Tree of Savior Forum

General kCBT3 Changes - Summary

Amazing <3 … We might get new classes in CBT2!

All Fencer icons added, check them here.

Also added are Fencer’s outfit item icons, check them here. Fencer is still listed as Rank 7 in the files.

‘Prepartion’ in the patch files was a typo on IMC’s part and has been adjusted to ‘Preparation’.


Can u post the outfit icon there too? It would bee interesting to see it…

I’ll do so shortly, but I’m currently making a list of what their skills do right now so bear with me. I’ll edit the above post with the outfit icons so stay tuned. :sweat_smile:

<3 No worries keep the good work

Here is the current information of Fencer’s skills.

Reminder that all final values floor, so they round down to the nearest whole number.

Attaque Composee : [Physical] - [Pierce]

Surge forward with your Rapier, dealing damage. 36 SP cost.
Level 1: 242.12 Damage, +x% Attribute Damage.
(+41.22 damage per level, +4.2 SP cost per level.)
Spammable skill; 0 CD and no overheat.

Lunge : [Physical] - [Pierce]

Thrust with your Rapier, lunging at the enemy. Evasion increases, and become less vulnerable to Slash damage (?). 30 SP Cost.
Level 1: 312.32 Damage, +x% Attribute Damage. +(10 x Skill Level)% Evasion for 4 Seconds.
(+69.23 damage per level, +3.2 SP cost per level. Buff duration constant.)
14 second cooldown, no overheat.

Sept Etoiles : [Physical] - [Pierce]

Continously stab the enemy. 42 SP Cost.
Level 1: 132.23 Damage, +x% Attribute Damage.
(+28.37 damage per level, +5.9 SP cost per level.)
29 second cooldown, no overheat.

Attaque Coquile: [Physical] - [Strike]

Attack the enemy using the Rapier guard. For a duration of time, enemy Pierce resistance is ignored. 39 SP Cost.
Level 1: 751.2 damage, +x% Attribute Damage. Debuff lasts for (4 + Skill Level) seconds.
(+159.23 damage per level, +4.1 SP cost per level, +1 second to debuff duration per level.)
8 second cooldown.

Esquive Toucher : [Physical] - [Pierce]

A complex attack which avoids enemy attacks whilst quickly moving forward, continuously attacking between dodges. 43 SP cost.
Level 1: 213.12 damage, +x% Attribute Damage. Evasion increases by (10 x Skill Level)%.
(+32.54 damage per level, +4.9 SP cost per level.)
30 second cooldown.
No values are listed for damage yet.

Preparation : ??? skill. (Most likely a fixed stance, like Cross Guard.)

Move your Rapier in small circular motions, ready to parry and counter-attack. The next Pierce attack after this skill hits twice. 46 SP Cost.
Level 1: Max Duration (3 + Skill Level) seconds, Block increases by (50 + Skill Level x 5)% for 15 seconds.
(+6.2 SP Cost per level, +1 second to max duration per level.)
35 second cooldown, no overheat.

Flanconnade : [Physical] - [Slash]

A complex Rapier move, which attacks from low heights by thrusting upwards. 42 SP cost.
Level 1: 320.23 damage, +x% Attribute Damage.
(+62.12 damage per level, +5.2 SP cost per level.)
Spammable skill; 0 CD and no overheat.

Currently, all of the skills have no stance requirements listed either, but this could be changed.


I’m a bit disappointed that there won’t be rank 7 for a while…and it will be a lot of time if they put in the new classes 1 by 1. X)

They most likely want to test the classes out as they finish them, ready for balancing and play testing. Fencer has been getting a lot of work done on it for a while, and it’s finally time to test it.

Cannoneer has also had a lot of work, same with Shinobi.

Maybe we can expect these two later as well? :smile:

look at cooldowns lol
others with 0 seconds (spam skill)…8 seconds… :hushed:

I’m wondering if the ‘8000’ for Skill Cooldown data is missing a zero. All skill cooldown data are in milliseconds, so 8 seconds seems to be right… :disappointed_relieved:

Shinobi, Cannooneer and Fencer has a lot of skill updates… So those classes might be ready for testing and remember that patch updates is everyday… So they might add those classes soon. Yeah I bet some of these new classes might be unbalanced… So testing them is important.

39 sp cost for lvl 1…well balanced :smiley:

I hope it won’t be 1 class/week at least… …that would be like 2 months of class testing…for r7 classes… but yeah maybe we get those other 2 in a week too and they start to prepare others that left.

Fencer looks like what it should be btw…a fast attacking piercing class. :smiley:

They have been working on these classes for long time so they might add them soon as possible…

It will be OP at first like the rest and after the players exposed its AWESOMENESS, the nerf will hit it hard

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How is that bad thing xD?

Welp, looks like there’s no longer a need to go Hoplite with my build…

Seems like my kind of class!

are rapiers 1h sword weapons with pierce instead?

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Latest patch (14th of Oct) has changed skill cooldowns for quite a few skills and modified some skill effects, check out the raw patch notes here.

Cooldowns reduced for the following skills below. The times in brackets are the new cooldowns of the skills.

  • Doppelsoldner: Cyclone (45sec)
  • Pyromancer: Flare (30sec)
  • Cryomancer: Ice Blast (30sec), Subzero Shield (15sec)
  • Psychokino: Raise (60sec), Gravity Pole (45sec), Magnetic Force (40sec)
  • Necromancer: Gather Corpse (10sec)
  • Quarrel Shooter: Deploy Pavise (35sec), Running Shot (30sec)
  • Sapper: Broom Trap (60sec), Collar Bomb (45sec), Stake Stockades (35sec)
  • Rogue: Lachrymator (60sec)
  • Fletcher: Cross Fire (35sec)
  • Schwarzer Reiter: Concentrated Fire (30sec), Caracol (35sec), Retreat Shot (40 sec)
  • Oracle: Change (60sec), Counter Spell (90sec)

Changes to Highlander’s ‘Vertical Slash’, Doppelsoeldner’s ‘Mordschalgg’, Oracle’s ‘Change’ and Paladin’s ‘Resist Elements’.
Check the changes out in the skill summary, here.
(Elementalist’s Meteor was also adjusted but it’s a damage increase.)

Change to the Overheat System:

  • If a skill has overheat (two or three charges before cooldown), it will regain the charges back quicker.
  • For example, Bash has two uses before cooldown. If you use Bash once then wait 6 seconds, it will regain the charge. If you use Bash twice, it will go on a 6 second cooldown.
  • Skills regain their charge at the same time as their cooldown (i.e. Corsair’s Dust Devil has a 20 second CD, regains a charge in 20 seconds.)
  • If a skill’s cooldown has been adjusted by an attribute, the overheat charge regain time is not affected. All skills have a regain time equal to their original cooldown.

New skills listed for Doppelsoeldner:

  • Zornhau
  • Redel
  • Zucken

No icons, skill descriptions or skill data listed other than this.

Fencer’s ‘Esquive Toucher’ now has damage values:
Level 1: 213.12 damage. (+32.54 damage per level.)
This has been adjusted in the list above. Also, Fencer is not in just yet.