Tree of Savior Forum

Should Blessing from Spell Shops scale to the buyer?

Greetings all.

I played ToS during iCBT 2 and only got back to it like a month ago, so I am still getting info on all the changes the games has been through since then.

One thing that I have been thinking is about the 2k+ blessing that in you can get from Pardoners right from the early game.

First, I want to ask you guys how much does Blessing scale off towards the late game after the recent patches? Does it become just part of your overall damage (like 20% or less)? I ask you guys this because I am still like in the level 160 maps, and up to this point blessing adds so much to the damage that I ask myself if it really is necessary this much. I even made a priest using my own blessing to compare and see the damage progression.

That got me thinking that if blessing was somehow scale to the rank of the buyer in relation to the seller, maybe it would be reasonable. For example, if a rank 8 pardoner sells +2000 dmg blessing and I buy it with my rank 1 character, I would get 1/8 of the buff damage (250), if the buyer is rank 2 then 2/8 of the buff dmg (500) and so on. Together with sacrament second hit, I think the damage from auto-attacks and skills would be enough to kill mobs fast but not too high to the point of outshining the damage from your early game weapons.

I want to read your opinion. Would like a way to scale down the buff dmg to the buyer? Or is it better the way it is right now (which is good for leveling up fast on the early game) ?

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Interesting idea. I agree, it feels kinda funny that a level 1 character can buy a buff that can easily make them able to kill mobs 50 to 100 levels higher than them with np. Specifically wizards since their attacks never miss.

But personally, i wouldn’t implement this into the game at this point. It’s been like this for too long that to give it this kinda change would just make ppl mad. However, if it was inplemented I personally wouldn’t care.

And they recently nerfed it so buffs like prana and the like won’t affect pardoner buffs so they aren’t as effective anymore. The buffs fall off from early game ofc but they remain great throughout rank 8, especially with builds that have so many milti hits

Let me see if I got this straight, you want to know our opinion about a skill that help players advance at a good pace, specially new players that are starting to level their team level and have slower progress than players that are over Team Lv 30+ (I started to notice the speed up at around this level)?

When blessing was scaling off of the buyer SPR, I as many others thought it was the wrong thing, why you ask?

  • Blessing is a limited buff, despite having more than 1 hour duration.
  • After it fade off, you are with 2 options in hands:
    1Âş - Stay with lowered damage and keep progressing at a slower pace till you gear start to break.
    2Âş - Go back, store your gems, silver, important material/recipes, repair, rebuff and continue your progress at a fast pace.

Also, take into consideration that the pricing was low, because the buff was bad designed to begin with, with the new changes, the shops could even increase the price and it would still be totally worth for it’s usefulness.


Once i tought the same thing that you (About blessing scaling with level/rank) but as it is right now, i really don’t mind it that much. Being honest bless is the only profitable buff from pardoners since asper scales pretty bad (as it is now) and sacrament its just used for the extra line of damage, and both have very long durations thus making blessing the only one that goes away in a blink of an eye. I just wish we could sell “increase magic defense” buffs as well, so then pardoner 3 would be more viable just because of that.

Now talking 100% about balance, blessing scaling on level and rank would be the best since 2k feel to be too low if we think in future content and more than that would be an overkill in early level areas, however if the execution its not what we expect this could hurt pardoners really bad.

There are a bunch of buffs that could be sold, just need to increase the cost of material to cast them hence increasing the cost on the shop, I really wouldn’t mind that tbh.

It’s not like it will make you immortal, and of course, these buffs should fade off in PvP situations to make it fair.

Same thing for Enchanter’s scroll selling.

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Thank you guys for the replies.

Some points I did not think about them before, so it was good.

I must agree that the buff was not well design from the begining. I think one of the main reason is due the way content is added to the game when new ranks are realeased, increasing the level cap and so on. When blessing was design, it probably it was not take in consideration those aspects, so the skill might go through changes in the future when more content arrives.