Tree of Savior Forum

Saving Tree of Savior!

…I’m a casual player though, having only time to play propertly during the weekends lol.

Also, some of the forum members that are in favor of the cube don’t even play the game anymore and are here just to cause commotion.


It may help the current playerbase, but it will not drag in any future playerbase. If anything, it makes the end game more achieveable and easier, and makes the game less attractive in the long run. I don’t see it being that good of a solution to anything I have listed in my post.

I have read about it, but don’t understand it fully. Isn’t there now hunting grounds that have weapons that are easier to obtain that make this much easier? Or am I missing something with the hunting ground update? I think I know where you’re going, but it still doesn’t add much, it shortens game time if anything :slight_smile: I still don’t think it’s a good or bad idea though!

Hunting Grounds contain several BIS items for specific classes or for those that do has yet to / do not want to do practonium weapon hunt or earth tower. There are also plenty awesome budget/placeholder items there.

At lv240 you gain access to saalus missions, which gives you a cube that contains a shard, which is used for transcendence.

So are you telling me it’s possible to run it without an orange weapon to get the runs done decently enough as Vaniz was talking about? :slight_smile:

That doesn’t sound that bad, but where do you go from there though? Where does one continue with the game after that?

Transcendence is a game feature that killed the game. :heart_eyes:

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On some levels what has been said is not exactly wrong about the cube. FFXI didnt have cubes and wasnt F2P but applied the same methods with relic weapons taking forever to craft then eventually becoming more obselete with new content. Except what is going to end up happening is someone dumps tons of money hoping to get mats for stuff either not getting it or what they craft is obsolete in a couple months.

It will make some people happy but overall not a long term solution for itemization and bypassing time restricted content.


we need tree of savior commerial on youtube to advertise. game will keep dying unless word of mouth get around

Long post me like!


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That’s pay to win D:


exactly… :disappointed_relieved: I mean, if certain items were revised and removed/changed for other items, I’d be okay with this cube.


Can we talk about the ideas in this thread? I feel like it’s getting derailed and I want the @staff to take us seriously!

I mean they could start fixing the bugs instead of taking tickets/suggestions like we are in a deli line waiting for something? That would be pretty cool and do what they said was going to happen making their own changes different from iTOS based upon the millions of threads complaining about common class imbalances? Perhaps instead of making P2W cubes they could you know make TP items more reasonable to buy with prices and just removing all gacha elements?

Not like any of this hasn’t been suggested before 9999999999999999999999999999 times in many different ways and languages.


I feel like this would really help! Balancing classes would be a great start, because some just feel so weak. Balancing the items too, so there’s not such a huge gap ( I feel like I’ve had cafrisun for ages, and although I can’t afford Arde dagger, I feel like it’s in every build) would be nice.

I see they are nailing some of the bugs, so that’s really good. Continuing to move in that direction faster would help.

A server merge would help newbies get more playerbase help from higher levels, and raise the morale a bit. I also feel like it’ll help prices in the marketplace too!

A mentor/player event could really help newbies, where higher levels show them the ropes in dungeons and missions and other things. (Party event?)

There’s just so many ideas that can be done…

@staff @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Letitia

i support the server merge but that isn’t enough

the whole server is dying because there are no changes there are little to no balance updates, bug fixes and boring gameplay in general.

But there are tons of threads with suggestions.
There are bugs that have existed for a year now.
And you know what ? They haven’t fixed them. They haven’t taken any suggestions. They completely stopped caring.

There have been complaints about balancing since forever. Then you have bugs in TBL/PvP. They don’t even try to work on it.
You should go around the suggestions/bugs threads and read them. You’ll see your post isn’t bringing anything new, and there were also other “big thread reuniting a lot of suggestions so we can make it all better !” but it doesn’t change anything at all.
This game needs almost a complete rework at this point: bugs that make it impossible to play, PvP/skills issues, optimization issues, bad classes balancing, lack of content, basic features that don’t work as they should, classes that have been so scr*wed they’ve become totally useless, etc…
Maybe in 3 years it’ll all mostly get fixed. Maybe. And if it’s still alive.


Are you new? Because mega suggestion threads have been appearing since release and 99% of them got ignored. The devs never saw them or they just ignored it.

just go dig the old posts and you’ll see. huge amount of high quality suggestions that all got ignored.


Yes transcendence system is the beginning of the end.