Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for November 28, 2017

Click here for the patch notes!

Well well well, how low can you go?

GJ IMC, frankly, all hail money? ;3
Anyway, I’m not sure to be glad to have the new patch when it will come…

well hey, at least the tamer event is kinda fixed. Just a shame that people who exploited it probably got thousands of the piece thingy by now.


what exploit? that the monster killed was an effort of several guild members farming monster energy to boost the team of one member and have everyone benefit from it? There’s no abuse in this method.
This is called teamwork: all work together and benefit in the end.

Also, the issue about monsters being too strong: blame IMC for making the monster energy sellable on the market. If they removed this, the “exploitation” issue would’ve been solved without harming the teamwork aspect of the event.

about the multiple entries with one run: this was already fixed a few days ago, only party members would stay inside the instance while people leaving the party would be kicked out of the instance the moment they leave the party.

How are they expecting the people to have enough monster energy if they drop rarely? Farm for hours and hours just to have level 1000+ monsters?


Monster energy drop rate in higher level maps is too low, no words about it?

@staff can we open a polite discussion about the game with someone from IMC or staff?

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yes I do suppose it’s not against the rules. But now that they fixed it then that means they wanted to prevent this manner of doing the event. Anyway this just stopped carrying, the people who became the designated driver get to solo the event now with no additional responsibilities from the people that helped them farm energy. (outside of a guaranteed clear for a higher level boss)

Just when you thought they couldnt go lower :tired:


Buddy you realize now that no will run this event anymore. The rewards aside the pract weapons are ■■■■, and since that’s permanently gone. This event is all but dead now. its a
a waste of memory space for this awful game.

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The exploit is that one person can summon multiples of his/her own monster in one instance, allowing them to easily beat a level 5,000 boss.

thats right, my whole guild already got their whole teams fully equipped with event gear in the first tamer event :haha: the ones still doing only for the 3x diamond. now we cannot carry no point doing any more. unless you bot nobody will farm energy like a dog :haha:

in here teamplay = exploit/cheat since halloween dungeon incase you didn’t notice.
who cares right? this is a single-player game after all. teaming up with guildmates to do stuffs is just wrong you know.
yall should go be kirito like most of us here and shaddafukup.


What does Pract box do? Is it like the Mystical Cube?

If you think a little bit more creatively, you’d probably figure out why the pract weapons are not the issue and what the issue actually is.

ITT people who actually think 1k+ mobs was intended and not a massive oversight. The monster energy drop rate is fine if you do the event like a normal person and wanted one of the big rewards. You can get 100-200 an hour if you farm HG.

I’m talking about my experience farming monster energy in low level maps vs high level maps
I never asked what you said.
I received way more monster energy with my lvl50 char than farming with my Corsair in Pystis forest and i don’t know why

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two reasons:

  1. lowlevel maps have higher mob density and higher spawn rates
  2. monsters are easier to kill because they have nearly no HP
  1. i’m farming in balaam camp site
  2. astra bow trans 3, enemies don’t last more than 3 seconds and i shot them with my falc3

nearly 30 minutes still no energy dropped (believe me i’m not challenging anyone, sorry if somehow i seem to be rude)


After Lv 200 the drop rate start to fall, at R8 areas you barely get 3 in 30 mins farming, no matter how fast you kill.

IMC thinking: “Make the monster energy drop more at lower Lvs, that way, we can force some players to buy TP and buy more char slots or create alt accounts and buy tokens.”

In all honesty I would rather delete one of my chars and start a one anew, but then again, what for? The game don’t offer any fun in any way except creating different builds from meta. And even so is not that all fun and games, specially when this New Player event ends.

These guys just thrown random crap to us, I do believe even more now than before that they just want to kill this version and concentrate on the KR/JP ones since they have a contract with Nexon.


That exploit:

Exploiting tamer´s orb reset and releasing a lot of monsters at same entry. All we need now is some several sanctions to exploiters and main accounts who make profit by that way.

Please reflect before applying this change:
For how this even works, having one person with lv 500 mobs is way more effective than having five people with lv 100 mobs, so what my guild did (and other several others I believe) was feeding all their energy to one or two guildmates and have them carry the others.

Needlessly to say, those several people that fed their energy are now completely screwed.

This is pretty unfair considering this was the most effective way in the first Tamer event and how you’re changing the rules mid event despite this being the second time we are having it, especially considering that many people have already invested time and silver into the energies given to guildmates.
This change will completely remove the social part of this event and will only make people think of themselves and their mobs, I really hope you reconsider this decision and don’t go through with this change.

PS, if you’re not fine with people selling high level carries, just cap the max level to an adequate number, like 1000, instead of ruining it for most people.


If ur an active player, will be possible gather enough energy and get good prizes. This will be bad to those who want carry alternative accounts without enough effort to do it. Active players will keeping good prizes without major issues.

Finally IMC fix event, dont ask to they mess up again plz.

Make a party with ur friends and guild, and help the ones who help you to gather energy too. This is a good chance to interact with real players, talk, walk around, and have fun.