Tree of Savior Forum

[Silute] First Clear - Earth Tower 20/F

learn game mechanics noob and gear you don’t need. All time Sterea Trofh & Ausrine for Melstis.

Acusing with no actual proof is a common practice IRL as well.
I want to hate and shtpost, but I need proof before that.

I’m from Silute :slight_smile: And I know them, they used the linker bug versus my guild, but guess what, I’m a linker as well, that bug is IMC fault.

Next ones who’ll be in defense for them?

Alright Hydrarium member, tell me about it!

What else do you have to state about game mechanics?

Sterea Trofh & Ausrine for Melstis give you immortale very long time. Chrono give you reset cooldown skills. = profit. Understand?

Why would you bother, check this guy, this is the scum we have arround here in silute.

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That SR is using a +15 (or above) Isbality, pretty dope.

lol this guild is famous across all servers…in a bad way, that IS some kind of skill O_o

You can use itens in hide slots guys … this videos = nothing

Congrats on ET 20F clear. Seems like a 2 cleric team will be really good for ET clearing hmm… krivis3 (cleric1) and diev3 (cleric2) as prerequisites.