Tree of Savior Forum

Seems afk farm was resolved on kTos

I find that it is one of the best solutions to solve the afk farming issue, apart from redoing the sorcerer and necromancer classes.

There are many examples in other games which uses mechanics to discourage players from doing things, such as the World of Warcraft’s quicken fatigue when a player swims too far out of the map, or in fighting games damage dealt drops significantly as a player hits too many hits in succession (combos). All these are ways in which the game developers do to direct the player to react or play the game in which the devs want them to.

Similarly in ToS’s patch, the developers use the way of lesser to no spawns to direct the players to farm in a way in which the devs want them to… i.e. not to stand still and farm at 1 location for an excessive amount of time. It just happens that it also solves the afk farming issue lol.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but in order… At most they will redo Necro and Sorc with different numerical values for SP decay and Summon durations…
Swimming in wow is due to players being in non “allowed” areas… fighting games is true that they have diminishing dmg as you chan more combo, but it doesnt stop ppl TO ACTUALLY INFINITE YOU TO OBLIVION IN TOURNAMENTS PLAYING FOR REAL MONEY… What am saying is that it was intended some sort of AFK farming, specially with Necro, by de devs… specially in the FG it takes a considerable amount of conditions to get the infinite, and in TOS case it takes a considerable amount of leveling to reach that point…

I insist that this “no mob will spawn near you after some time” is something that is already in iTOS in mi opinion, and kinda can prove it in a few maps, basically just go to any map and kill all the mobs in your screen, then repeat it for 1-2 small waves and then there shouldnt be more spawn near you UNLESS some1 else is killing in another part of the map that shares the same spawn group as the one you are killing(confusing but i tried to be the most simple i could)… Also still waiting for the guy that told me that its diff in kTOS, so i will hold mi theory until prove it wrong…

Also, this in no way fixes the AFK farming, it only hurts the honest necro farmers that are afk without any other program helping them(be it macro or bot), cos if you go to either DP2 or Dina AFK Farm, you will see that at least 2/3 are using some kind of extra program to “optimize” their farm… and with this changes, it will only mean that those ppl will change to more running warlocks that ACTUALLY hog a whole area of spawns instead of a necro holding a considerable lower area… So either way how IMC rules it, i would hope that it they would stand by their choice and fix/change things accordingly…

cheers and sorry for wall of text T.T

[quote=“pedrolauro, post:88, topic:349696, full:true”]
Like we don’t have 2 or 3 scoutsAlts farming shards,portium, rushing dungeons…[/quote]
Right, and that’s actively playing the game, which is a good thing. Afk farming and thus gaining stuff without playing for it on the other hand is not.

“Not having time to go afk”? That doesn’t make sense.

Aren’t afk farmers the greedy ones for wanting to get money without playing the game?

About monopolizing :
Yea, sure, people do that. But there are tons of other opportunities to make money which can’t be monopolized^… running dungeons, farming materials, collecting shards, actively farming monsters, etc.
And if there was no one afk-farming or silverbotting then people wouldnt put things in the auction house for unreasonable prices because there would be alot less silver in the economy and thus far less inflation. You are part of the problem why people put stuff for unreasonable prices in the auction house in the first place : because permanent free silver generation causes inflation and increaes prices, especially for highlevel items.


Know what would stop the AFK Necro and Sorcs? Stop making bad content which requires you to farm billions of silver and have the low level maps your best source of income farming compared to everything else especially high level maps. Or not make attributes and things cost billions of silver to max since you think it’s a good money and time sink but it’s actually just extremely lazy design.

Then once you do that start banning and ruling with the iron fist of enforcement cleaning up the scourge. But are they going to do that? No, because this company is ran by a bunch of morons and lazy people.


i think you should just stop embarrassing yourself
im pretty sure it wasn’t intended for necro to be an afk botter class
otherwise there should be an offline feature for it like afk shop

you should know the risk of making a class just to afk farm
ktos and jtos server never allowed it from the beginning
i guess IMC just didn’t know how to stop it
or they just are too cheap about hiring GM to clean up the mess

i agree necro class sucks atm
but you already got some good out of it by making this class,
take a look at sadhu?

