Tree of Savior Forum

Small Community survey

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7- How do you feel towards ToS future?

Game will stabilize (minimum buggyness and less major overhaul in class balancing) the way it was intended.

new people will play (never experiencing/heard the radical exp boosts and easy leveling. they will ask"where were you during the free practo weapon events?").

surviving old players become demigods :}

of course, with me as the lowest form of those demigods



The PvP splitting issue could be solved by having those modes open at different times.

  • unranked: open whenever ranked mode is closed or maybe at specific times for a few hours. An arena as big as a map with no restrictions. Parties can be formed, gear is unchanged, players can join and leave whenever they please etc.

  • ranked: open at specific times, automatically closes unranked mode so players are enticed to queue. Normalized gear and the other rules that already apply to our current system


why not just normalized gears for both modes? i mean like, i wanna casually play pvp. but how can i have fun if overed players can basically one shot me?

and then ranked mode is sure to have players imbued with bloodlust in them

funny how people ask for normalized gear in a game that the main focus is grinding all day for gear + enhancement/transcend.

alongside with balance in all classes, limit enhancement to +16 should do the job.

people work on their gear for a reason, making it casual just make no sense.


What reason?



to one shot filthy under geared peasants, duhh…


For what reason are you farming gear in ToS besides collection / completion value?
For PVE there’s no point since there’s no content progression like in other games.
For PVP then? Just so you can oneshot plebs easier? And that’s if you actually grind for your gear because nowadays it’s all about whaling and RMTing.
So you are whaling/rmting/grinding gear in PVE so you can rape people who grind less/pay less/rmt less than you in PVP? Where’s the skill (or fun) in this?


IMC listen to its playerbase? Sometimes. I’ve seen a bunch of requested features added, even one I suggested (the 2-4 match feature in dungeon queues), so it’s not that bad.

How satisfied are you with gambling system (cubes)? I don’t care, I never gamble online.

How satisfied are you with recent events? Again, a mixed response. Some are nice (“Guess to impress” and equivalent for free stuff and such), some are stupid (pokemon, rookie cheeze – although I tested that one today with an alternate account and the rewards have been nerfed so it’s actually better, the bugged double exp).

What do you do when you log in? Depends on how much time I have. I check events for free stuff, do Saalus on the 3 high level chars I have, dungeons for the xp and silver, currently some Uphill Defense missions for coins (and maybe after the event for the lvl2 gem abrasives), questing on lower level alts (for the love of maps and music), sometimes a Challenge or two, and I’ll try to do some raids once I get enough stones. Usually I don’t have time for more, which means no HG farming. Earth Tower is pretty much dead, takes forever to get the essences and there are usually nobody to party with anymore. I don’t do mercenary posts because what’s the point of these now? No exp or silver, BS rewards… unless you desperately need minerals for a purple 315 item. And I don’t do PvP because if I want to play PvP I’ll go play a FPS game… or even chess.

“Q&A with devs” should be more frequent: Nope. Frequency of updates is too low, that needs to be addressed first.

If you could change something immediately, what would you change or balance first: fix the friggin’ desynchs!!!

How do you feel towards ToS future? I love this game and I’ll play it as long as it runs. I’ve seen good ideas implemented and more to come… unfortunately there are not enough players remaining to secure an optimistic future.

That’s like every goal in every mmo . You define your own goal. Others have a goal to be really well geared while others just want to laze around. In tos there are reasons besides bragging rights for gearing up :

  1. World boss / Demon Lord ranking
  2. Earth tower gear
  3. CM raid
  4. Prepping for future dungeons and raids

Back when games like maplestory is around, there’s no PvP nor any huge world bosses fight. Why do people grind ? Why do they have goal? Why are they having fun and you are not ? How can people have fun when you are not having fun?? Games cater only to you, that it ?

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This worked out for ToS so well am I right

I love how you ask for reasons and followed it by typing possible reasons on the same sentence :expressionless:

I’m talking about valid reasons.
If you think that clubbing seals in a fully whaled +21 Stage 10 setup is what makes PVP enjoyable and is a valid reason to not have normalised gear then… good for you, I guess.
No wonder this game is dying.

here, edited my post for more clarity.


All reasons are valid…

That’s why they are called reasons and not excuses :unamused:


A good part of the game population agrees that normalized gears are better. Another part thinks it’s better to keep gears as is.

In the end, we currently have gears enabled on PvP and people does gets good weapons and armors for this purpose.

So it’s a valid reason, at least for them, to gear their character.

And please, go away with your ■■■■ doomposting, no one wants this type of comments here. Thanks. It’s off-topic your statement is against community guidelines.

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pvp wins based on gears sounds immature and only discourages casual people to try that feature at least for me

hence why i said free mode is the mode that needs normalized gears

and not in ranked mode where diehard players can mash each other based on how hard they worked for their gears

putting that the other way around like someone suggested earlier only makes it not playable for casual players.

free mode with gears : people one shots casuals

ranked mode with no gears : everybody is on tryhard mode where you can’t enjoy as a casual


Gear is smoke and mirrors with the current pvp, pvp is 90% abusing classes/skills.

For the broken attack tho, we could simply make it so extra attack and defense we get from upgrades and trans is raised to 9/10 (^0.9).
Like this we could easily equalize damage for people with less time to spend on gear especially with the coming of “mass” pvp.
For example (using max attack), a +11t10 2h pike would be 4082 attack like this, and a +11t5 2h pike would be 3293.
Difference would still be there but less prominent.
(Only for pvp obviously) If i were in IMC i would also implement an hard limit of +21 to weapons and +16 to armor as upgrade for PvP and GvG. For pve i have no problems with anything, but like this it’s a pain in the ass to even think about making a character for pvp.

Also if i remember well we had normalized gear once and people hated it.

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just saying a +350 INT bonus on gears makes a huge difference on my dueling exp

i would also expect that having 2 different modes will have the diehard tryhards all lumped in ranked mode

since they get less out in bullying casuals in free mode

I think the main thing is that back then gears weren’t too op. It was an extreme of low damage and people felt that progress didn’t change much PvP ( ? ) - not sure.

Now we have the other extreme with transcendence and high enhancement values which shows other problems.

I don’t really remember the complaints from the normalized gear times but I’m sure people dislikes it more now ;-;