Tree of Savior Forum

See you soon (edited)

i join contest for fun. please dont be serious. and dont forget check out my work at LZero fanpage. not posting daily but i checking it everyday cuz idk how to play deviant lulz XD

goodluck and have fun :satisfaction:

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b4 i gonna submit this but it will look like sarcasm so i give up on it

Title : Anniversary 3 year Happy Tree of Savior Retuening of bot P2W kim box transformation in tofu sv unsable potato ch closing and the missing visual :sparkling_heart:

left top is right is bot army and the rest i guess we all know what is it XD

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:haha: What a cute image love the tree and style

* Looks closer *

:heeey: is that Frieza


actually the second one is kinda funny in a good way, aside from being subtle owO

the first one though 3w3

is that a hanged person O___o;;;;;;;

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nope. i use auto tree brush ez draw tree :distinguished: u both see ntg there


either that or…