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I don’t really care about afk farming
But the one afk is the one in queue at night…

The problem here is:
People wanna get equipment to play pvp.
But they don’t have time to spend playing.
If they can afk farm they still playing, cause someday they will get equipped.
If they cant then they leave.
Whats the point playing a game when you never be able to face ppl at pvp?

Is it really hard to get?
The game is dying.
It is not the time to cut the ■■■■ off.

We are doing the same pattern,
A small group of hardcore players monopolize, get ahead
Ppl start recognizing that they have no way of getting in their position
They still don’t have time, so they leave.

You all are just endgame farmers, you buy tokens with silver,
you buy costumes with silver, you buy everything you need with silver cause you can play all day long. That IS p2w, but the currency is time.

A mmo MUST have a place for both casual and hardcore players.
Cause we (TP buyers) wont make it alone.
If they cannot get equipped thru silver farming then turn this free game into
a money2win game. So everybody(?) can buy equipment with money and play.

Do you have a problem with it? I don’t. Cause a can buy with money. Maybe you don’t. And if you don’t think it is funny, remember that now, this is the situation here, but instead of money, we use time.

Play to win only(time):
You have time, they don’t.
You get equipped, they don’t.
They leave.

Pay to win only(money):
They have money, You don’t.
They get OP equipment, you don’t.
You leave.

How it should be:
You have time, I have money
We both get equipped and keep playing.

You all, babbling there, who was farming TP with your guilds this whole time cannot say a world about afk farming.

Let ppl be.
IMC should make that shitty token untradable once and for all.
Lets lee how you guys react.

You can’t monopolize the game without ruining it :smiley:
Especially when you don’t contribute buying what really matter for IMC: TP.
Who cares about your pracs.


lol you really think all scout 3s are actively silver farming 145? I suspect that we keep having the problem of not being able to enter instances in part because silver sellers are botting 145 and other dungeons. humans are lazy and there is less fear and chance of being caught botting an instance dungeon than there is botting on an open field. I imagine many do something like bot chars to 170 ish and then bot the dungeon for all eternity 2 times a day on 4 chars with 5 accounts (add 2 zeros to the 5 for the gold spamer sellers)

well if you are claiming to be a TP buyer and you don’t have time to play this game, then its easy just sell ur TP items and make money

but if you don’t have time or real money why would you want to compete with other hardcore players in pvp?

in mmorpg, pvp is always dominated by ppl who either have alot of time or alot of real money, thats the fact

if you can’t afford either one then why bother compete in pvp, just play your pve, afk farming is not the solution and should not be allowed

Like you guys would sell that oranges for less than ~50kk ha ha ha…

How many tokens would I need to sell for 2kk to buy it? 25? 30 ?
Do you know how much money is 25 tokens in dollars for a single end game item? I have never ever played a game where I would need to spend so much money for only one item. Do you know why the price is so high? Cause we monopolize.

The inflation? You caused it.
Token price? You did controlled it till now.

All this babbling is just because of the changes in gvg reward.
Deal with it.

So what?
Looks good to you? Whatever…
Lets see if this game will still here for much longer.
Nobody will play. I’m already bored anyway.
You are bored too I know.

Tree of Forum.


imo pvp should be normalized so that everyone has the same stats, eq, and attributes so pvping is about skill, teamwork, and comp rather than items and grinding. but that type of system would still require classes to have proper balance or at least contain many different viable counters, checks and balances, ect.

I don’t get why any pvp in a game should have anything in it other than the pure pvp elements of the game unless the makers wanted to force people to have to do other things besides pvping in the game ( besides obvious things such as leveling to cap). but that means making things harder to balance because of systems such as transcendence.


why would you want to have the same orange weapon as those hardcore players?
that is their reward for spending that much time on this game
you don’t really need orange weapon to do any of the end content right now

the inflation was caused by botters and afk farmers, so in that sense u are responsible for it not me

in our server token’s price still pretty stable even with the changes in gvg reward, so…what are you trying to say?

this game will last longer without afk farmers tbh, although this is not the only issue they have to fix, but its a step toward the right direction

im still playing the game, good luck finding an mmorpg where afk farming will make the game better though

Rip my necros you will be dressed up, leveled up to not be deemed useless in saalus and 290 dungeon. May you get to 317 when laziness doesn’t strike.

