Tree of Savior Forum

☠ Monsters with more HP and DMG ☠

Hello boys and girls! :anger_right:

I’m Popy from Orsha and today I’m gonna question this dissemblemce from kToS and iToS: The “elite?” monsters HP and DMG.

Ok this happens, if I remember correctly, since the Mage Tower 1F, where most mobs have 2~3k HP while Drakes have 9k+, and at higher levels, it gets worst.

I’m bringin’ this discussion because today I’m kinda stuck at a quest called “Surrounded by Enemies” where I can’t kill 10 Ticen that have 61k HP and hit as high as 1.7k (and I cant even dodge like an archer c3 scout c3 with almost full dex build certainly should).

So, for comparison I’ll take the mob Lepusbunny that can be found @Inner Enceinte District.

Here you can see the stats of that mob in iToS:

For comparison purposes we’ll be using this video here of a duo grinding the Inner Eceinte Distric map in kToS:

Near the 4:20 mark we can see the monk on the video defeat a Lepusbunny with 4 or 5 attacks dealing around 1.6k damage each, that would sums to 6.4k total life of that Lepusbunny.

That means the iToS version of the same monster, Lepusbunny is this example, have 730% more life then its kToS counterpart. And remember that the damage from those mobs also increases about that same percent.

Other monsters that I recall having the same issue are (just the last few maps I’ve been ingame):
Blue Ticen, Ticen Crossbow Soldier, Blue Socket Archer, Red Soket Mage, Goblin Warrior, etc.

Now my question to the staff and IMC itself is: Are those mobs meant to be this strong and bulky? I mean, the korean version of the game doesn’t match this and this is really annoying me as a player, since its getting worse and worse as I progress.

Who else agrees with me?

Till next time, buddies! :speaking_head:

If theres a topic about this issue already I apologize in advance. Thanks for the patiance and for bringing Tree of Savior for us to play.

That steparu vid is very old right now on kTOS they are all the same.
Here most recent one


As @arkgolf said you are using a very onld video for reference.

That video is old as Methuselah; 8 months old to be exact. It’s the same over on kTOS, and it’s a good thing. At that point in the game, you’re closing in on the difficulty shift where you go from 3-shotting mobs to mobs 3-shotting you.

That Lepusbunny is the only monster on that map with roughly around 50k HP, but shortly after, you’ll be encountering a lot more mobs with HP in that range in the maps ahead. It’s a slow introduction into a harder experience.

Yup and soloing drops off alot.

Wait until you start getting into the 240s, where monsters can hit 100k+. Oh the horror…

Make a party perhaps? I dont know. Good luck bro

Fk, I guess its right that way then, well, that makes soloing at higher levels much harder, and also very frustating hitting less then Mobs and having 10% of their HP. Ty for the info guys! :money_mouth:

they still award way more exp that low hp ones. so its give and take. You may adjust your hunting tactic depending on build.

And that is just the beginning.

The best explanation i found would be that IMC wants to slow down leveling until more content comes out.

Game kinda forces you to grind as party, that’s why mobs have so much hp, but they also give quite good exp.I’ll give you alameth forest as example,as I haven’t progress further,yet.Mobs there have 87k hp, hits for 3.5k and mostly spawn in a spot as 4-5.But killing them with party of 5,yields 10k+ exp per person. If you try to grind there solo, mobs probably rip you another a**hole and send you back, but if you grind with party, you grind 8-9m exp/h at least.

are these 3 star maps they talked about?

Its gigantic problem if the game force you to party in order to level up. Players shouldnt care if content isnt ready, because if it isnt, the game shouldnt be released. Just as I see maps that are made, but have no quests in them (waste of client space).
They can always just block content and level saying that its the end for now, works much better than making the gaming expriance worse.
Also if they want people to party, they need to intruduce much better party mechanics allowing for easy party assembling.

If they wanna introduce stronger mobs only for party, they shouldnt use them in quests and they should isolate them on maps to be in designated party spots. Some games do that and soloing or partying is both fun for players. They can have only “party” quests on each map then too.

This part of game surely need some polishing.

Yeah, I hit an absolute brick wall right now at 220, and I can’t level anymore. Can’t quest in Nahash Forest because of Blue Spion Archers all over the map who can one shot me with spiral arrow. 217 dungeon and missions only give about 20% exp, so best case scenario I can get maybe 1 level a day.

And this after having relatively little trouble getting to this point. I guess they want you to pick up alts at 200ish, unless you’re willing to sit in a party in one spot and grind 10 hours for one level.