Tree of Savior Forum

Skills and Stat Scaling

The block is an attribute for the Peltasta which you buy with Silver from the Peltasta Master. It’s not a skill which is why it’s so good.

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400% SPR scaling on Stone Skin? phew…

Is it accessible to the first rank of Pelt?

Yeah which is why a lot of people who are going to use a shield say even C1 Peltasta is worth getting if you’re not trying to be a tank.

Interesting. So Rodelero or Hoplite doesn’t have a buyable Block attribute?

Since Str/Int adds 1 phys/magic attack per point AND the skills benefit from raw +atk as well, wouldn’t it be less confusing to say it scales with attacks in those cases?

Using Str/Int implies they only get more power through stats and not +attack.

Interesting to know that many skills scale with SPR though…especially Aspersion .- . now I know why mine did so little damage…or why my Deprotected zone seem so weak…

Nope, it’s limited entirely to Peltasta. But it’s an active attribute ie. you have to press the button and hold it to use it. It’s basically the sub weapon attack button.

edit: Do note however that using the block attribute does not make you block 100% of the time. It just increases your block stat by a fair amount which helps with blocking overall.

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Interesting. I guess that changes my build around then…

Thanks for the answers and support.

No, because both values count.

You can for example equip a Rod which increases your M.Atk (but not INT), and the damage of Heal and Cure will increase, but equipping something which gives +INT acts like it has a dual effect for Heal and Cure, making builds utilising these skills value +INT more than +M.Atk. You’ll see an increase of the skill’s listed damage number in the tooltip as well since they’re explicitly mentioned in the formula.

It’s important since the calculations explicitly state they increase based on the stat value, and should reflect this in the skill tooltips. Skills which are buffs aren’t affected by M.Atk/P.Atk (unless they explicitly state as such, like Rogue’s Vendetta), only skills. (eg. Aspersion’s damage is affected by M.Atk, but the buff portion of the skill is not.)

M.Atk and P.Atk won’t be reflected in the skill’s tooltip (unless the skill’s formulae explicitly states it).

Yes, Two-handed Sword only.

I need to double check this before I give an answer. They’re listed in the calculations though, and listed in a specific order so you can see when the scaling comes into it.

Am I missing something with Blessing(Priest) because it seems kinda weak. +170 damage for 18 hits (Lv15+Attributes) feels like it would scale horribly later on. I guess Sacrament looks the same as well if you ignore the Holy element change.

Nope, that’s exactly the gripe that a lot of people have with both Blessing and Concentrate.

It would be nice if it was +x% Damage and +X Damage as then you’ll get a better increase later on. Both these skills fall off quite quickly later on.

Enchant Fire and Sacrament are somewhat excused with their elemental enchants, but these skills should also have some form of scaling.

What about poison damage?

Poison Damage is elemental, same as Fire and Holy is, so it’ll increase with Poison Attack bonuses, the exact same way Fire and Holy damage will increase with Fire Attack and Holy Attack bonuses.

There’s no poison enchant (Zhendu is not ‘Enchant Poison’, it just allows the entire party to apply a poison debuff once.) sadly, it seems Wugushi is still the king of Poison.

Wugushi’s Poison DoTs should all increase with P.ATK and Poison Attack bonuses.

One thing I should mention as a disclaimer when it comes to skills and stats is the stat ‘AoE Attack Ratio’ or ‘Attack Range’ (noted as SR/Skill Range in the files).

Attack Range is a stat which determines how many targets a skill (or normal attack) can hit.

Some skills have an innate attack range which determines how many targets you can hit, and this can be further increased with the Attack Range stat.

Most skills are affected by Attack Range additively. (e.g. Skill with 5 Attack Range will hit 5 targets, if you have 5 Attack Range in stats, the skill will hit 10 targets.)

Some skills have different scaling with Attack Range (SR) in the formula, so I can check it out in a second, but it’s not a lot. Multishot and Moulinet are the two skills I can think of off the top of my head.

[quote=“Neeku, post:30, topic:47053, full:true”]
Am I missing something with Blessing(Priest) because it seems kinda weak. +170 damage for 18 hits (Lv15+Attributes) feels like it would scale horribly later on. I guess Sacrament looks the same as well if you ignore the Holy element change.
[/quote]One Blessing procs on every “tic” of the attack that consumed it.
Basic attack + Sacrament proc it twice (probably works the same with Fire Enchant) so it becomes 340 bonus damage at max for 1 Blessing.

Skills with multiple hits (Cure, Heal, Zaibas, Exorcism) consume only 1 Blessing per cast, but applies damage every tic.
Also, if you consume a Blessing to cast Heal, it not only gets the damage bonus, but each tile of Heal will damage enemies twice (hidden interaction!!).

I checked and it should be after.

You have two calculations and this is shown on the tooltip as well.

For example, Zaibas scales with INT and this is shown in the skill damage. Also on the tooltip, you have ‘Attribute Damage x%’ listed, which corresponds to the level of Zaibas: Enhance you have.

It should calculate like so:

Damage of Skill (including scaling) x Attribute Bonus.


  • Using the same stats as the Pastebin examples.
  • Level 10 Zaibas: 261 Damage + 50 INT = 311 Damage per bolt.
  • Zaibas: Enhance Attribute Level 20 = +20% Damage.
  • 311 x 120% = 373 Damage.
  • All final values round down to the nearest whole number.

It’s ultimately unclear in the formula, but this is how it should work.

Wait, are you telling me that there are no Wizard skill that scales with int? O.o
Correct me if i’m wrong

I think he’s saying that some skills get even more benefits out of stat on top of the base attack + p/m.atk from your stat.

That’s pretty much what I mean.

All attack skills which are [Physical] will be boosted by P.ATK and all skills which are [Magic] will be boosted by M.ATK.

If you want to know where I get this [Physical] and [Magic] from, look here.

[size=9]This is an earlier version of Heal.[/size]

All skills should mention if they’re Physical or Magical.

But some skills also get a bonus from the stat value itself.

For example, Zaibas increases directly with your INT stat value.

Because it’s a [Magic] skill, you will also have an increase in damage from your M.Atk stat.

INT does increase M.Atk, but for Zaibas, it’s like having a double bonus. You’ll get an increase in the damage of Zaibas directly from INT, as well as a bonus from M.Atk that is given by INT.

There’s a distinction from a skill ‘scaling with INT’ and a skill being affected by the bonuses from INT.

In the case of all current Wizard skills (except Summon Salamion, Summon Shoggoth and Summoning), none of them include INT in the damage calculation, but will all be boosted by M.Atk, which is a byproduct of raising INT.

Does that make sense?

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I see what you mean. That’s a better explanation :smiley: Thank you very much!!
Do you have any info about the 10% more INT for each Rank? I read something about it in the last few patches.