Tree of Savior Forum

[Silute] First Clear - Earth Tower 20/F



New exploit is awesome


What am I feeling?? Second run?? INCOMING!!

Done :smiley:

Twice in a row

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Hydrarium? Cool. Try without using refine/weapon/etc bug next time.


What upgrade level is your gear? Just wondering.

Congratulations great job! Ignore the noobs who are jealous of cheaters. They are in the tower never came, and do not know how many there are bugs that prevent it.

I’m waiting for the video, when the upload is done post it here as well.

19 out of 22 posts from this guy are defending bug abusers. That tells a lot.

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I thought it was sarcasm. “Ignore the noobs who are jealous of cheaters” is outright saying hydrarium are cheaters for examples

Ain’t that a red weapon behind the archer?
They are from Hydrarium?



no one posts in defense. And how can you protect the already banned players? =) What nonsense are you writing?

just what makes sense to me to be a part of the flock and write another message that cheats is bad. I just told her about the circumstances of this and the real situation. The game is full of bugs. Ban two people will not change anything. This is not the occasion justice , is the recognition of incompetence on the part of developers and the stupidity of the players that their mistakes and all the shortcomings of the mechanics of the game were dragged by the cheaters. I constantly crashes the game. And the rogues and druids. I’m at the second attempt to send messages to the chat, the auction is slow, the skills are not pressed, only recently earned the texture bought for TP cap. Can be called a cheater anyone in this witch hunt. But it was better that it never happened, right?) I use the Google translator because my bad English) who don’t like don’t read)

Posting in behalf of Adventurer/Myz

Congratulations to you all!

Now we have the first guys who finished 20F.

Sadly there are rumors in Silute you guys are exploiters. :tired_face:

Now show off your gears. :slight_smile:

It’s on the video, i’m surprised >.>

Doing 20f is not an easy task with the gear he is using on the video, gj guys.

Alright white knight.

Thank you for your defense.

What? I’m not defending anyone. I’m just saying it’s on the video.
Lol, people on these forums overeact for anything.

If you don’t play in Silute you have no idea who they are.

You’re too naive.

He never goes to the upper part of his inventory,which can be full of exploited stuff,it’s not hard to ekip a legit set just for the last floor.

It can also be argued that they made “legit gear” with silver obtained illegally, it’s a very common practice on real world fraud.