? Im just make cleric>krivis>diev>paladin c1. From what i can say,

  1. Diev>paladin is great combo. Cd, sp reduction works well now. I have no problem with sp now. If smite not works, just carve.
  2. Lvling before getting paladin is hell, especially at fight boss for change quest paladin. In dungeon, u cant support well unless u get cleric instead of krivis.
  3. Smite awesome only for demon mobs. Normal only around 200-300 damage, but to demon can get up to 1.2k-1.3k (tested in quest boss).
  4. Carve really shine on mobs weak to pierce. Other than that, just rubbish. AA much better.
  5. Im quite underestimate what restoration can do. Im str/con/spr build, so my heal only around 300++. With restoration lvl1, my heal can go up to 700. I would say paladin will be good for int support build.
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Yeah, if you are going for pvp Max Ressurection is a must.

Just to clarify like @frould said, Conversion lvls increases the amount of enemies you can convert. I read somewhere that the conversion is also permanent, but do to ai problems (like with all pets) they end up stupid and not doing much (so take what you will).

I want more conversion testing!!!
Can it be spread with pandemic from PD?
NEED MORE TESTING !!! :persevere:

edit: Damit ninja to strong :japanese_goblin:

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Hard to say for any Physical Cleric build
just feel weak in general because no str scaling skill in earlier class and even further. Fortune teller, Lama, Shepherd are likely int/spr support class.

For solo Blessing and Sacrament can be bough from Pardoner (around 1200 silver for 1 hours).
the rest of priest skills are no need for solo.
For party 5 Heal tiles and mass heal with no int is not enough for keep random guys alive.
and DPS is no where near real DPS classes.

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Paladin is a defensive support guys… His Restoration affects other’s Heals individually, your Healer’s Heal will be affected by it more than you will b/c of higher INT/HEAL.
Converted mobs last untill they die or you relog or you leave the map as far as I remember. I’ve tried converting mobs in icbt2 and I was only able to convert those Yellow Moas in Demon Prison, all other mobs weren’t convertable(in DP).
You can’t convert Elite mobs nor I was able to convert the unreasonably strong ones(the ones with huge HP and damage)
You can only heal Converted mobs with MassHeal, regular heal tiles didnt seem to work.
Converted mobs do shitty damage.
You’re not a DPS class, you’re not a Healer, you help ppl stay alive



but you dished me out for making FS paladin in an old cbt2 thread

couldnt agree more…

seeing these dual-wield builds all around makes me think that people cant see paladin as a defensive class. Just because you have some skills to bash enemies, doesnt mean you are supposed to be a DPS.

i see paladin as a defensive class for a support character. maybe in the future, they will make a new class that will combo with paladin and make it DPS.

Lol paladin is work well on defensive mode, they holding A.dagger due to it popular at the moment…
Defensive class will never drop his shield for a side dps weapon…