Tree of Savior Forum

Seems afk farm was resolved on kTos

If you don’t have time to make silver then you don’t have time for the game. its as simple as that. Also would like to call bullshit on needing afk farming to “catch up”. I quit this game 3 months ago, came back recently made a new char and got to 317. Guess what? No need to afk farm I farmed every piece of my equipment and bought my token with the silver I made questing.


[quote=“digitalmonsters2001, post:140, topic:349696, full:true”]
The best bet is to find the sweet spot of silver gain compared to active farming.

A 10 minute run in 290 rush gives you 300k silver for example.
A 60 minute afk farm gives 100k silver.[/quote]

Thats bad example because AFK farming shouldnt get any silver in the 1st place. People playing the game should get rewarded. Those people not playing the game shouldnt get any because it is unfair to those playing the game. Its a simple commonsense.



As I said earlier I already am playing the game. The afk necro is extra. It’s like a little fun activity for me as well. And players having fun means players more willing to help the game they have fun at means I will more likely to buy TPs and such since I am having a blast with the game.

Again the question is what is the “fair” price silver gain of afk necros. A class you deliberately create to be not as strong as the other classes and mostly used for afk farming silver generation. Like pardoners. Like squires. Like Alchemists. Isn’t that neat? And please don’t try to even debunk that necromancers are bad at end game. Hint: They are; kind of like a crafting class really.


Hopefully Sadhu’s get buffed since they have no alternate niche on what they are good at compared to necros that are good at afking so it’s ok that necros not be buffed too much… And they are well thought out explanations of what I am thinking. They are honest. From the heart and thought out thoroughly. Please engage a proper discourse with me rather than throwing insults.


Except that version of fun is really discouraged in most MMOs. It is like bringing a horde of monsters to another player then hide away and let the monsters kill the player is technically legit within the game means… some players do it and it is their version of fun in game, but it doesn’t mean it is a socially acceptable “version of fun”.

We technically can do lots of things in RL because we can, but we don’t cuz those things are discouraged and not accepted within society’s norms. If we do them, we get shunned and punished for it. It is the same for games, especially in games where it involves other players and a community.

A MMO trades a player’s time investment for goods in game. Have you thought of how would others feel when they spend much effort to put in more time into the game just to farm more and get ahead while some just place their avatar there and reap rewards while doing other things in RL?

I do agree to this though. Making maps that is good for afk farming have open world pvp enabled is a good start. Want good resources then it will be great to have to contest for it too.


Fair = 0 silver, for several reasons:

  1. Solo gameplay incentive: None.
  2. Effort: None.
  3. Team gameplay incentive: None.
  4. Economy impact: Really bad, market inflation, overall average silver gain higher than average silver gain of non-AFK farming.
  5. Fun: “Open GvG war on Dina Bee”, “Players killing/pushing each other” aren’t fun aspects of the game, they’re results of the community itself reacting to how bad AFK farming system is.
  6. Variety: Only Necromancers can “farm AFK”, other classes can’t, on all other dailies and farmings spots you can use multiple classes for farming with variable levels of efficiency which is affected even by how one plays or the gears the player have.
  7. Content / Player retention: Bad. Incentives one to not play the game but sit AFK while doing something else. Eventually you get players “the only thing I do in TOS is AFK farming, I have nothing else to do”.
  8. Content / Player skill / Learning: Bad. Doesn’t incentives any innovation or adaptation. Even in the current system there are different ways to make silver which can be explored or require player skill/effort in gearing.
  9. Content / Silver generation / Silver sink: Different than shop classes that requires silver to be generated elsewhere and are bound by the 30% tax system and as well requires player interaction, AFK farming can generate unlimited amount of silver for multiple players in somewhat low time frame without any limitation.
  10. Content / Items value / Effort: The infinite silver generation by AFK farming, even if it takes a long time, have a negative impact on how items should cost, let’s take for example Lolopanther gears. One needs to do daily runs with a full team to obtain. By AFK farming one just need a few days to acquire the amount which those items costs on market transactions.

Yes, there are a lot of designs and things that this game should do better, one doesn’t negate the other nor justify another. AFK farming makes playing to farm resources close to pointless which hurts the game economy, the player base and even the future of the game.


We may never see eye to eye on some topics but this was well written.


I was going to write something but this says it all. Honestly just copy paste this anywhere someone defends afk farming. :smile:

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The only game I know of that actually legitimately has an afk farm system is BDO.
Workers can farm mats for you and your character can afk fish. And all you need to do is come back every 5-8 hours, empty pockets, craft some beer and then go back fishing.



so, is it here yet?

regardless the objective behind the nerf,
how many players will be imc’ed n quit?
how many new players will this nerf attract in?

i still waiting to play mmorpg tos 20k average pop.

wake me up when that happens



I once did for like a week and then the game was shut down by Aeria games after a year. Ayyyyy~

Some for sure.

probably none, they need to make other changes to attract more players, this change in particular is necessary for keeping them when that time comes (which might never happen tho…)


must be hard to be mr kim

i can imagine mr kim crying in his new ferrari…

huesob huesob huesob



The real reason for the debate: Jealousy.