Sincirely yours

he needs orange weapon to better afk farm!

ok ok… i got it… just remove these skills: Summoning, Raise Dead, Raise Skull Archer, Create Shoggoth and Invocation… there problem solved… am not joking, dead serious, of all those skills only Summoning is useful beside AFK farming, and even then its iffy… Most simple and elegant solution, just remove the things that can make AFK farming possible, only downside is i think Sorc could be heavy hindered without Summoning, Necro and Warlock are fine without them :smiley:

Not me, yet I still strongly disagree with you.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean that terrible systems like afk farming should exist. What is the point of spending time on farming money when you can just get the same without doing anything by afk farming. :confused:
Thing is even casuals should have to work for some things and not get everything handed to them.

Leave sorcerer alone. :cry:

Inflation and prices are primarily dictated by the amount of money on the market. If there were less botters and afk-farmers permanently producing silver en masse prices would stabilize after a while or even go down after the silver sinks removed some money from the market.

[quote]Do you know why the price is so high? Cause we monopolize.
Prices are dictated by, aside from inflation, supply and demand. The reason why people buy items for so much is because some people have the money to afford it.

If a price is too high and nobody buys it then the price will go down sooner or later.

If there was less money in the economy, for example by preventing permanent silver generation by afk farming and botting, then less money would be in the economy, resulting in less people being able to afford overpriced items, resulting in price drops after a while because sellers would want to sell their stuff.

[quote=“pedrolauro, post:109, topic:349696”]
How many tokens would I need to sell for 2kk to buy it? 25? 30 ?Do you know how much money is 25 tokens in dollars for a single end game item?[/quote]
Grind for 10~15 days and you’ll have the money easily. Or go do dungeons and sell your drops. You know, earn it, play the game.
Why do you need the item now, why not earn it by playing for a few days? That way you dont need to rely on afk farming or TP selling.

Pretty much all MMOs i’ve played had some ridiculous item prices after a while. For example I played Aion where prices went up to like 400+ million for some items, RO with its hyper-inflation has some item prices sitting at 20+ billion.
That’s what happens when ingame money generation gets out of control.


I can Confirm this, why? even without a Scout for 145 dungeon, A doppel like me can finish 3 runs in 35-45mins tops with silver gain of 780-900k. Not to mention the unused Dungeon Reset Vouchers from the Veteran’s Pack DLC.

Another profit source is to do Uphill on a daily basis. Grind those Gem Abrasives from both chest reward and PVP Points reward, with 3 or more characters both running the dungeon either leeching or doing the job yourself, you can craft a LVL 7 Gem of any type within 2~3 days and sell it for a profitable 5.5M (-10% Commission) = 4.95M.

Over exceeding 1hr30mins or so is to do Crystal Mine Mission and farm Portium and sell it either for silver or trade it for Blessed Shards. Both will net you around 160~250K Silver, not to mention the sudden Inflation of Portium and Blessed Shards here in Varena.

And lastly the LVL 50 Dungeon rush for your Lowbies or dungeon slaves, each card is worth 70-100k.

Most Silver Sellers / RMT uses AFK-Necro and Sorc Farming too, aside from their Bot armies of course :smile: feel free to look up on google “Tree of Savior Cheap Silver Sellers” and it’ll pop-up . Why I know this? Well, we have google :wink:


They are buying silver from warlock2 to resell


This is wrong information tho, necromancers are making an average of 80m/month. Dungeon 145 * 3 times a day = 1m*30 days = 30m a month.

Also, you entire post talks about doing dailies over dailies to the point it would take around 4-5 hours to finish everything or more.

But, I agree with you, hand-farming does gives more silver than AFK farming. There’s as well other things to sell that gives a lot of silver.

There’s the catch: AFK farming gets no effort at all for consistent amount of silver unrelated to the effort spent to gear your character for AFK farm, you need minimal gears which lowers even more the cost of silver making as AFK compared to farming by yourself.

Also, as far as I know, there are Necros in Klaipeda (such as old Diamond members) who farmed silver with Necros in Dina Bee and are selling their silver (one even posted on some discord servers offering if people wanted to buy), so I also assume that silver sellers/RMT are using Necros as their source too.


30m~40m at max
1,2~1,5m per day (When there is no one with oracle/icewall/gm_troll there)

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