Tree of Savior Forum

Schwarzer Reiter full dex or not

so me and my friend got into an argument the other day about SR going full dex apperently some SR players in klaipeda EU told him to do so and i told him not to and have a healthy mix of around 150 dex + gear dex and con and str can some people here confirm any of this please cuz full dex just doesnt make sense to me

i think that a healthy mix is the way to go


Full dex you got no accuracy… and since your Critical Rate will barely be more than 33%, better not count with lucky to deal damage…
fell free to test for more 2 days…

Isn’t Str 2:1 Dex too much?

300 dex/attack speed cannot be replaced from buffs or upgrade

300 str/damage can easily be replaced by enhanced, transcend, weapon maintenance. As for accuracy, with sissel bracelet you get more bonus if you miss.

Yeah, but isn’t ASPD capped at 180 dex?

Is it capped at 180? Im not sure too, imma just hold C

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Full dex sucks cuz it doesn’t give crit rate. Getting majority crits is very difficult.

It likely is for some. Others with high ping can only get as far as 150 DEX. Some with really good ping could get past 200. It depends on your ping. Full DEX may have worked for kTOS due to how significantly good their ping is. Maybe their reasoning is that the faster you shoot the more likely you’ll crit.

Also, as @wolfdoggie mentioned, high-enough crit rate is hard to get by unless you took Rogue1 and have 8 x lv.10 WW card stack.

I recommend an optimal mix of both DEX and STR for iTOS players (some CON if you PVP).

Exactly. I play in SA so my ping it’s all that good.

What would be an optimal mix?

Run this:

Then the rest of your points can go into STR and a little bit of CON if needed (I took some CON enough to hit 30k HP for PVP purposes).

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And how much CON is that?

40-ish for me. /20charrrrrrrrrrs

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'key. Lots of thanks for the help