Tree of Savior Forum

Shouldn't the Ceremonial hats be on medals shop?

Basically the title, the costumes are already there and also the hats that go with other costumes that are on the medals shop already.

Could you add the ceremonial hats to the shop please?


back then they don’t include the headgears Owo

though i would appreciate if they will reconsider it as well
i do love to have more for my cap collection owO

then again the rarity of it may dwindle if it’s easily accessed as such Owo;;

Not only those hats, but the first Christmas’ Costumes, first Hanbok Costumes and their hats. There’s no reason for not putting them on Medal Exchange. Most part of the are not even beautiful (Wizard and Archer Christmas costumes looks very ugly, imo at least).


Any answer about it would very much appreciated guys. Thank you very much.

Hello Everyone!

We’ll make sure to forward your concern to the proper department. We will notify you if there is update regarding the matter. Thank You! :blush: