Tree of Savior Forum

Scheduled Maintenance for August 29, 2017

See the patch notes here.

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Plague Doctor 2 be like:


Aaaand Blue dye still not there as always… :3

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Cant wait to see which skill next going to be perpetually broken in this patch.


nice patch so excited for tommorow


Yeah, they are crying because their mental limitation [inhaled too much toxic gasses I believe] disables them from using Pandemic.

Stop crying about PD already, it’s not as if this is a world end scenario. The Class wasn’t even nerfed, it’s still as good as before, you just have to use one more skill…

Meanwhile noone seems to care about Kabbalist/Diev problems. It’s so sad.
IMC needs to make Kabbalist on par with PD at Rank 9, same utility and same damage capability as same Rank&same roster (green emblem = support) Classes.

Anyway, another insignificant patch notice, raising the flag for breaking the server and emergency maintenance. I guess the next real changes will arrive next week or in 15 days…

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I don’t know…

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nice patch? hahahaha lol lol lol lol sarcasm

No salus or nor card system update? Great who would want that?

Please stop crying and ask the clerics to take more damage.
Understand that the cleric class is primarily to support the damage classes as Archers and Magicians, and also to the tank Swordsman class.

Every MMO should work like this:
DPS single target / AoE => Archer
DPS AoE / CC =======> Wizard
Tank / CC ==========> Swordsman
Support (Buffs / Heal) ========> Cleric

When you put a Cleric with DPS equal to a Wizard or an Archer, it becomes unbalanced because the Cleric already has how to heal. The same happens if you give DPS to a Swrodsman it unbalances because it already has a lot of HP and Defense and high survival.

It would be the same as you putting healing skills for the Wizards and Archers. Although Featherfoot has Lifesteal, it depends on the type of Mob to be able to suck life and does not compare with the skills of Heal, Mass Heal, Healing Factor, etc.


Very boring.
Many ppl want to play DD but dont like archer/mage cls.

Some classes just need some nerfs Murm/PD.

And i dont think the trinity will work in tos.
Whats the reason for x-swordy cls if they are all for tanking?

The patch is very boring too :<

Still no new saulus or card system? fking imc just want their fkng money

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  • No PG fix:
  • No Tauma fix:
  • No Psy fix:
  • No Rune of Giants fix:

(moviment animation desynchronization)

No update, no rank 9 info, no pvp, no gvg, no fun, no comunication.

W a y T o G o

**no optimization


thanks, now i’m not afraid to buy it from companion trader. i am afraid i will get pig, toucan or owl instead of the cute velheider before this fix.

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We regret to inform that maintenance has been extended for 30 minutes due to unexpected issues which require additional processing.

Tough patch today

Lol, for your information, I’m not asking for more damage but for balancing according to IMCs dev blog post of the 30.12.2016:

We at the dev team feel the need to reduce this ‘class disparity’.

We have implemented five class patches so far. These are the goals we have been aiming to achieve with them:

  1. Each class should have its own characteristics and roles.
  2. Adjustments should be carefully planned to avoid one class dominating its rank or being left out, and to achieve a fairly equal distribution of classes in each rank.
  3. Rather than letting one class become too good to the point of self-reliance, we should devise a plan to encourage different types of classes to work together and develop new play strategies.

According to this, Kabbalist and Plague Doctor should deal the same damage, yet they do not. Kabbalist C2 is stuck at 2700% damage every 35 seconds(and that’s only if the chariots move slowly through the attribute, otherwise the skill often bugs and deals less hits/overall damage), show me another Rank 7 or 8 Class that has such crappy overall damage.

People are crying about Dragoon being inferior to Lancer or Doppelgaenger or Fencer although these Classes have tons of damage, not only 2700% with 35 seconds CD time, a freaking interruptible cast time, bugged damage without the slow movement attribute active and another 2 bugged attribute features (Merkabah: Divine Protection,Merkabah: Increased Magic Defense) on top of it.

Last but not least: there is no harm if all Classes with the same role at the same Circle deal ~ the same damage, is there?