Tree of Savior Forum

☠ Circle reset isn't harmless v2.0. ☠

Yep, I suggested it too, but some people think it will spoil their game experience, while circle reset won’t. I find this very strange.

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All of you in here saying they are going to quit of they add circle resets are so full of themselves. “I want to be rewarded for wasting time on a video game, if they add class reset all my time wasted on this video game means nothing”. You guys seriously have mental issues. How about applying some of this time wasted on this game by, idk, doing something other then sit in a chair for more then 8 hrs a day and actually advance in real life.

You guys want to complain about P2W, well let me hit you with a reality check, real life is pay 2 win.

i know right,

playing TOS not gonna play my bills anyway

i just make it, if IMC implement Class Reset, i quit.

with no regards to the game whatsoever

While I definitely see the appeal in a “training ground” style aid during class change, I honestly feel there are too many variables involved in actually playing a class to give players a legitimate sense of what it will be like to play that class in different scenarios, with different equipment, at different levels, etc.

I think a healthy combination of “training ground/skill preview” AND circle resets would be ideal. That way, you can see what the class will be like prior to investing all that time into it to get a sort of sense of it. If you play it and end up deciding that, in the greater, overall context of ToS, you actually do not enjoy it as you thought you would, the reset would be a backup plan to encourage finding a path you like more.

This statement I definitely don’t agree with, though–if I am interested in a C3 skill for a class, but have to get to C2, ready to change to C3, before I get an opportunity to try it out, only to find that it is entirely underwhelming and terrible? It basically defeats the purpose of the training ground, in my opinion.

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i like it so they put this training ground in lemprosa or west siaulai, you can talk to all training master for every rank

this way, even if you making new alt lv1, you can still straight away train with rank8 lancer skill

this helps to simulate skill points as well, even better, you can actually move around, use the skill, find synergy, etc

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Class resets are for those that need another get out of jail free card. Although I would prefer if there was an implementation of character lodge where those that went through the pain of making multiple alts would be rewarded with building their own economy.

IMC did advertise this game to be quite casual, so I’m with the expectation that you make many characters (and in some cases fail wth the build), but IMC will bring it together such that you can attain an optimal build despite its faults

Or a “get out of jail for a large sum of money/time investment” but you know, you could keep just assuming that circle resets are 100% free. :S

exactly, for those [insert whatever you wanna say]

but class reset is not for me.

closest thing you get now Exp Tome, Dungeon Reset, Token

these TP item has no limit, but Dungeon Reset wont do any good, literally no1 queue anymore
(everyone have lv280, even alt is doing rush. people rather grind field)
((IMC even have a Dungeon-Insta-Kill-Buff to instant kill monster in dungeon, maybe to speed up solo player spamming Dungeon Reset Voucher))

i wont go against Class Reset anymore…
IMC just implement Class Reset sooner so i can quit TOS once and for all

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Once upon a time video games were difficult and grindy. What about people who don’t want to play a 2nd rate casual game?

And now you are talking about reality. Next time you will say it’s ok to RMT because you can bribe people IRL.

After bribing the guards.

As far as I know its ok to hack, exploit and RMT in this game with no repercussions. You just cant spam Shout chat with RMT websites.

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Or modified text. You will get perma banned for it.


Just make a Public Test Realm/Environment/Goddess/whatever.

Case closed.

Seeing how most people that want the reset is because of how the next rank wrecks their build or we are prone to making BIG mistakes. If IMC were to do this, many more problems will come with it. The class reset is a moving target problem since we are nowhere near the end of the game itself.

The correct move for IMC to do here is to get a new mechanic with the character lodge which would encourage making more characters. This way, players can focus on one character while sending their alts away for ‘discovery’. This way, the idea of a class reset for players to further experiment their alts or even their main will be more appealing.

Right now, your character lodge has nothing special to it except for aesthetics. This needs to change to have players who will go offline to plan something for their characters while they are away. Have a character where you can’t decide what build to do, have it go on a trip (unplayable) and hopefully it may come back with a rare item, or some potions which you can send to any character.

Having mechanics that help you experiment more and can also shield you from having to bang your head against the wall because you messed up will make the developer journey easier in putting together a class reset. This game has a lot going for it, but there is so much room to improve in many areas to appeal more players while keeping the current ones

Yea but testing all ranks seems to be overkill, and it takes away the thrill of adventure IMO, but maybe it’s just me?
So how about testing all circle of a class before advancing into that class?
Or not letting you testing every class at once, but unlock 2 more class to test at every rank, and you still get to test all 3 circles of them?

Would be better if for every class available to you it shows C2 and C3 instead of having to tease you at that rank.

+1 for either close or deletion.

We dont need a 2.0 thread on the same ■■■■ you already posted in the 1.0 thread. Not circle resets are harmful, but you are, @atari . Your thread spam level is just not high enough to get your account muted.


The “thrill of adventure” becomes a lot less thrilling when you’re Rank 7 and find out that everything you’ve done up until then has actually been a really terrible idea, and you want to change a few things about your decisions. :unamused:

I like the idea of trial-and-error, experimentation, and being adventurous with your builds, but when there’s no way to correct any mistakes you make (outside of remaking the entire character) it severely limits the willingness to try things outside of what’s known to work well.


this is actually not a discussion thread. it’s a cheap bait by some kid who’d rather talk trash than discuss like an adult :))

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hi adult

excrulon left

who next?

im waiting gwen… unless, he is getting paid

Explaining why circle resets are harmful is harmful because you don’t like it? Your butthurt is not a valid argument.

Let’s see. Currently I have 8 topics, 4 of them not in bug report/suggestions sections and only 2 of them are less than 3 months old. Such a spammer.