Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer Build Help

since frostpillar was changed you may go W2Cryo2Psy2FF1Shadow2?

despite changes for cryo frost pillar :'D

i’m still pushing with my current build.

wiz1 > cryo3 > sorc2 > warlock1> ench 1> shadow1

will probably reduce my lvl 9 ice wall to level 4 (since it’s rare to have other players making use of my clumped ice wall for dmg) and get snow rolling 10 for crowd control

this build may not be a good dps or support. but i had a lot of fun for it’s versatility without having leaving a skill being useless

wiz 1

quake 1 -stun skill

sleep 4 -stun skill, a follow up after quake

lethargy 5 -general debuff use

magic shield -general defense use

cryo 3

snowrolling 10 - crowd control, but explodes after

frost pillar 5 - will test how this will work while rolling on enemies

ice wall 4 - tactical barrier for defense scenarios, useful for object destruction

ice pike 15 - new mechanics 100% freeze success sounds nice, will test dmg

ice bolt1 - ranged freeze for runners

subzero shield 10 - primary defense use with damage reflect


summon servant 5 -buffs

summoning 10 - additional mob target 1

salamion 1 - additonal mob target 2

summon familiar 10 - nice auto attack skill, sometime it also explode all at once at point blank


Pole of agony 5 - dps i guess?, used to be mob killer when combined with frost pillar, but i guss manual mobbing suing the summon is ok

Mastema 3 -additional aoe, plus debuff

dark surge 5 -offensive defense

evil sacrifice 1 - control spirit balls (nice for them botters too)

invocation 1 - extra spirit balls

Enchanter (you may change into somthing else, it’s because i like ice and lightning)

enchant lightning 5 - dmg buff

enchant armor 2 - mdef enchantment 24 hrs

craft spellbook 5 - copy pole of agony to cast 2 lvl 5 poles at once

empowering 3 - is used for scenarios having long setup time, the temporary sp boost + my fast sp regen build can pool up and cast all my initializing spells without spending actual sp)


shadow thorn 5 - dps i guess?

shadow conjuration 5 - aoe i guess?

hallucination 3 - anti knok back spell casting buff

shadow poll 2 - 5 sec invincibility, new patch had casting time also invincible as well

got another question for u -
which build would u recomend more.
W1Pyro2Ele3RC1Shadow2 or
W2Psy2Ele3Shadow2 ?

Hey whenever you have a moment, What Stat are you focusing on? I N T or S P R?