Tree of Savior Forum

Solo survival Priest-Paladin

Correction according to my experience with healers:

Take Heal, it is a must.
Drop Deprotection Zone, it sucks.

Ressurection lvl 2 is enough unless you are doing pvp (arena) but you won’t take a paladin to arena, so you can reduce it too.
Monstrance lvl 1 will be nice for dex builds (no more than 1).

Sacrament is a must, no discussion about it.
Revive it is a party skill, never a solo. Now, lvl 3 is more than enough, lvl 5 ok but you can use those points in your buffs.
No Mass Heal? Why?

Rank 4 - 5
I am gonna be honest, I am not fan of this class, I think it is underpower, pretty useless and their animations are awful. In the other hand one of the best costume in game. The only valuable skill is Resist Elements.

Rank 6
Stone Skin? Are you building a SPR paladin? I won’t take it. Again, Sacrament is a must.

Rank 7
Ok, why are you not taking barrier? It is the only good reason to be Paladin3.

At this point I need to ask you, what do you want to play? Some kind of buffer/debuffer, no healer, no dps? It is a serious question, I really enjoy building healers and wizards so I can advice you a bit but I am not sure what is your intention with this build.


/20 char

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Maybe later it will be needed in some hard dungeons too… maybe not dunno… :smiley:

But anyway he had a new build since then what is quite good…and only a few posts above yours…

Oh, I didn’t see it, silly me (>.<) but thanks for let me know. Now, I don’t think that you need ress lvl 5 even in harder dngns since the mechaninc for ress is always the same:

1)Person with agro take the boss away.
2)Priest cast safty zone.
3)Priest cast ressurection.

Correction for new build:

Rank 1
It looks way better, I like it, I am not a huge fan for DZ, but it is ok since you have Cure 2 at least and Heal 5 and Safty Zone 5.

Rank 2
I like it too, I will take Ressurection 2 to get access to Revive atribute, but it is ok like this, it will work fine… oh, you wait until rank 7 to place the second point in Ressurection… mmmm I will rather to have Aspersio 4 and Ressu 2, but it is ok, you will have it any way.

Rank 3
Yay Mass Heal and Sacrament!!! Now we are talking.
I will take Revive lvl 3 and Blessing lvl 10 but it is a personal choice, I think Revive lvl 5 works too if your timming/ping is not the best.

Rank 4
Again I am not a fan, but I agree with this selection.

Rank 5
Conversion… I don’t really like it but it will help a lot.
Restoration was useless in last CBT, was it buff?

Rank 6
What do you have against Barrier? Just Max it >,>
Conversion lvl 4 is a waste, 3 point to improve 1 sec per point.
Take off 1 point from Restoration (leave it at lvl 9).
Use the point you took off from Restoration and the 3 extra points in Conversion and max Barrier.
Reason: You are looking for that extra Magic Resist, with Mass Heal and Heal you will have enough heal.

Tip: I will save points from the previous rank (specially if Restoration keep working as it did in last CBT, ask for this to confirm) to use them in Resist Elements, the 15% chance to Nullify any elemental damage is way too good.

Rank 7
It looks good. No objections.

hey, thanks everyone for the inputs,


Well, at first, the purpose/intention is that when i am soloing in higher levels, i can still survive on my own, and also trying to do as much dps as possible, ( of course i am a fan of leveling up in a group as well some of the times)

and i am a fan of Paladin, so it’s sad to see that if their class is actually under powered in TOS :frowning:

also the idea i had with lv1 barrier was because i thought having 10seconds of dual barrier is enough, and originally since i will not be playing SPR stats, i figured the magic def from SPR will still be quite small, but i guess you are also right, it will definitely help with some heals,

Thanks for the tips man! i appreciate it, hopefully i can make even better build come the next CBT!

oh and PS: i didn’t really know which skills unlock which skills, so i had no idea about the Ressurect 2 will unlock the Revive, but the order is up for change later if i get to try the CBT and understand more about the phase of unlocking.

I’m not an expert since I only able to play in ICBT2. And until now still struggling to get a my own good FS build too. But, please allow me to share my opinion too.

Since it is a mainly solo and STR;

Heal & Safety Zone - Obviously has to max these in C1.
Cure - Just make it (1). Better get a dispeller if you are mainly soloing. Never ever let it be (2) if you are not INT.
Deprotected Zone - Min (3) for attributes, it won’t be powerful since your SPR won’t be high but better put the points into this than Cure.

