Tree of Savior Forum

[Server Overcapacity] Please IMC, compensate players accordingly

It can’t be. Many people are trying to spam enter for hours in every channel and I’ve never seen a bot trying to enter the dungeon. I’ve monitored forest of prayers for hours cuz it was pissing me off so much and never seen bots personally.


I’ve never seen nor heard the word “asinine” used so accurately and effectively until now.

IMC, wake up! This aspect of the game (dungeons) that people with limited time to play can utilize as an alternative to not significantly lag behind the majority in terms of level and silver is broken.

Stop ignoring the f*cking elephant in the room.

// From SEA-Telsiai

I haven’t even done dungeon rushes in like… 3 days because I just don’t have the time to stand there spamming space forever on at least 3 different chars.

IMC pls.

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Definitely support in your cause @Veritas. This has been a running issue for Telsiai and Verena for weeks.

@IMC if you want to know whether it is the influx of bots farming 130dg like what others have claimed, I humbly suggest you remove all the silver increases of the lower level dungeons. If within a few days the dungeon instance exceed problem cleared up, then yes you have a bot doing DG problem.

missed out on 2 days of dungeons now because of this, my token is getting wasted, not happy.

They don’t work on weekends.

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Solid post and sadly a good example of how much the game is struggling on all fronts, from new players, to those working on their way to max to end game players like yourself and PvPers. It’s a shame since obviously many of us out there really enjoy playing the game, but these sorts of things make you really question how much of a future there is in it.

If anything, it would be nice for IMC to be communicative about on-going issues. They really need to have some sort of presence on the forums to give an indication that “hey, we’re listening!”

On yea, the Q&A is a joke if not a slap in the face, really? The bunny boy question? Oh yea, you hear so many people on the forum clamoring for more TP costumes, that’s what everyone is worried about.

Upon checking your post there is no gm or staff that have read the post. Sorry mate, you have been IMC- ed.

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @moderators Everyone would appreciate any input from you about this (except robot responses, please).

private servers anyone? if there are p-servers, i’m pretty sure anybody can probably do a better job than imc.

#1 Priority they should do.

Should’ve’ done that from the start.

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I can also add than yesterday, I was stuck for 7/10 moves during one match. That means I had to use the skill twice so it can be used which is a real problem.
@Seiryuu had to PvP with 2 fps… Not going to make more comment on this. Unplayable.

So we have PvP problem on Fedimian server for unknown reason. (Btw, the ranking is not working since the update of the 26/07:

And PvE problem on Klaipeda/Orsha server with the “server capacity problem”.

Might as well have both problems on both servers…(<-Yes, being a little salty here)

On a side note, while Klaipeda/Orsha’s problem concerning dungeon instance is more than problematic, the animation freeze problem from Fedimian is starting to become a big problem too.

I mean @Veritas couldn’t enter ET instance, and, like he said, it lasts around 1 hour per run. This bug can cost him a run or both of them. As for us, we can enter it but we have more chance failing it. An Elem/Lock stuck while casting Frost cloud or some other spells, a Diev stuck while carving silence or EVEN placing heals (Yes, it happened to me. Stuck twice in a row for two set of heal tiles -.-) or a Pelt stuck after trying to use Swash buckling can make us fail some of the floors.

(It wasn’t really a side note after all…)

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Please buy Dungeon Reset Scroll pack for only 70TP! That’s what IMC want!


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One of the key fundamentals of an MMO is the basic functionality of quests and dungeons are available for its player base to do.

Now for ToS

  • Party bug (discourages parties)
  • Quest Npcs not showing or delayed over minutes (discourages questing)
  • Dungeon exceed bug (discourage any form of pre-made parties for dg/missions/saalus… even entering our guild hangout is a huge feat in itself now)
  • Skill animation stuck (annoying feature that adds more frustration to the above)

It is getting increasingly harder to even play this game. Many of us just want to log in in our limited playtime, get some quests/dungeons done with our friends. Even that is being denied with the annoying bugs and instance exceeds.

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Max @hkkim

Can anyone from IMC just break the silence and say something to us about these issues? It is already very disappointing and demoralizing to keep facing these when playing the game, and it is made worse when the game company didn’t even talk or highlight about it at all.


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