Tree of Savior Forum

Saule Server / Latin America Server

First of all, im sorry if this question is already answer. If it is, i couldn’t find it.

The question: Will the server Saule - or with other name, locate in Latin America - still exist?

Thank you. :slight_smile:

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A small search and you could have stumbled on:


Thank you Nirimetus, but this, do not awser my question.

This announce is about Brazilian publisher, and im asking about a Steam Latin America server.

Thnx anyway. :slight_smile:

There is no Steam LA server.

I don’t think there will be one simply because there is a Brazilian publisher and it would be awkward to make a special server that would lure players away from their local publisher.

There is a LA server managed by IMC but separated from Steam, the client will be provide for download by Level UP Games, and the only thing LUG will do is provide localization (translation to portuguese), and monetization (selling Cash Shop coins), the Cash Shop will be managed by IMC, read the whole topic i linked there and you will see what is what.

Just some addition related to the selling of Coins by LUG, those coins are only sable on the LA server since it is a separated server from the Steam version, so if you buy on LUG you don’t have it on Steam, only on LA server.

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So the ping/latency will be the same as playing in the International server?

Or by localization I can expect both translation and “low” ping?

The BR servers will be located in Brazil I guess

A BR server is not a LA server, most of the LA countries get the same or higher ping to BR than to NA because of the â– â– â– â–  routing, also BR speaks portuguese while most the LA countries speak spanish variations.
Get your facts right before posting.

Ì think you are missing my point but i will leave as it is, i don’t really want to pick a nonsensical fight.

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Hi hi, Latin American player here (no, I am not from Brazil, I am from Costa Rica). The Latin American server is the server located in Brazil… maybe I should explain this in spanish, you guys know that I use to speak in english as much as I can but if you are not latin this post is not related to you (that sounds a bit discriminatory, sorry T-T)

Spanish Explanation:

Como sabrán, ToS hizo un comunicado oficial donde el server latino será llevado por Lvl Up (una horrible compañía conocida por arruinar Ragnarok y convertir todos los juegos que toca en pay2win); la buena noticia es que IMC tomó algunas precauciones para evitar que esto suceda, es decir que ellos se encargarán de administrar directamente el server (buenas noticias, yay!!!).

Ahora, las malas noticias para nosotros los latinos que no somos Brasileños (ellos también son latinos). El servidor tendrá como idioma oficial el portugués, el precio de los artículos se manejara en Reales Brasileños (moneda oficial de Brasil), el servicio al cliente será en portugués y el ping no será tan bueno para los compañeros de sur américa debido a la ruta de conexión de entrada al país (para los centroamericanos y mexicanos el ping siempre es malo en los servers suramericanos, así que ya no lo esperábamos).

En cuanto al rumor de que Steam iba a tener un server latino, lamento informarles que no es así, Steam solamente estará encargado de los servers internacionales (¿cuándo ha habido un server latino en Steam? Nunca).

Resumiendo: El server latino es de Brazil, las opciones son jugar en un server internacional o jugar en un servidor brasileño, cada uno escoge el que le funcione mejor.

Back to english
Thanks for the space and sorry for the spanish spam but sometimes we need an explanation in our native language :wink:


Gracias por la informacion, LirashMjorl. Soy brasileño, pero entendí perfectamente su español .

Obrigado pela informação, LirashMjorl. Sou brasileiro, mas entendi seu espanhol perfeitamente.

Thanks for the info , LirashMjorl . I am Brazilian , but I perfectly understood what you said.

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From Argentina, Buenos Aires here
Ping to BR servers is the same or worse than to NA servers even being immediatly next to BR territory.

Well, in the iCBT2 was created an Latin American server (Saule). It would be nice if there was this server to latinos outside of Brazil, I think.