Aspersion - Min (1) for 20%. If you want more points, never exceed (5) or (10) since it is only for physical defense and the damage reduction is flat, if I’m not mistaken.
Monstrance - Min (1) is enough for DEX no matter what build you are doing.
Blessing - I would recommend (10) instead of (14) since the different is about 20 only. And try to keep the level on par with Sacrament, in order to optimize the use of points.
Resurrection - I honestly would recommend to make it (5) for 2 sec cast time, even if you are going solo. 2 sec still seems a pain to cast even with the help of Safety Zone and Barrier. After all, in late game, you will spend a lot of time in party for dungeon or boss hunting. But of course, I rarely used this in ICBT2 due to mass iCoins.
Sacrament - Max (10) and par with Blessing.
Revive - Min (3) for at least 3 sec invincibility. Higher level recommended for better HP recovered longer invincibility.
Mass Heal - Max it (10). Especially since your CLERIC is only a C1.
Stone Skin - This is powerful if your SPR is high, but I still would recommend you to get at least (1), it won’t be awesome but it is helpful.

Smite - Max it if possible but the min would be (10).
Restoration - Min (3) for the attributes. I won’t recommend more since you have Heal (5) and Mass Heal (10)
Resist Elements - Max it since it is applicable for both physical & magical as long it has the property mentioned.
Conversion - I honestly not sure about this since I never used this, but if you want this skill, (1) is enough I guess. Since you will end up kill it after the effect gone.
Barrier - Max it (5). So you can spam it more and faster.
Conviction - Max it too (5). At least, you have 2 useful physical skills.

Of course this is only my opinion and low experiences. I was a Paladin with same build but mainly SPR and support instead of STR. :slightly_smiling:
And @Wurmheart has post a really good video by Eka Gim which a good references on Paladin skills too. :grin:

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Conversion level 1 mean you can have only 1 pet
Conversion level 10 mean 10 pets. They don’t write it in description.

Restoration level 1 is enough for increase Heal.
If you don’t take any skill from Priest 3 you would be much stronger if take another class.
High level Blessing and Sacrament only give minimal damage in late game.


The only reason you would want to max [sacrament] is for chaplain, that’s it. It is negligible damage for the point investment and the buff slot. You take it for the extra line of attack and how that interacts with some skills([blessing][concentrate]) and elemental damage stat (arde dagger).

It is the same for [blessing]. You only take it for the attribute. You only want it at max if you wanna sell it (because of the number of hits gained per lv and not the damage).

I really wanna like [conversion], but I don’t have enough information about it to make an informed decision. Anyone know all there is to know about the skill? For example frould pointed out something I never knew about it.

Here are my own questions about [conversion].
Pet duration related: If I can have 10 pets out all the time that greatly increase solo play quality.

  • Do the pets last until they die?
  • Do the pets die at the end of the duration?
  • Do the pets become enemies again a the end of their duration?

AI related:

  • How stupid/smart are the pets?
  • Do the pets follow you?
  • Do the pets attack your target or do they each have their own target?
  • Do the pets use skills?
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You are severely underestimating how much damage sacrament can add. It was often out-damaging my main hits as a str/dex build. Holy is a really good dmg type.
Blessing a bit less so, but it’s still good at skill lvl 10 for the +150 a hit.

Paladins i’d say don’t benefit to much from it, they’re more kind of a physical nuker class atm. Better team them up with diev for carve and cd reduction.

Aside of that and more onto conversion, and keep in mind this is merely what i read/saw and it might have changed.

  • They don’t have a duration, they’re permanent allies when converted. (unless you can convert things twice in pvp)
  • They didn’t follow you, they just tried to kill nearby enemies.
  • They were slow as hell and rather stupid.
  • Mobs converted do not give xp or drops.

But basically it should allow you to get rid of enemies without killing them, which might be quite good in the later missions with time limits. If that counts ofc.

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So, with all this talk about the holy dmg that comes from buffs, I wonder if this is a viable build for a paladin that wants to give support (lots of heal), be able to solo, and specially tank:

It’s a mix of PVP/PVE oriented build

For the attributes, I plan going 2:1:1 Dex/Int/Spr. Why? Dex for auto attacks and eva, Int for heal, and spr for skill spamming.

Not really sure if STR is better than DEX, and I might be willing to drop some points on INT if I think its unnecessary.

Please, give me feedback.

During iCBT2, i played as wiz, and i think its a great class for support. If i get a Thauma in a party, with this build, auto attacks and the defense will be insane.

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Never take Sacrament over Ress guys… The extra damage is useless compared to 4 less seconds of cast time. And pls dont come here and say how 40 damage is so gud!!! When you’ll be using skills that deal 2K a hit. It’s pointless, same goes to Blessing over lv5.
And about Paladins, never take Conversion, it’s useless and not worth the points.
Oh, and always max MassHeal.

