Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for January 17th, 2017

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘Scheduled Maintenance for January 17th, 2017’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

Link :

Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff

I sense the forums getting angrier by the minute :sparkles:


well… ■■■■, time huehuehue now then.

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How could I live without this compensation?

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Nothing Maintenance and 1 tome compensation, IMC cut it out and stop embarrasing yourself.

I think the maintence actually made things worse before the channel would go down and come back up and was just a mild annoyance. Now most channels are just completely down i cant even get on since most of my characters are trapped on maps with only 1 channel i was doing quests on. Burning up the days on my token without reimbursement for the time on my token im probably not going to buy another one…

they extend the event as a subtle compensation

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would be nice to get a 7 day token… it’s just that I wanna crack out while it’s still my vacation. I have a strong urge to explode my zombies. I had that kind of resolve in me that says “I will gain 40 lvs today” because I finally decided (for the 5th time) who my main is.

The best compensation is fixing the game. I just want to play, even if you have to close the game for 2 days to get eveerything fixed…

So, the cube will be gone forever?

:neutral_face: :thinking: :rolling_eyes:

TP Item Removed

  • Goddess’ Blessed Cube (both individual and bundle) will be discontinued from the shop.

It will be gone forever? if yes, what will happen now? The costumes will be sold in the tp shop like before?

The Goddess’ Blessed Cubes are replaced with new ones. So this specific cube will be removed and in the future a new one will be added with a new set of items. Some costumes will eventually move to the Recycling Shop though.

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