Tree of Savior Forum

Skill Simulator Beta

You can read the values on for now, taxing to automate the extraction though.

I finally added one of the most requested features: You are able to delete your old builds now! :smiley:
(Well technically they will only be marked as deleted and then deleted later, but you won’t see them in build lists anymore)

This was part of a bigger updated I had planned for some time but that got postponed because of the recent changes in the Rank-Up System.
I reworked both the My Builds and Public Builds lists. They now show the icons of all selected classes so it should be easier for you to see builds you are interested in. I also added the option to search for a class so if you want to look for Chronomancer builds you can do this now:

If you are more interested in the newer builds you can now change to order of builds from Views to Date and you will always see the newest builds on top. I’m aware that the current default order by views kinda features outdated builds and I already have plans to work on it :smile:

To reduce the length of the page the builds are now split into different pages. Currently 15 builds are shown per page.

Do you think that’s ok or would you rather see more / less builds per page? Let me know what you think about these changes in general :smile:


15 seems fine to me, I know your adding some form of a sorting feature instead of views, will it be something similar to “likes”, that way it’s easier to determine popular builds/used builds.

Yes I’m planning to add likes soon. They will probably replace views a short time after as default sorting (once there are a few likes). I also have ideas to add more sorting criteria that will feature newer builds (like build of the day / week / month) that will determine which builds have been the most popular within the last X days but it’s too early to say how exactly this will work :smile:

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Recently some new skills got added to the game so you might want to check the simulator again if you haven’t already. The Skill Simulaotr is now based on todays patch.

Recently added skills:

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I added the changes of today’s patch:

Added Flame Ground (Pyromancer Circle 1)

Added Frost Cloud (Elementalist Circle 3)

Removed Call of Deities (Oracle)

Changes during the last days:

Added Skills:

Barbarian C1

Barbarian C1

Barbarian C2

Scout C3

I also still working on adding more detail values. Psychokino, Linker and Hunter values have been added recently.

thanks for the links! :smiley:

Ok, time for a little update. I’m still working on the detailed skill values for all skills. I really hope that I’ll by able to finish all skills before the iCBT starts. All classes up to rank 3 should be done. If you noticed a skill / class that I missed please tell me :smile:

You might notice that some values are not 100% as they are ingame. This is because some skills scale with Stats etc. I’ll add information about those special scalings once all skills are done.

I also didn’t forget about other features that were mentioned (likes, comments, …) but those will have to wait until I finished these values.

New skills have been added to the game today and are now available in the Skill Simulator:

Elementalist C2:

Hoplite C2:

Centurion C1:

Lol Special Force Formation … what are we the Power Rangers? But at least we’re getting new skills to try out :smiley:

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I finished adding all values and also added the stat scaling so everything you need to know should now be available in the Skill Simulator. If you notice a value that I missed ("[?]") please let me know so I can add it.

Some skills like look a bit too complicated now with the additional scaling information to I’ll have to check if I can improve it ^^


I’m so glad you actually put the formula in there. It would be extremely cool if you go integrate it with the stat calculator as well!

Well I only added the exact formula for values that need it as there are character specific unfluences like stats though I think it’s not really needed for other skills as those usually have just a linear scaling based of their start value.

About the stats. I do have plans to have some overall calculation include stats, skills and attributes but right now I’m focussing on getting each on it’s own done :smile:

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Ok, I updated the Skill Simulator and Attribute Database. Both are now based on the October 12th game client (just like the skills are). I did some preparations and should be able to update the attributes on patch day from now on as I’m already doing with the skills.

I know that there are still some attribute icons missing but that’s one of the next things I’m going to work on so hopefully we will have all icons, soon :smile:


I added the Fencer class. For this I enabled Rank 7 (it’s now usable for all classes). Please keep in mind that Rank 7 isn’t currently available and probably won’t be in iCBT2!
Even though Fencer might get added as Rank 6 class for now I’m pretty sure that it’s supposed to be a Rank 7 class so I decided to put it in Rank 7. But maybe you disagree with me?

Here is how it currently loos like:

Some icons are still missing. I think they will be added to the client soon and the I will add them to the Skill Simulator :smile:


totally bookmarking your site… thanks for your hard work =D

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I updated all Skills and Abilities based on the most recent patch. I also added many missing ability icons.

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Ok I have added a few features that were on my todo list for quite a long time:

You can now like builds of others. The like count will be displayed in the public builds list. You are also able to sort the public builds by likes instead of views. Sorting by likes will be the default sorting in the future!
We might add some extras like recently liked builds in the future but for now it’s the overall amount. Please note that even if you unlike a build and relike it again your original like date will be saved in the database so you won’t be able to push your recent likes this way when we implement it :wink:

You can also comment builds now :smile: If you want to look for heavily discussed builds you can sort public builds by comments as well.

A little text will now easily show you if the build you watch it public or private (not listed in the public builds list).

If you want to look for a special type of build like Tank you can now search the public builds list for names.

I hope you like the new features. There are still some planned changes for the Skill Simulator like design changes / adding Circle information during simulation mode etc.

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