Tree of Savior Forum

Skill Resets, how should they be implimented?

Messing up a build path can be really annoying, especially when it gets to end game.

Do you guys think Skill Resets should be paid with in-game money, real money, skill reset every job advancement, or something else? Please explain your reasoning.


mmm I Hope it’s like quest more than easy thing to do

but a quest with just long time to do not difficult monsters and items

if it’s in-game money i think it should be little expensive and if it’s real money than really cheap buy :thumbsup:

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I am actually not a fan of being able to reset your character build, being able to reset is being able to skip the whole game for another build, you will get faster bored and actually the journey is the destination so yeah, I remember my days of wrong skilled builds (in other mmorpgs like ro) , which were not perfect but special enough as you could still use them for different things.

So imho, no possibility , specially not with real money.

the only way i could maybe see something is, making it smiliar to diablo 3 but still i rather like the progression, than being able to change the character very fast.


My (rough) opinion

With iCoin = Cheap, but limited to once per character per week. (unless you buy a premium thing or something)
With Silver = Long quest line that costs a decent amount of Silver with a limit of once per character per fortnight.


IMC wants money and if the in-game reset is too easy no one would pay for the convenience of a reset.


I want options, but (paying>freebie), as long as paying doesn’t restrict the freebie side.


I’m not a big fan of resets either. but since there are so many possibilities that branches off. i feel like what they should do is allow you to have a chance to play and test out all of the possible advancements before making a decision on which path you want to permanently take.

But a complete reset on skill would be going overboard for example. there shouldn’t be reason to go from rank 6 to like rank 3. that’s what multiple character slots are for.

Not a fan of resets myself, especially paid ones, but I share the concern of @yangxinwei119
Plus, imagine balancing changing skills so drastically it suddenly makes your character totally gimped.

They could make it free, but limit the number of times you are allowed to do that on a single character so people don’t hop builds unnecessarily. Or, limit how often you can change builds to 2x a month or something.

OR, limit how many skill points you can redistribute in a set time frame, say 10 skill points per day. This would lead to gradual transition between builds to allow for gimped char recovery but also prevent build hopping from say, full support <-> PvP at the same time.


As of right now, it’s in the game and it costs 100NXP.

I feel like having an expensive in-game payment, of which scales with rank, as well as a paid method would work best.

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One skill reset when you hit max level sounds fair enough, or maybe just a hefty gold fee depending on what level you are . But its a F2P game so its probably going to cost money :neutral_face:

My personal preference is with iCoin (cash). Not too cheap.
Mid level priced so that the practice really isn’t encouraged. :hatching_chick:

the biggest problem I see with skill reset (or stat reset), is the same as I had in rose, till you had your first job. all people just skilled/stated to level up as fast as possible and later on they changed it to a more fitting to their wish, so in the end people could push fast a really difficult build up and then play on. it is just destroying the reason why devs made a build the way it is somehow. :confounded:

Skill resets are A-OK but full class resets are not. In my opinion, you should get a free skill reset every patch and they should also be purchasable from the cash shop. Basically the PSO2 method.

I see where you are coming from, I understand that and also agree with reset allow with patching

:smile: Yep. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my build trashed by class changes in MMO’s without any way to swap. Giving out free resets in big patches mitigates people complaining about buffs and nerfs somewhat. Win-win for players and IMC.

I would like the system where you can recover from A FEW mistakes.
But not abuse it.

With that, I think we should get 2 or 3 free reset, then after that, we have to work for it.

I don’t see anything wrong with being able to reset at will. And about “abusing” of it, I really don’t see which kind of “abuse” is that.

I will be able to experiment builds and really, have a punishing no-reset system that makes me trash my character I worked on months, because I put a point in the wrong place because a misclick, is something of the past I don’t really need and don’t want.

Not to mention, game balances and things alike may break your build anytime.

Last thing is, what really others have to complain if I reset my own build? What did other people lose if I do that? Plain nothing. So, no reason to make it hard to do or limited.

Free resetting without limit just makes build specialization a completely watered down aspect since anyone can change it at will. Resets without some sort of limit or cost means that individual players lose their value as they can be replaced by others who just reset for the same builds. I don’t know about how it’ll be for ToS, but different builds were better for farming different areas in RO, if anyone can do everything at all time then there’s no point in having it to begin with.


Your “value” is watered down anyway, because new people without any personal taste or any clue, will just copy and paste the “winning” build of the moment. Being able to change instead, will makes you experiment things.

Have to create a new character and level it to the cap again, because I want a different build or I done a mistake on placing a point, is nonsense and too much punishing.

I know your feeling, I (and, most likely, you too) farmed months for ONE point of armor, but really, the missing skill reset is one of the things in old RO that were too much hardcore.

lol, if specialization matters for farming different areas and preforming certain roles then there is no overall “winning” build. Certainly there will be copy-paste builds within the same area, like frequently during PvP or at a certain area, but that just demonstrates this. Experimenting things is good, but you can already read up on the functions by the time of the full release. If you’re talking about just the beta then it’s worth taking into consideration since resets won’t have too much of an impact.

If you want a different build then you should be making another character, since you’re essentially play a different one if it’s major enough for you to so badly need a reset. I understand that minor things can change that affect your entire build, but that’s only a reason why resets need to be present to begin with, not a reason for them to be accessible without limitation/cost. Making a mistake in your build is certainly possible, but having confirmation windows when upgrading your stats should be enough to fix that unless the player themself is not paying attention while doing so.

Lacking any possibility of skill reset is a bad thing since the game progresses and things change, but there’s no reason for them to be as widely accessible as you seem to be putting it.

I agree with a hard way to get it in game coin and a cheap one with real money. I remenber when i had to deal with a bad build for a class only to get other advantagens with another. It was hard to up level and as i see, many of the players wants a harder game.