Fair = 0 silver, for several reasons:


1.Solo gameplay incentive: None.

How did you assume this? .-.

  1. Effort: None.

You are babbling here and now because you are lazy, otherwise you would lvl up one for you. Them you would need to spend at least 10m so that your summons wont die in a hour.

  1. Team gameplay incentive: None.

Ppl dont afk all day long you know. You are always start your argumentation by assuming this lies, just like politicians.

  1. Economy impact: Really bad, market inflation, overall average silver gain higher than average silver gain of non-AFK farming.

Once more… What part of active gameplay giving 10x more silver then afk you did not understand?

  1. Fun: “Open GvG war on Dina Bee”, “Players killing/pushing each other” aren’t fun aspects of the game, they’re results of the community itself reacting to how bad AFK farming system is.

Is this really a argument for you to use? Cause I thought it was piece of cake to afk farm. Btw, unless you lie when you say you don’t afk farm, this is not of your business, right?

  1. Variety: Only Necromancers can “farm AFK”, other classes can’t, on all other dailies and farmings spots you can use multiple classes for farming with variable levels of efficiency which is affected even by how one plays or the gears the player have.

Legally, yes. But the wl botters ( the real source of problem!) dont give a SH%$#T about it. :smiley: You say " variable levels of efficiency", well, I like how you recognize it. A necro sucks at endgame content, so what? What is it? It can’t heal, link or haste too… It starts getting hard to do the endgame content or find a pt when you are a necro… So what? Lets nerf everybody ? ha ha ha

  1. Content / Player retention: Bad. Incentives one to not play the game but sit AFK while doing something else. Eventually you get players “the only thing I do in TOS is AFK farming, I have nothing else to do”.

The possibility to get equipped and go pvp is the thing. How many times we need to say it? If there was cash equipment, there would be no problem here, but there is not. You lot monopolize and you sell an item for 30m: Or ppl get silver or they don’t play. What do you want? Have no competition on pvp so that you can win 100% times? This is so boring.

  1. Content / Player skill / Learning: Bad. Doesn’t incentives any innovation or adaptation. Even in the current system there are different ways to make silver which can be explored or require player skill/effort in gearing.

“Doesn’t incentives any innovation or adaptation.” HOW COME YOU SAY IT?! Afk necros are an adaptation already.
“Even in the current system there are different ways to make silver which can be explored” Ha ha ha ha I know what you lot did with that Prac boxes. Nice way of “exploring”, congratz.

  1. Content / Silver generation / Silver sink: Different than shop classes that requires silver to be generated elsewhere and are bound by the 30% tax system and as well requires player interaction, AFK farming can generate unlimited amount of silver for multiple players in somewhat low time frame without any limitation.

Shards,materials, rushing… There are so many ways of “generating infinite amounts of silver”, this argument is just idiotic. >Somewhat low time? jjajajajaja make me laugh

  1. Content / Items value / Effort: The infinite silver generation by AFK farming, even if it takes a long time, have a negative impact on how items should cost, let’s take for example Lolopanther gears. One needs to do daily runs with a full team to obtain. By AFK farming one just need a few days to acquire the amount which those items costs on market transactions.

" even if it takes a long time" Ahaaaa! So you were really lying on purpose.
Wait, at the end of this wall I’m start to think it is just a joke, or ironic, are you playing with us? ha ha ha ha aha ha ah aha
"The infinite silver generation by AFK farming" I like to repeat that right? How about the others “Infinite silver generation” methods? Oh I forget how tendentious you are.Mr Politician. This same “full team” you used to form your lie can farm 10x more silver in the same time compared to an afk farmer…

Really ppl, it is laughable how you like to repeat the same dumb argument 10x in different ways. And in the end is just all about jealousy, typical of humans.

Why don’t you make a F%$#%$cking necro already and stop with the babbling?

Copy and past your hero now… Oh I forgot, you wont right? At least not the answer. Politicians everywhere. :smiley:

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Hmmm. Rage and defend AFK farming 'cuz you work hard for your character to reach necro

Rage and defend that AFK farming is bad and should be abolished.

Rage and defend that there’s more ways to earn silver than afk all the way.

Rage and defend that AFK Farming is the way you want to play ToS.

Rage and defend that players should not AFK farming and stop posting counter-opinions with big words that still goes full circle.

Eh, I’ll just go full HUE

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on second thought, how many of these calling to ban/nerf AFK farm gonna stay with tos

but i do think those who abuse AFK farm (so called Pro-afk-farm faction)
these are the player that gonna stay

not saying afk farm is good, im just saying afk farm can keep more players.

12months after afk-farm, its already infused as a feature.



Also 12 months after botting is considered a feature now :wink:


Like I said, this will go on full circle no matter how you describe your defense, and how I or others describe their opinions. As this thread / subject is one of many threads that goes on and on and only started from 1 simple opinion of 1 user.

This is what you call a perfect shitstorm. You are one of many who is triggered by this and will probably go fire at anyone or anything that shuns your opinion or a means to make yourself feel smarter than anyone else in this thread.

“Big words”, “Wall of Texts”, “Hues” and whatnot are all part that makes people bite the bait.