Tree of Savior Forum

Savinose Dysnai -- am I missing something?

It’s not a matter of being spoonfed, it’s just that the whole design we’ve got right now is completely idiotic.
We need a ton of BG for arts, trascendences and the new items. Yet they removed most of the sources of it. The old saalus convent gave much more than the current dungeon, let alone the ones we could get from the BG shops. So the only good source left now is singularities.
Likewise, we now need a ton of magic stones, and we can only get them via either timegated contents, goddess grace (if you’re online during that time) or singularities.
And then you need brikynite, again either from goddess grace (as above), very low amounts on challenges, or singularities.

So the end result is that everyone uses the challenge vouchers from the badge shop to do a couple singularities per day at the highest level they can muster since all the useful resources we need are there, and challenges are neglected outside of the free ones you have per char. Sure, you may have alt chars…but then you can’t afford to equip them well - you haven’t got the spare BG for them too. And if you’ve already got glacias on main char? Well, it’s even worse for alts, as glacias require the full set for the bonus. So unless you’ve got an army of similar or identical chars, they can’t properly use those glacias and you have to use the old armors as fallback…that will lack ichors unless you unequip and reequip them everytime, and that’s assuming you did have varna weapons already done and ready for them. Oh, and of course you aren’t giving them other glacias or savinose - the raw expense in materials and BG to make them even decent would outweight the gains massively.

For most players, this ends up in actually playing like 25 minutes per day, and then staying afk at klaipeda cause there is nothing to do. Sure, you could farm silvers while we still can, but that’s far from being fun, and soon even that will be gone anyway.


i dont know why some people take jokes thread like this seriously kkkkkk
if this game is too hard for you you can always leave for a while like i did
and find a better fresh game to enjoy because fun is what you seek in playing game
and i leave like a lot, and get back only when good costumes or event out kkk (master event suxx)

and when you get back things will get cheaper and more affordable
when magic stone source is only from hg boss it cost 10m+ per piece
when i leave arch stone was like 750m and when i get back it is 450-500m now
when i leave someone would buy 60bg for wisdom recipe and now its not even worth 1 bg kkkkkk

patience is the key for those who cheap and lazy (also some silver saving)

savinose dysnai/glacia gears set is just tip of iceberg.there is even more painful, expensive game item to achieve.

also this calculation really does not work for glacia legenda/savi dysnai because all the mats are marketable therefore you can boost the process by getting silver from another source and buying the mats from market.
this kind of calculation only works for the next luciferi accesories like what crevox already did that it took 3 months to complete a set because the mats is untradable.

every mmo endgame tend to be resourceful. it is just common thing in mmo because they wont everyone to beat the game easily and feeling rushed to make another content. only some selected whale, hardcore player, botter, rmt-er can do.


It’s hilarious how deluded the hardcore crowd is. The game has such a low playerbase right now because progression is locked behind layers upon layers of rng, some of which is timegated. You can play for dozens of hours without making any progress, which just goes to show how poorly designed all these systems are. Asking for a more straightforward grind process does not equal asking for handouts. People are willing to put forth effort for tangible rewards and growth…the complaints are that it isn’t happening. Literally no one in this thread has just asked to be given stuff, so people commenting on “spoonfeeding” need to have their reading comprehension checked.


Trans doesnt make any sense it´s not about the grind its just a realy realy stupid mechanic.
VV is even worse im on the season server some ppl found 3 wrong vvs already and i didnt get 1 (that would be the wrong one anyway)

The powerscaling in this game is so crazy its no wonder that NOBODY plays pvp.
Arks/New armor sets are stupid powerfull a 100% increase in damage that is Insane.

Then there are enchantments/Awakening/Headgear enchants/Gems/Monster gems/Attribute points/Arts/Anvil/trans.

And now they are planning to make collections good…

Im fine with grinding and i like some rng but this is way to much.


Passing by to say that the chance on dropping Arch Stones or Fragments is so low that its near depression to watch someone dropping it. And you don’t need just one or 2, but a total of 6 for the endgame gear and now with the goddess/Demon Lords armors you will need more.

On all theses MONTHS after the drop was added, i saw on my guild near 5 people dropping it from weekly content.

Putting Misrus as an example, whats the point of putting almost 0% chance of getting a Arch Stone Fragment that you will need 10 for one Arch stone but that alone is useless because you will need another just for the ark, not to mention how many goes into making Karaliene…

And the content you have to do in order to drop these fragments aren’t even hard, they are limited, and still get almost 0% drop chance. The Fragment is being sell with higher prices than actual armor because of how rare they are, and mostly of they are being get from Goddess grace gatcha… :tired:


Yeah, this is really what the complaint is. I’m fine with grindy progression and difficult mechanics, but endgame stuff is gated behind so many layers of RNG that there is no clear path forward. It’s like playing a slot machine where each slot is another slot machine controlled by a gremlin that may or may not even attempt to roll. Sure, you can just endlessly grind silver and buy it from someone else lucky enough to get what you need and willing to sell it, but is that really fun?


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