Tree of Savior Forum

Skill Resets, how should they be implimented?

So similar to the Orb of Regret in Path of Exile, I see…

Really glad for the discussion guys. I was really skeptical about the idea of skill resets since I’ve never truly experienced them in an MMO. I really like that the community cares about the ‘experience’ of the game, but then the idea still bothers me that if you messed up at all you won’t be able to progress in the game.

Min/Maxing stats is also a problem without some kind of stat reset system, but again one could use a skill simulator and go off of that. I’m just going to say that experience is the whole point, and if your not experiencing the game and just following guides, then your doing something wrong.

Skill point resets I can understand, but I think class changes are out of the question. Class changes ruin individuality and lets everyone do everything, so it goes from being “you’re not X, so we don’t need you in the party” to “you’re not maxed out on everything, so we don’t need you in the party”.

I’ve never been fans of MMOs that let you class change, even on the fly, unless there’s some sort of limit to the skills you can use. Dream of Mirror Online did it interestingly where you can pick and choose skill sets from classes and put them onto the base class in order to make your own class, basically. ArcheAge did it too with the triple class system, but… it’s ArcheAge. :frowning:

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[quote=“and_rea, post:16, topic:8978, full:true”]
I don’t see anything wrong with being able to reset at will. And about “abusing” of it, I really don’t see which kind of “abuse” is that.[/quote]Start with a leveling build, then switch to a full support build is abuse in my eyes. It also kills your character’s individuality - you are equally suited for anything, at least stat/skill wise. Any possible situation is one skill reset away, I’m with @MeteorD on this.

Well, any decent system should let you distribute points then confirm if you like the final result before applying it permanently. As for experimenting with builds, I do get what you mean, but you can do that with skill simulators (once they mature a bit). I remember seeing sophisticated RO skill simulators that could even give you DPS against any enemy.

Besides, the leveling pace is so much faster than it was in the olden days (something that I personally find regrettable, but eh, I know I’m a minority)

[quote]Not to mention, game balances and things alike may break your build anytime.[/quote]That 's why it has been suggested to give free resets after bigger balancing changes.

Stats/skills reset would be nice, some kind of class reset that is quite time consuming and you would have to do the classes quests to unlock them would be nice too, I don’t really want to have to make 4-5 Swordman to try out the different builds I would like to play.