Tree of Savior Forum

Server for Latin America Hispanic Community

realmente quisiera un server mas cerca , si , aun mas cerca , en chile no estaria mal ya que la mayor comunidad está acá en chile , se los agradeceria mucho n.n

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Sería genial, ya que el lag es brutal! D:

Es una buena idea, no solo por la comunidad sino también para reducir
el lag :3

esperemos que tomen en cuenta esto para el bien de todos :smiley: :smiley:

sip 1+ 20 characters

Apoyo la mocion, quizas no se haga, pero nada se pierde intentandolo :3

La verdad sería genial para nosotros los latinos un servidor especial y mas cercano, ya que nuestro lag es descomunal :confused: mucho de nosotros estamos dispuestos a pagar los packs founder’s mas caros, pero sin embargo muchos dudan si sera una buena inversión por el lag que podemos tener.

seria hermoso :slight_smile: para poder jugar correctamente sin lag :smiley:

Ojala tomen en consideración en poner el SV, en una ubicación externa a Brasil, ya que se sabe que la infraestructura de Brasil esta saturada, y eso hace que muchas ISP tengas saturadas sus conexiones a cualquier lugar de Brasil, lo países que dejo como candidato para un SV ubicado fuera de brasil son México y Chile, ya que son las que tienen mejores conexiones internacionales actualmente.


Ojala nos tomen en cuenta

+1 Sería genial, ojalá logremos algo

It would be really nice.

Sería genial.

Chile need this server :smiley:

I agree with the proposal!

De acuerdo con la protesta!

As a brazilian, I support your idea. However they should block it from us (br’s) for two reasons: first, if using AWS it would be located in Brazil. Second, we probably won’t have a founder’s br server (a mistake in my opinion, but can’t do anything about).

Honestly, I hope you get it, it’s fair and I asked for it before.

tal ves sea una buena idea pero no es seguro eso de momento ni cuaando abriran el server. , realente latinoamerica no afecta tanto el ping hasta la costa este (a comparacion de otros como hungaros, alemanes rusos que estan esperando su apertura) si no el servicio que muchas companias latinas dan y es mala. almenos yo eh testeado el 2CBT y solo tenia 100pings perdidos, jugaba bien sin problemas. mas en cambio debemos ver que tan bien sera este servidor

Sería muy bueno que hicieran un servidor latino y mas cerca para evitar tanto lag, +1 a tu propuesta, ojalá la tomen en cuenta.

Despite all the problems and errors we’re experiencing on Sillute (which I hope IMC is gonna fix them soon), we’re happy to have our own server and we thank IMC for that.

However, I must point some considerations:

As a brazilian I must recognize that the spanish speakers in latin america deserve their on server (it could be based on Chile, for example).

In latin america:
298,095,592 people speaks spanish -> 59.29% of total.
194,577,408 people speaks portuguese -> 38.70% of total.

That’s quite a difference to put everybody in the same server and I feel that’s troublesome many times. Altough both languages are somewhat similar, natively we can’t understand each other (unless we take some classes or study each other languages).

For you from IMC to understand this topic a little bit, it was the same as putting Korean and Japanese people on the same server based on one of these countries.

So maybe it’d be good, in case of releasing another Latin America server, to separate the servers by languages (portuguese speakers and spanish speakers).

This is a suggestion I think that would make everyone happy.

As I say on other posts, we all know that SA needs a separate server, but manifest it on this post:

We need the answers from everyone.

What annoys me the most, and i might “offend” some people here, is that IMC is not priorizing pay users, putting them in the same queues with free users… It’s really frustrating having to wait for hours to play, like seriously… I’ve paid for this, you guys are supposed to be a “serious” company, and you’ll have to compensate all the time we’ve lost trying to JOIN the game some us (me, and a few friends) paid for.

As said above by some users, and first off im not trying to discriminate in any case… Brazilians have always had their “own” community and they’re pretty much a bubble… A bubble you won’t burst any soon, as they try to be as hermetic as possible complaining/reporting you as a bot when you don’t speak their language (has happened to me before, lol).

Being that said, I strongly recommend you consider setting up a server in Chile, and not only because I live here, because it’s safe to say we have the best server facilities at least here in Latin America South… Not sure if it’s a good thing to compare, but take League of Legends as an example, servers are hosted here in Chile, and there aren’t many problems or issues with vecinities (Argentina, Peru,Bolivia, etc).

Im aware you guys have recently started with this game/proyect, but if you expect to gain more players and have an ever bigger community, you’ll have to expand and invest in a better server eventually, or you’ll just keep losing players.

I don’t expect a response, but im hoping any of the staff members read this, thanks in advance though.