Tree of Savior Forum

Sleep: dream eater

So I’ve been trying out the attribute sleep: dream eater with different skills. I’m using wiz2-link3-alche3-sage1. These are “simplified numbers” at 569 matk so … grain of salt.

sleep 10 = 10 hits = 2 hits with dream eater

energy bolt: 400 -> 800 (did not wake up after 2 OH which is 4 hits)-> 1200 (Additional sleep damage)
magic missile: 500 -> 800 (woke up on the 1st OH which is 3 hits)
spirit shock: only the initial hit double 400 -> 800, the dot stayed at 2000
alchemistic missile: 3600 -> 7200 (did not wake up after 2 OH which is 4 hits)
micro dimension: 2500 -> 5000
ultimate dimension: 900 -> 1800

I guess its pretty good for an alche if you don’t want to go the pyro route.

It’s amazing for playing solo (really useful for farming if you still don’t have much magic attack), in party people will break the hit limit before you can do anything. Even better if you have Heavy Gravity, but it’s not a must.

I’m currently only wiz2 so 20% of sleep 10 is just 2 hits to break sleep (wiz3 makes it 3 hits so I dunno if that’s really worth a rank). That means only 2 hits from anything kino has to offer.

Since this is basically just a magnum opus alche it fits the solo nature of sleep. I guess i can swap out sage1 for ff1 so I can heal.

At sleep level 6 it’s also 2 hits for some reason (maybe it’s 1 higher?) And level 12 I was able to get in 3 hits before it ended.

So far my only issue with it is you can’t use it on bosses …

Did you test it with the new offensive skill from Linker3 ? Maybe it’s counted only as one hit, and if it’s counted like that it’s really OP. If not, this attribute sucks, that’s all :smiley:.

Hmm could u guys suggest me where to put my last 10 points in?
Im going to be W3-E3-W3 and right now im dont know what of the wizard skills are usefull, this is my current build

Cant find Sleep to be usefull and Lethargy too… I might be wrong so please help me im pretty new to this game, so sorry for my less knowledge ^^

I’m guessing it’s different because its based on SPR (yours and the target).

Lethargy is a 1pt wonder. You can allocate a point to take advantage of the +20% bonus magic damage. It’s not mentioned in the tooltip, but here : Lethargy hidden effect. Don’t forget the attributes! They’re pretty useful. It may not perhaps be the case for you depending on your build but they help party members immensely.

I’d allocate your points like this but this is personal preference. In any case, you have 9pts to spend as you wish. Neither Earthquake nor Energy Bolt [does not] scale well into late game and (assuming it has not been fixed) I believe Earthquake breaks links so that could be a problem in party play.

As a final note, you may want to post your own topic on the subject. Not sure how much traction it’ll gain but at least you can ask more specialized advice for your build.

If you really plan to use EQ, you want lethargy. Lethargy doubles EQ damage. If you really want to optimize EQ damage, you’ll want kino2 as well for heavy gravity.

EQ does x2 damage to ground targets and another x2 damage to lethargy targets for 3OH. That means 5640% SF every 25 sec (heavy gravity’s cd). Compare that to let’s say demon scratch for 17,856% SF every 40 sec. It’s not so black and white either so don’t think I’m advocating for EQ build. It takes 5 ranks to do the EQ build (wz3-kino2)) while demon scratch only need 3 (wl3). EQ will need more key presses too.

Ooh… I did not know that. Should’ve checked. Striking out misinformation from previous reply.

Double-check: does EQ still break links?

It’s an old combo, like how blessing doubles heal damage.

I think that is way wrong lol, demon scratch is way stronger than earthquake.

Don’t you mean Demon Scratch is 17,856%? It has 3 hits and 2 overheat. And I think there’s +50% damage bonus if you position yourself at the tip of demon scratch too.

And lethargy has a 20s cd, so if you’re doubling EQ’s damage accounting for lethargy, you need to use lethargy’s cd, not EQ’s.

I’m just going off the tooltip. Multi hit spells have xX by the SF to indicate multi hits. I’ll take your word for it and edit.

Not all of them, sadly. Hail, for example, does not indicate multi hit by tooltip, but it obviously is.

Makes me miss the tags PoE has in each skill they have to indicate what affects what.

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Oh sorry I didn’t see. In this case I really don’t understand the point of this attribute. Plus you cannot sleep bosses so… really little use of this combo.

Yes it does, but I think it’s only if you don’t remove the knockback. I tested it without knockback and it seems to not breaking the links most of the times. I guess it breaks it if there are too many monsters linked and they don’t die instantly… or it is a random “feature” :tired:. My Wiz3 Link2 is using it at lvl 15 and it is kind of powerful for the number of OH, CD, and SP cost. Moreovere you can deal +50% additional Earth damages on linked mobs thanks to the attribute of Linker, and improving damages of EQ with the attribute of damage is really cheap as it is a Rank1 skill.

Thanks alot and sorry for the late answer (working), yeah I didnt know that you have to buy attributes which are like passiv skills for the actual skills itself, today I learned something. Thanks!

@c2gaming.seetoo wow the dmg gets doubled? like wtf, well i just want the clean wizard build for my warlock later and so far elementalist is pretty fun with meteeeooor :smiley:

If you like meteor, there’s this attribute that makes it hit 5x on targets affected by flame ground (pyro) for an increase in damage to 250%.

Just wait until we get Onmyoji. You get yet another set of massive AoE elemental spells (and I mean massive). Had we a spell like Rune of Ice for Ice skills I could very well see a future “Earth-based” Spellcaster (esp. with the new info that removing the knockback removes link break. Thanks @soldatazur!). Maybe W3Lnk1Ele3Onmy2 just to take advantage of Linker Earth dmg bonus. Double Whammie for Linker generally allowing High SF% skills to multiply themselves.