Tree of Savior Forum

So all hidden combos were found or is it just a lack of experimentation?

Yeah there are thousands of skill combinations in this game, trying to figure out which ones they coded in to do extra damage/effects is ridiculous.


Yes, getting it all in a silver platter is more suited to the lazy the gaming community has become.

I donā€™t believe thereā€™s any rational logic that can put that as lazy. Even given that gaming is generally a hobby for entertainment instead of being productive with ones time (being lazy).

A single individual person cannot test all the combinations themselves in any reasonable (or healthy) amount of time. Its part of why many bugs arenā€™t found until theyā€™re released on the live content for thousands of people to interact with. Not making every possible combination of class and taking them to R7, isnā€™t lazy its just not feasible.

When it comes to testing out certain mechanics its very far from asking for things on a silver platter, its just not realistic for an individual person to acquire the information themselves (a large part of why I made this thread) given the scope of the game without developers giving some sort of clue to what is and is not in the game.

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MMORPG is a community-driven game genre where you benefit from sharing and receiving information.

Consider hidden mechanics as easter eggs spread throughout the game which requires you to find them yourself. In my point of view such idea is one of the things that makes a game interesting.

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Itā€™s Pay2Learn though since itā€™d require buying hundreds of dollars worth of skill resets. Hardly has to do with laziness.

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I also find them interesting, I just donā€™t see how anything about information relating to them connects to laziness outside of playing a game in the first place.
Hidden classes are to an extent an ā€œeaster eggā€ as well however there are very few hidden classes, there are many, many, many skills. Pretty much nothing relating to the information of these combinations is particularly lazy, especially in a R7/R8 or R9 context which take a significant amount of hours to acquire.
Iā€™ve gathered up the combos Iā€™ve known of, put up a very lackluster skill with the idea it may be weak because there is a combo for it.
All in all however the game could certainly put hints.

I went up to multiple class trainers to go through all their dialogue to see if they make any notion towards a skills interaction, which they donā€™t.
Certainly a shame because (unless these tidbits are hidden elsewhere, Iā€™ll have to check the books as well) its just as rewarding to search for this information inside of the game than to simply find a mob and continually place X debuff then go through your entire rotation of skills, then place Y debuff and do it again, then Z. Then put on A buff and so on and so forth.

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If i remember correctly Flare and Ice Blast used to be fast-spamable 0 second cooldown skills. But for some reason they decided to give it a high cooldown and 2~3 overheats instead, which killed these skills. If we had these 0 cd spamable Flare/Iceblast with the damage improvements from the last patches these skills would actually be quite nice.

Flare for example, contrary to what many people think, does not require a target to have burning status from fireball or ignition. Standing in Flame Ground or Fire Pillar however also put targets on burning status, they just have a different-looking burning debuff symbol.

So if we had this 0 cd Flare we could mob 20+ monsters on a Fire Pillar, locking all of them them in place while burning them and then spamming 3~4k flare one or two times per second.

By claiming it as laziness, I was refering to what you said before.

As you stated on your last post, you have a solid point. Hints ingame, even the slightest, would be very much appreciated.


It depends, the skill reset is being sold for TP for a reason, as well as many players have been using money as a way to save effort ingame, even if it means doing illegal transactions.

Time is also money, and lvling and deleting hundreds of characters to Rank 8 isnā€™t a good or realistic way to spend any of it.

May I suggest an actually database of these combos on a google drive spreadsheet thingy.

Would save money AND contribute something to the community :heart:

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I would contribute.


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blessings upon thee


Just found out thaf circling+ spear throw will give double damage!

Barbā€™s Cleave+any wizard skill in insta dungeon causes both swordie and wizard to DC. Very good combo to trollā€¦

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Greetings Savior! Unfortunately, we would be unable to provide that information since we do not wish to spoil your gaming experience


Will you be updating for rank 8? Btw burrow works with claymore

Fulldraw is just a strong understimated skill, not exactly a combo.

It multiplies damage with any skill.

Iā€™m one shotting 200 000 mobs with shitty Hackapell skills,no Ranger on build.

Hi! Regarding Full Draw, does it have to be maxed out to be useful? Or level 1 is enough to make it do what it does? (the multiplier effect)

Duration of the Skew effect only, though itā€™s is a very good utility.

Iā€™m not sure but i think itā€™s the decreased defense attribute that makes it so dang strong.