Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer project build, we have time before the game comes, unless I rob a granny

With what the current available classes:

  • 7 Red Icon (Offensive-oriented) classes

Wizard (1st rank)
Pyromancer (2nd rank)
Psychokino (3rd rank)
Elementalist (4th rank)
Rune Caster (6th rank hidden class)
Warlock and Featherfoot (7th rank)

  • 1 Blue Icon (Defensive-oriented) class

Cryomancer (2nd rank)

  • 3 Green Icon (Supportive-oriented) classes

Linker (3rd rank)
Thaumaturge (4th rank)
Chronomancer (5th rank)

  • 3 Yellow Icon (Utility-oriented) classes

Sorcerer (5th rank)
Necromancer and Alchemist (6th rank)

Compared to spreads across the other 3 classes:

(in red, blue, green, yellow order)
Swordsman: 9, 2, 2,1
Archer: 8, 1, 3, 1
Cleric: 4, 1, 7, 2

Wizards show promise in having more support and utility class circles (maybe 1 more defensive class circle) if the developers are going for a well-rounded route for each of the 4 base class paths. Thereā€™d be 6 new jobs from 8-10 not including hidden classes. Well, those are just thoughts.

While not directly stating it, Ice Rodā€™s and Auraā€™s description implies the Cryomancer is responsible/credited for the sale of the recipes, which to me implies he created them himself. Thus I wouldnā€™t take the descriptions as proof, even though Iā€™d love Sages to have some crafting potential.

I think those sort of items refer to generic Sages or Cryos from the gameā€™s history.

About the classes distribution:

Wizards are supposed to be the magic DPS, while cleric the magic support, but right now, on classes distribution we most likely have the physical classes as DPS and the magic ones as supports.

I think archer and wizard will end up with a very close number of offensive choices, since thatā€™s what theyā€™re supposed to be about.

While ā€œpureā€ tanks arenā€™t encouraged by the regular game mechanics, I believe swordies will get a high ranked ā€œblueā€ class to top off all the Peltastas that have nowehere to go with their builds.

With that mindset, I believe Pyros and Cryos will get a similar treatment.

I have mixed feelings about this, but something like the Elementalists attributes that require ranks in Pyro/Cryo. On one hand it gives value to ā€œobsoleteā€ ranks, but on the other hand, REALLY!? Requires 2 ranks of a completely diferent class?? lol

I also thought about this, but in addition to that, I feel like itā€™d be an enhancement of those classes. It could be like choosing either cryo or pyro will be imbued with dark/light property (purifying fire / dark ice or cursing fire / pure ice.) Iā€™m pretty much speculating interactions, but the possibility the game presents with this idea can be possible.

I donā€™t think Shadowmancer will be a type of summoner, as other ā€œmancersā€ just use pure element power. I guess ā€œmancersā€ are some kind of ā€˜bendersā€™ (from the Avatar Cartoon), so I believe that the Shadowmancer will be more related to Warlock than Sorcerer.

Enchanter sounds like a full support class that will improve partyā€™s damage/status/buffs and has some cool debuffs.

I relate Mimic to Psychokino (even their costumes looks similar. Kinda gipsy-ish), so I guess it will be focused on CC.

I was reading about the concept of real life Onmyouji/Onmyodo and it is associated with the control of the five elements (also you can think about the concept of Omni that means ā€œAllā€), so I relate this class to Elementalist.

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i really hope youā€™re right, Iā€™m going full dark wiz and really hope shadowmancer is some sort of Dark DPS to use with Warlock. Best outfit in-game.

I also think onmyouji might be related to multiple elements. That would make everyoneā€™s choice on rank 7 for Wiz 3 > Ele 3 bad as Warlock 1 doesnā€™t provide much without linker. My opinion is that Rune Caster would be a much better filler rank for those aiming at higher with elementalists.

That female Sageā€™s dress almost makes me want to sexchange my character :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe Mimic could have something similar to the Rogueā€™s plagiarism skill from RO? Could be fun.

That is actually the thing I believe the most. Mimic will either be able to copy someoneā€™s skill (maybe some X rank and lower ranks, not sure about how deep in circles) or reflect them or something like that, imagine the skills Invisible Mirror. Ghost Box to protect the player, it would be so cool.

I agree that taoist priest will have some light(holy) property attacks + maybe even heals (at least self heal to not steal clerics their work xP) - due to this (depending on the skills) it may be more viable option for wiz3/ele3 pve build than warlock, since most mobs have dark property (unless they will introduce a lot of holy property monsters late game).

Tos Neet entered the rank 8 classes names already.
How do they know what classes has been chosen ?!

They added sage and mimic for us wizzard ! Then is that sure that we wont get enchanter, shadowmancer or even omyonji next tank ?

Am I missing some underground rank 8 information lately ?


Personaly I donā€™t think we will get another DPS or summoner class that soon, rank 5 and 6 had summoners and rank 7 had 2 good DPS classes, those will probably only come back by rank 9.

Not sure where they got that info, if someone finds out about it it would be some cool info.


  • Enchanter
  • Sage

Yeah now we know about 2 new classes for rank 8, but I donā€™t care!!! I really wanna know about necro3 , warlock 2 and FF 2 :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Yeah me too. Hoping to know more about necro 3 before I choose what path to take if Dark Wizard or Necro 3.

Someone saids necro 3 will have mage skelly and archer skelly. Mmm having 15 Skellies seems like to much. I would love a new powerfull summon like sorcerer, something as Skelletal Dragon that is usefull, and big and scales with level and Int.

Not much optimistic with necro3 after knowing how bad is sorc3ā€¦

Warlock 2 gets black hole :pray:

Just so some peole know, there are many Sorc 2+ doing ET with pro skills on managing summon cooldowns and skills allied to a Chronomancer.

Each Morph and each summoning resets all 3 skills, considering 1 pass you can do 3 rides per minute, thatā€™s 3 rapid shots per minute.

any news about sage / enchanter skills?

After A few months that this thread was a hype.

Shadowmancer was the hype, but then it died; now it will continue to be left, alone, drifting along the deep blue sea oceans.