Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer Build Help

I’m currently Wiz>Pyro>Link>Thaum3>Sorc>Shadow2 but I’m planning on resetting. I’m thinking of ultimately ditching the 3rd circle of Thaum and either going Link2 or Sorc 2? What do you guys think? I’ll mostly be farming HG with this char but I don’t mind being useful in a party. Feel free to list your own shadowmancer build suggestions.

Mine is:

I farm with no issue in HG.

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Yeah I’ve definitely considered ditching Sorc for Link2 as I don’t feel like you can get that much out of Sorc1 unless you have an amazing card. I’m curious if the trade-off for the Swell Brain MATK increase is worth increasing the summon dmg with Sorc2, but ultimately I wouldn’t mind having Link2 like in your build. So i’m ultimately either sacrificing Sorc1 or Thaum3.

I have the EXACT SAME build as you. From my experience, if you are mostly just farming HG, I’d say get rid of Sorc1 and get Link2. The summons are sometimes too strong that as soon as you link mobs, your summon kills them before you can use swell body or even hangman’s knot…

But if you are dedicated to farming HG, I’d imagine featherfoot is better (self heal, saves on potion), but I have no experience so I cannot say.

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Link2 is far way better than Sorc1.

Link 10 mobs, Swell 10 mobs, do Shadow Conjuration, then 2 Shadow Thorn: profit.
Sorc1 is good only for Summon Familiar, the Summon can break your link before your combo.

Instead of Shadowmancer, like gexmnlin13 said, you can option for Featherfoot. But with Featherfoot you have to be more fast to kill mobs because you need to use Hangman’s Knot debuff for killing without problem.

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o.O am I supposed to put 4 points in Summon Familiar?! Uh oh… All this time I thought the skill is not worth it in Sorcerer C1 full SPR, so I maxed Summon Salamion instead XD

Sorc1’s summon can tank some aggro for you, and do some sustained DPS, so your solo play is less “lonely”. That’s what I prefer about Sorc1. (plus shadowmancer is weak against flying type…)

Skill point in Sorc1 are: Summoning 5, Summon Servant 5, Summon Salamion 1, Summon Familiar 4.

Sorry I wanted to write Summon Servant (the cat XD ), I exchange in my mind Summon Servant with Familiar xD
Let me correct:

Summon Servant (the cat).

In my point of view, is useless to take a lot of aggro if you can’t link and kill them all.

Hi there!
Would you mind sharing your stat and skill distribution?

Researching new build for my chrono.

hey guys id like to know what build u would think of beeing better after wizard rebalance

  1. W1Psy3Ele3Shadow2
    iam not sure if the lack of surspell would be compensate by psycho3 in combination with 3 gazing golem cards or not.
    Or if it would be even better to skip the grouping and cc from psycho and add the knockdown/back immunity trough RC.
    Any opinions or points i missed?

This build is impossible, since Kino is a rank 3 class

This works fine, but you will probably have a bad time with SP usage without building any SPR

I agree with Terry46 that wiz2-psycho2-elem3-shadow2 is the best out of the 3.

Wiz2 has surespell for the elem skills. Psycho2’s heavy gravity is greatly appreciated because shadowmancer is somewhat weak to flying mobs. If SP wasn’t such an issue to shadowmancer I’d definitely go with this build, full INT. But unforetunately I would not play any shadowmancer that is not SPR build, thus the need for thauma…

Wiz-pyro-psycho2-elem3-shadow2 has good synergy too btw. Fireball with psychic pressure, flame ground with meteor. Lack of surespell is irritating though, keep that in mind.


this is the build and I’m full SPR.
Shadowmancer use a lot of mana and Thauma buffs takes SPR.

yeah thats what i thought too, heavy gravity + shadow sounds nice - at least on paper.
I currently play as a W2Cryo3RC1Psy1Shadow2 with 200 spirit and iam fine with sp usage.
On top i have a priest3 plague3 premade so i have not to worry about heal and buffs xD
Did anyone of u got any information about stone curse after rebalance? could be good combo with meteor…

Psycho1 doesnt have heavy gravity though, keep that in mind.

Personally I like to be full build, meaning either full SPR or full INT. I assume yours is an INT-SPR hybrid build. That is good, deals good damage and no SP problem, but the thought of losing 200 potential points in INT kinda turns me down. Full SPR is to boost thauma and sorc.

that and heavy gravity are the reasons why iam planning for dropping cryo for psy2.
It wont be a meta build ofc but i hope it will be as fun as the one i have right now xD

Thank you!
Can’t wait to test it once reset hit iTOS (I hope we will get reset event).

Does anyone of u have experience with shadow hallucination ? i know that u wont get knockdown/back and wont be interrupted while its up but would attacks hitting the clone proc gazing golem card effect - getting lvl 1 pain barrier to extend its usefulness?
And if so, which lvl of shadow hallucination would u recomend.

My goal was to build a W2Psy2Ele3Shadow2
I think the why should be self explaining.

The more i think about this build the more i think about the lack of combination with Psy2 aka Psychic pressure.

so i thought of other combinations like
W2Cryo2Psy2RC1Shadow2 should work like my current build(W2Cryo3Psy1RC1Shadow2)
or trying to just change W2 to 1 and add Pyro1.
That would look like W1Pyro1Psy2Ele3Shadow2 to get access to pyrokino combo.

i hope u guys can help me with this not so easy decision :confused:.

Psychic Pressure will get interrupted.

even with shadow clone?

Ah! perfect timing…

I too was thinking of making a shadowmancer when returning to the game, but am not sure what to fill my build with…

I want a cold blooded shadowmancer >>>> something with Cryomancer and FeatherFoot on it :3