Tree of Savior Forum

Short Sorcerer gameplay video

I will be making a general over view of the Sorcerer class later but here is a short gameplay video of my Sorcerer in action. :smile:

This class is realllyyy cool. Summoned my first demon and other Koreans were clapping with their emote hahaha.

Was trying to go full support build (hence the low damage) but it didnt went so well as Thaumaturge is kinda underpowered. Will make another separate overview on Thaumaturge as well. :smile:


Nice video. I thought having your summon up continuously drained SP. But doesn’t seems so now.

Also, are you planning to get Rank 6? WILL YOU GO FOR NECROMANCER AND DO SOME VIDEOS YES?

Yes summons will continually drain your SP but it can be bypass with Morph. :slight_smile: I will show that on a video later.

Can’t make it on time for rank 6 unfortunately as I will be away for the weekend. :confused:

Oh I see, do you think it is a bug the thing with Morph?

Ohhh… I want to take a look at Necromancer… there is no one playing high level Wizards on Twitch. TAT

It might be a bug. But to be honest; I think they should make the summon consume no mana at all.The summons are fine as it is now and having SP decrease every second is just brutal.

The necromancer doesn’t seem like a complicated class though. Saw a few in dungeons; respectable damage and a summon with them.

Yeah, but I was wondering how it would differ from Sorcerer in damage, duration/cooldown, usability (Sorc can mount xD), stuff like this.

If Flesh Cannon can be canceled prematurely if attacked while shooting. If that body parts shield gain duration with levels or just damage…

This kind of thing. :C

AH I didint know that Sorcerer summoner can cast skills. Also I saw one summmon that can make u walk very fast… it what Cerberus if I remember rigght… Thank u for the video…

Pretty cool video bro, just the class i wanted to see. Keep it up!

If want to know in detail a bit. :slight_smile:

Says the link doesn’t exist or is private. :C

Oh damn, i tried to open it in another tab and got the error, but now I see it’s a link for this very page…

@Satoru ops is this [Summary] Sorcerer Class General Overview . :slight_smile: but you probably already seen it already. :slight_smile:

Actually I didn’t, thx!

Going to ready~