Tree of Savior Forum

Show your artwork! ...plz?

This one here was featured on my Louvre Exposition as the Magnum Opus of my achievements, You can se how the color purple really accents Sir Potato-Body-Sensei.


I drew these when I was in high school :sweat_smile:


I love the color you use! You are very good. :grin:

That is really funny!

Did you use markers or ink? They look really nice. :heart_eyes:

I want to post some more art!

Here are a few more!

^ I named the creature cottonwood :grin:

^ This is a plant creature that has no name atm. I draw this in class (I was boredā€¦)

^ This ones not finished (like the rest of my artwork :laughing: ), but its also a plant creature with no nameā€¦


They are creatures which should be creepy, but are actually kinda cuteā€¦ Like ā€œwhat if Tim Burton did cuteā€ xD itā€™s cool and original though~


i realy like the way you drawn nature related things , itā€™s awesome :heart_eyes:

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Great topic!

Congratz everyone, amazing pictures
Iā€™m rustedā€¦ I draw/sketch not anymore -.-"

Thank you my friend!!!

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Whoa iā€™m glad to see there are so many great artists in the community, i hope to be able to commish some of you in the future :x.

hehehe thank you. .

your creature is funny too :smiley:

here is another


Youā€™re right. I shud be more confident in myself. :sweat_smile:


I was actually going for creepy/cute styleā€¦guess it works! I also try to make them odd and strange (maybe because Iā€™m odd and strange myself :laughing:). Hmm, I suck at people names. :sweat: I know! I will Google! :grin:


Thank you vale! That really helps! :blush:


Show us your artwork you did when you were still drawing! :smile:


*pats head, your welcome! :smile:


What is commish? :stuck_out_tongue:


I love how you made big and small dots as leaves. And the shade of color on the clothes :heart_eyes:. How long have you colored your artwork?


Dam straight! *pardon my languageā€¦ :sweat_smile:

This thread is so kewl now. There are so many talents out there.

Love those plant creatures, remind me about Ori and the blind forest xD

Iā€™m a big fan of monster/creature as well because I love summoner (that is why there are always have at least one creature stick close to my characters.). I even have a big folder in my PC that save lot of creature images from other artists.

Sorcerer FTW <3


They say art is infinite.

Is Ori a game or a movie? Iā€™m not sure if it is or not. I keep picturing a game with a big creature in it and a little boy.

Creatures help a game come to life. Ever since I played Pokemon, I started to draw creatures (I got blue version). The weird part was that I would give them skills and stats to show how strong they were compared to the other ones. I would pictured how they fight. I too have a huge collection of artwork from artists. If I get in the mood again to draw, I want to draw hair or clothes next. I also have another drawing addiction other than creatures, but thatā€™s more personal. :flushed:

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Iā€™ll try to find some more if you guys want to see :relaxed:


I was waiting for other people to post more of their artwork, so I donā€™t take over the thread. :laughing:

My parents arenā€™t as cool as your. They are busy with their works for living, but I love them.

Iā€™m glad that you like ori, you should check its soundtrack too.

Well it is time to focus to our main topic, still waiting for @Himself and others post more :smile:

Have you ever had your dad or mom tell you that you said a Pokemon name when you were sleeping? My dad said I kept saying alakazam in my sleep. :laughing:

Wow, Ori has beautiful trees and I love the beginning of the story. Iā€™m glad there is a game like this because we make to many shooter games here. :pensive:

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Thatā€™d be something like: I give you ā€œXā€ in exchange for a drawing :x I remember some artists in other mmos worked with ingame currency in exchange for drawings but not everyone is up for that xD after all everyone draws for fun :3.

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Eh, they loved me when I was younger. Not good parents at all really. Iā€™m glad I moved away. :laughing: I actually was about to go look at the music on youtube. :grin: I said that I was waiting for others to post, but he didnā€™t respond yet. :disappointed: Then I liked his comment, but still no respond. :worried:


Wait! What is this ā€œXā€ that we are talking about? :frowning: Well, I draw when I get in the mood (whenever that is). :octopus:

Uh that ā€œxā€ normally is ingame currency or items that are up to the artist to decide, iā€™ve seen some do it for real money too but well i guess itā€™s up to the artist to choose whatever they want p-p".