Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer Shadow Adaptation Training Question

So I discovered something interesting today. Apparently, the more times you do the quest, the higher the movespeed cap it gives you.

When I first started doing the quest (when it was first implemented), there was a hard cap of 30 - no matter what buffs I used it never went higher then that. As I kept going though, I noticed my movespeed was going up (to 31, then 32, etc). I figured it was just buggy, where some of my movespeed buffs were sometimes working and sometimes not.

But as I finished my 60th attempt today, I noticed an interesting difference. Even when I had no movespeed buffs on except token (meaning my base movespeed was 33), when I started the quest my movespeed would jump up to 35.

Anyways, just an interesting tidbit for your information. It seems like its designed to get easier the more you try, so if you are getting frustrated with the quest just keep at it. You will get faster and faster as you keep trying, no buffs required.

Regarding this, I find that if you go into the quest mounted, you keep all your buffs and stuff. The moment you dismount or if any buffs run out, the rest of the buffs are nullified too, regardless of remaining time.

But you probably knew that already xD

I actually don’t have a mount that my Shadowmancer can use, so I didn’t know that! Pretty tempting to shell out for one now…

where u see the points? oO

Whenever you bring a shadow back to the center, a chat bubble pops up over the device telling you how many points you have. You probably have to enable chat bubbles over player’s heads in your settings to see it.

thanks fer de feedbak gaiz OwOb

i guess ill jas fael dis kwest ovur an ovur (as sumwan sez eet gets easier overtiem) untille dei rework on it ‘w’ den il use dem speed buffs by then OwO

I found a tactic to get all the costumes easier.

You need a squire to set up camp near the training area and a rune caster with level 5 rune of giant.

Get the rune caster to use rune of giant near the camp and step on it while riding your companion (companion isn’t necessary, but nice to have). The giant buff will last 7mins+, which will give you a movement speed buff that is long enough for the entire minigame.

The faster speed will not let you run much faster than the chasers, but because your character is faster, you will be able to collect shadows and run around the map a lot faster --> easier to get points. With this tactic, I was able to get enough points for the Winter Night accessory whereas without it, I always was a few points away from enough points (or something stupid happened like Chaser spawned on top of me or server lagged).


i wishe i habbe dows keinds of frenz ; w ;

yes i du knu dat u nid tu be faster tu kolek faster rathur dan as an means tu avoid dem chaesurs ; w ;

tho i am kounting on dat “easier the more tiems tu try” mekaniks TwilightsCall pointed outte as well

It does not really get easier the more times you try. You should try shouting world chat, that’s what I did to find a rune caster.

aw muche sadd eef eets nut going tu be easier ; w ;

oh well, i guess il jas wait fer de new mekaniks then ‘w’

sorry for going off topic but i cant bear it anymore! please write in proper english word, like you always do last year, mr 炫。

Thank you


last yr? ‘w’? ive been typing leik dis evursince tho ‘w’;;;;;

but i du okaeshunully typ nermully, prolly wen im being formal or u kaught mi inna badd mood or sumthin leik dat ‘w’;;;

how to make you bad mood, sire? please teach us

eet harde tu eksplein ‘w’;;; jas dunne be nais tu mi yet i habbe tu replai tu dem i guess? since i’d usually ignore peeps hu are nut nais ‘w’;;;

your way of writing remind me with this char Picture60

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Ok… So I’ve been reading around the forum about these new classes costumes, and people are getting frustrated by the quests.

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being easily done blindfolded, 10 being impossible, what number would you rate the quest?

@myself what is that pink dog?!

that is poshul from chrono cross, 1999 psx game

i raet eet 7 i guess? ‘w’?

depending on your set up, it’s a 3 if you can setup a 40+ movement speed, a 9 if you can’t. The only reason it’s not a 1 with 40 ms is because there are inevitable lag spike, desynced cube and cube spawning right on top of you which makes this quest hard.

Desynced cube is much more problematic if you don’t know it…it’s when you see that “weird slow moving” cube and a few seconds later, it zooms in on you going to it’s real position.

de cubes spawning in front of u maeks eet nearly imposibel since ders hardli an ruum fer mistaeks an dis occurs 2-3x per try