Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for January 31, 2017

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘Scheduled Maintenance for January 31, 2017’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

Link :

Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff

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Can’t find words to describe my feelings right now about these patches, even more when they don’t give any info on when they will do some major update regarding the major game breaking bugs/exploits/hacks.


No info regarding the major server issues affecting most if not all instance dungeons? Saalus, Uphill, Earth Tower, current survivor event (took me up to 30min of spamming “Enter now” button yesterday to get in).
Heard several people encountering issues with the awakening instance too, although I didn’t use this myself.

It is getting very frustrating. :confused:

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Failed to create useful patch due to exceeded IMC capacity


Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity
Failed to create mission instance due to exceeded server capacity

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Another week, another crap notes.

Oh look! It’s hope and it’s now holding hands with depression. Walking away from the tree.

While exploit/bugs/hacks are sitting all over the tree having the time of their lives.

So happy we get the “Easy” TOTALLY not intended mode of the event :smirk:

still, they arent giving cockies on easy mode??? srsly???

#Easy mode

You guys obviously don’t play the game you’re working with. What an insult.

###Also, what about the freaking Instance Capacity thing?? Not going to spend a single cent on these trash Costumes ultil you guys fix the Instance Capacity Bug.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_John @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @GM_Francis @hkkim


Failed to create patch note due to exceeded coding capacity. ;-;


On the new loading screens for the costumes promotion, the chars have the 2 “new” hairstyles, but… where are they in the TP shop? :smiley:
*clap clap *

My thoughts exactly! xD

Really? what is this Adjustment on channels?..

You guys must increase the number of channels at TENET CHURCH 1F. why only 2? you don’t see the battle bracelet farming is at hand of a couple of tryhard and afk farmers?, Why don’t you extend to at least 3-4 channels?

Server: Silute


have faith… sister

love will solve all issue

I have waited patiently all this time for the hair in silence, a couple more weeks won’t hurt.