Tree of Savior Forum

So are people entering more than 3 times to the new event gonna get banned?

IMC messed up again and left a bug in the wild, just like tbl/instances resetting the mystical cube.

Where are the bans?


I doubt it. Last time this “bug” happened, IMC acknowledged it as a feature (Halloween Event).

People are so scared of IMC’s stupidity that creating such topics. :confused:

Good job, IMC.


I’m doing it on all 21 of my characters. I found an easy way to survive till the last moment too so I’m getting 63 cubes a day.

Nice! This is totally not more harmful to the game’s economy than getting your practonium faster, right IMC?

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hack2win? :no_mouth:


Ain’t no ban, because this a bug while the Cube thing involved repeated circumventing of game mechanics for an extremely rare item. Although they might just remove the extra cubes (If they still exist in the inventory) if people are really going overboard with it like Tenku claims.

They ain’t removing extra anything. I’m not dumb enough to horde cubes. Good luck tracking everything I got and used.

I’m not talking about channel crashing here, in case you’re lost. Both are bugs, both aren’t intentional. Literally the same. Except this one will do a lot of damage to the game, all those abbrasives and dungeon resets, remember the harvest event?

You don’t have to worry too much about it. Out of the 63 cubes, only 1 gem abrasive.

I think that’s rather bad luck, they said 5%, so 1 every 20. Besides, you’re not an uncommon case, most altholics will do it with most of their characters.

Hey now, this is a way to point out that TOS is a casual game. Lets just limit the non-casuals to 3 runs per account. That is fair and anyone doing more runs shall get slammed with the banhammer… in IMC logic atleast.


Good thing I got sick of it in 4 entries so if anything Mr Kim will only ban me for a week!

How can extra 63 turn leather pants per day affect economy in any way? Even though it’s actually 2 runs per char and not 3. Well whatever.

Oops. You got me. DOH!

They affect the economy, cause the banned abusers will not be able to participate in the economy anymore.

There is no need for players to participate in economy run by bots. This is future! Should’ve believed the guys who said robots will take over the manual labour. Ty Mr Schwarznaggerr!

No joke. On Orsha, the economy is controlled by the people who were smart enough to make AFK Necros. Some of the people I know are getting minimum of 40m a week just having AFK Necros.

I refuse to leave my computer on when I’m AFK, so I struggle to even come up with 1m a day.

i will like to ask for ban to everyone who exploit tis event, bcos i was baned for a month only for open a box 10 time and get 30 untradeable pots…
be a player carry by imc is like see a child burning ants with a magnifying glass.

Unfortunately, i know who every player who xploit tis event will be safe because imc judgement suck

I mean, I don’t think people should be banned for this, and IMC won’t even think about that. I’m just making a point that wild bugs caused by IMC’s incompetence shouldn’t be punished if abused.

There was a player who got banned for using different font size (or was it a different font?) in chat. IMC logic can get you banned for anything you do. When playing TOS, you are at their mercy, which is perfectly fine with their terms of service.
