Tree of Savior Forum

So... When you guys gonna fix Severty bug?

I think/assume the problem is that noone actually handles ingame bugs here… It’s something like we send in a ticket… The staff looks at it. They maybe can’t even decide themselves how serious it is. Then sometime it is sent to the korean devs who hell knows when look at it. Then they send back the fix…and it maybe gets fixed…

I mean sometimes there are just so simple bugs like most likely a 0 is missing from somewhere or something like that but we wait for it for months.

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That is a ■■■■ bug and imc may nothing. This bug is already exist perhaps since the launch of glacia/savinose disnay set and nothing is change.

Have you tried sending a video on how to replicate the bug? Because I suspect they might have a hard time understanding it because English. There was this one bug that made all skills deal double damage and it was dealt with swiftly when a video was posted. :tired:

i just made this thread after enormous amount of info (including videos) sent via ticket. you know how useless it is, since they dont even read your ticket before a robot answer? that is bs

Every bug tos had - and im speaking with property, since im a player from beta -, only get its attention and solution after someone throw into forums, for people see/try to replicate, unfortunately. That WASNT my intention, so i wont put a vid replicating this or image or w/e, but everyone here knows that it exists already and theres people right now waiting on the 12h Joint Strike to use it for ranks and silver.

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You know something is wrong when you see top spot in Joint Strike taken by a party of 2 while a party of 5 whales doesn’t come even close…

Lmao let’s all be real here. Whether they fix the bug or they continue to ignore it, nothing will change. People here salty that the big guilds getting stronger or the whales getting stornger but the simple fact is that before severity they were already outperforming everyone else by a giant margin, so fixing severity changes nothing. Your gears will never overtake theirs, your party won’t ever beat their rankings, and what, you want IMC to ban all those whales? Sorry, but those whales are IMC’s biggest spenders, they would rather ban you first than ban them.

So trash players with trash gears that will give up in a few months should just suck it up and move on. If the bug is here to stay its no longer a ‘bug’ more like a feature.

Seriously, what do you need for this bug - 6 pieces of glacia legenda equipment with severity set effect? If you think making an extra set is something IMPOSSIBLE/UNATTAINABLE thing to achieve, then you chose the wrong game lmao. If getting severity effect is too much then you have literally 0 reason/right to complain. No offense but really, whales are so loaded that they won’t bat an eye at getting a couple of sets for each of their characters, in other words - any piece of their equipment is worth more than your entire account, severity makes 0 difference. Only people that should care about severity is other whales competing with each other, normal players just go back to the grind and ignore this, your rankings will remain ■■■■ so it doesnt matter.

IMC fixing a bug does not equal to you getting good or you getting endgame gears LMAO, the whales will still steamroll you over and over just like before severity and after severity. You can patch the trashbin all you want but trash remains trash.

EDIT: I just realised something, why would undergeared people want this bug to be fixed??? You literally have a permanent damage boost for you to complete legend raids with, if your dps sucks(it probably does) then now you have an extra boost to help you complete raids --> gear up faster.

Wow this post so downgrading. Don’t kill the remaining 1.5k population of this game. snickers
Someone like you must be fun at parties.
Or you are that whale in the reports. Lel.
Some people just want a bug to be noticed and fixed and you are having a trash behavior.

Anyway image
Go back to your real account, don’t hide in new account whale

Git gud scrub no salt pls, you cant afford to buy more.

Still, note that you didn’t disagree with anything I said either. We both know how little severity bug actually affects normal players, do you think fixing severity will help the average player get rank 1 in raids or js? I’d be shocked if they make it to pre-glacia timings lmao

You keep saying rank 1 JS, u must be one of those in the other report. Sad that u r a coward hiding in new account.

I never use this bug nor my partymates bec even if we have Severty on our gears. The difference is just someone like you, and people who do not like bug abuse. Go figure.


The difference is just someone like you, and people who do not like bug abuse. Go figure.

Also you:

Yea, its bad to abuse the bug but was fun at the same time.

What happened to “Don’t do player blaming. Can’t stop them all on exploiting whats presented to them.”?

Suddenly a new bug appears but instead of blaming imc for not patching the issue faster, you’re trying to push the blame on people who exploit the bug? What changed your mind from not blaming the players? Sounds to me like your problem isn’t with the bug, its cause you saw a guild(s) or player(s) that you don’t like that were outperforming you before just got that much further ahead.

Isn’t all this just out of spite and jealousy? Hey if it is, I totally understand and that’s ok I’m jealous too sometimes, we all know that sev bug isn’t here to stay forever that’s something very obvious. What we also know is that after all of this is over, its back to status quo and we can both just stare jealously at the whales. :slight_smile:

PS. I’m a coward but hey I’m not the only one not posting my name :)) Looks like we have a lot in common too!

Wow, u really stalked my profile just to prove your point. So dedicated. I’m impressed.

That bug last year is something funny tho, not affecting the gameplay coz its an event bug which caused mass bans.

However this one is affecting gameplay. There is a difference between the two. If u get what I mean. I have my friends to play this game so I don’t care about those whales.

PS my name is like this bcz forum says my name is too short when i tried to put my ign. Three letters and all.

Is this bullshit gonna be fixed, or am I gonna be forced to use this to stay competitive? Maybe we should all spam them with support tickets linking this bug report? :tired:

teach ktos ppl use this bug. explain clearly via the video
3hr patch fix will release

at this point its not even a bug anymore, we should all use it and be donewith this ■■■■.

like this everyone will play with the same rules.


One more week and nothing change. Perhaps its not a bug at all

i told this in the last topic, at this point isa features.

Tree of severty
or anyone please fix this ■■■■ bug.

This is a suck

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they fix it? cannot work anymore or just me?

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Just got it confirmed by a guild mate.
Yes, they fixed it.
Weird no sentences about that on the patch notes.

Anyway, thanks and good job, IMC!

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