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The difference between lv 1 [sacrament] and lv 5 is 12 damage and and 80 sec duration (80 secs above 100% up time already). This vs say 4 secs less cast time on [resurrection] and 20% more max hp recovered on the resurrected party.

Also, the paladin doesn’t really scale well with str. Sure you could say [smite] does 200% to demons and mutants but that’s only worth 2x your strength. Look at how carve got buffed to do 4 (was it 5) hits. There’s conviction too but on a 26 sec cd for a measly 1k skill damage, 5sec debuff which doesn’t affect holy (your only elem available to your build) and some combo with [smite].

That said, going more dex may be better for you. Hell, if you’re using d-zone often spr might be better for you.

I wonder what happens in endless tower if you convert a monster.

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Ppl keep saying that Paladin and Smite is still bad…but I’m not sure if they missed that Paladin was buffed too last time or it is still bad with the buffs…XD (?)

Smite does 3 hits now if the enemy is under the Conviction debuff also their damage and aoe attack ratio should have been raised.


That alone devalues what ever they did with [smite]. If the cd on [conviction] were lowered then it would matter. You could convict -> smite smite -> wait on smites cd -> repeat but then you waited 9 sec for the cd on [smite] (not counting animation time) to initiate the cd on [conviction].

They don’t even mesh well. It’s like “what skill can we combo with [smite] … oh look [conviction]”.

Yeah it is not that great but If I’m right you can
Conviction-> Buffed Smite -> Buffed Smite -> normal Smite -> Conviction

So it is not totally bad either imo.

…and I’m not sure but I think the damage on tosbase wasn’t updated yet… I don’t know how Carve was then… xD

Since neither @iago_l or @c2gaming bothered to understand how sacrament works, i’m going to slightly derail this topic towards explaining how it does work.

Sacrament adds a second hit to auto attacks that is 12-40 holy dmg. It adds another 12-40 holy dmg to each and every hit. Yes that includes the secondary hit.

Secondly, both are multiplied vs dark type enemies. And all secondary hit auto attacks of a element receive a 3x multiplier due to the current dmg formula, instead of a 2x. (don’t ask me why, i don’t find it logical tbh. Look up the dmg guide)

And a webm demonstration of said dmg:

Ergo lvl 10 sacrament = 120/320 to auto atk and 40/80 to skill hit. Which i would recommend yes.
Lvl 5 sacrament = 72/192 to auto atk and 24/48 to each skill hit. Which is a lot less desirable.

Assuming you don’t use a cafrisun set or enchant fire ofc. That boosts it even further.

I’d probably try to get resurrect lvl 2 at least, ditch 1 from aspersion if needed imo. Or from sacrament, lvl 5 or 4 is not such a huge difference.
Otherwise skill points look good.

Stat wise:

  • I’d say put 25-50 in spr max. Probably even less. You get access to the restoration sp attribute as well meaning your sp rarely runs out.

  • You’ll want to grab some points in con and plate mastery as well to get a higher max health. Some bosses/attacks can do quite a bit of dmg.

  • Paladin is better as full str. (Smite has a t1 multiplier, meaning it’s bonus dmg gets calculated after defense. And The kd dmg multiplier is based on atk. And the multi hit bonus from conviction works better with str)

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Nice, thanks!

For the stats, yes, I was wondering if STR would be better for skill purpose.

What makes me wanna use DEX is the evasion, which would highly increase my resistance to incoming auto attacks. But lookin the paladin skills, no doubt full STR would be a better call.

So, your suggestion is that I keep a 2:1:1 ratio for Str:Int:Con?

I think you mean str/spr/con.

Ratio wise it’s closer to 7 str/2con/1spr imo.

Dex is quite nice in terms of evasion, and accuracy isn’t bad to have either for pvp. But it struggles most vs defense of enemies so it’s not always such a good option. (Assuming def stripping builds don’t become popular)
Perhaps you can mix in a bit of dex just to be sure, but i’m not sure what ratio is serviceable for paladins in that regard.

for healing and support purpose, INT wont be necessary?

Yes, I do know how it works and I’d rather put points into anythingelse and keep it lv1.
Btw, to make it clear; sacraments gives you 1 line of holy damage that deals 12-40dmg. Plus 12-40 Holy Attack. Only holy attack is added to other lines of damage.
Btw, you should’ve used real values to show its damage, not only against Dark monsters(LOL you make it look OP by saying 120/320). You didnt because it sucks against anything that isn’t Dark type. So yeah, waste 9 skill points for a skill that is only good against 1 out of 7 monsters and that adds a botherline irrelevant damage to skills(40 per hit, OH WOW)