Hey, i just see brom trap as main skill of sapper… idk what to do witht the other skills…
wich skill should i invest?
Hey, i just see brom trap as main skill of sapper… idk what to do witht the other skills…
wich skill should i invest?
put at least 1 on stake stocades.
then powerful skill are detonate trap, claymore.
if you can use it, collar bomb is quite usefull too.
I personally dont like punji strike.
and spike shooter is really bad imo.
Depends of your build.
The Fletcher one I would ignore Claymore and Collar Bomb to max detonation. And with Falcon 3 I would max Claymore and put less points in detonation.
The only skills that I would never max would be Punji and Conceal.
Is claymore so important? My guildies told me to just get stokades, detonate and broom because the rest are or useless or too expensive/unreliable.
Punji is actually quite strong though, it does a ton of damage because it has a large % scaling with STR and can obliterate mobs if you can tank them for the duration of the setup. Not hard to do with Quarrel shooter pavices covering you, even if it is a little dangerous.Broom trap is your best trap, but it won’t hit flying enemies. Claymore is your only trap that hits flying mobs aside from detonating your traps, and it does a lot of damage too. Punji will hit flying mobs, but it won’t trigger off them.
I don’t like to put more than one point in detonate trap. It still has flat damage instead of str scaling. I kind of wish I’d ignored it and instead got 5 points in punji, but it helps you early on in the game because you can use it to blow up stockades to damage flying enemies while your Claymore is on CD
Claymore may be expensive but it’s worth having even if just to help you get through the early game.
Detonate Traps scales, it’s not flat damage, they forgot to put the % in description…
About Sapper Skills:
I like Stake Stockades because it does nice damage, use only SP and it combo very well with 2 Stake + Detonate.
Claymore is nice, hits flying mobs but it’s kinda clunky and slow to use, you’re better putting 2 stakes and detonate (don’t forget the attribute on Detonate Traps! +50% Dmg against flying helps a lot)
Punji Stakes does good damage but can put you in danger due to long cast. I have 1 point on it but rarely use actually…
Collar Bomb at lv5 do some nice damage against 2 enemies, it’s up to you if you want to use it or not.
Spike Shooter is… eh… good damage at max level but costly and has stupid high cooldown. Not worth investing IMO.
there is no flat damage anymore. IMC just forgot to write % symbol.
I can do over 150k damage with detonate trap on flying monster
So it’s something like stokades+detonate vs claymore, isn’t?
And about collar bomb, how good is it? If I can get a mob packed enough I can do serious damage with collar bomb but I don’t know how reliable it will be at higher levels (lvl 200 atm).
Well I at least love Claymore but specially because mine is a Falcon 3 build so I don’t have a lot of skills to use, and with Aiming it cover a huge area and have a good sinergy with circling expand too, it’s my AoE against flying that Broom Trap don’t cover.
I would max detonation but it’s so easy to cap damage with it against flying after a glass mole activation even at level 1 and the area is so small to kill random mobs.
However in my Musketeer build I ignored Claymore because I have better skills to use that are faster and don’t have a problem against flying.
Collar bomb is good… but it’s buggy, it fails to cast a lot of times.
Well that’s good to know. Makes some swordsman skills seem more appealing. Now I feel silly for not getting more points in detonate because it is pretty strong.
My build is max stockades, broom trap, collar bomb and rest in detonate.
ฺBy the way, punji stake rapid hit still works? I cant pull off even once after combat changes.
as sap3 fal3, aside from broom
stockades and collar bomb are pretty good.
detonate is good but sometime it does not go off.
i would advise to choose claymore over punji and spikes
cuz i am having problem clearing group flying mobs. I only have denonate that able to hit air. it’s pretty annoying.
considering to reskill atm.
I think Collar bomb has a straight line hitbox
At least I never failed using colar bomb if I line myself and monster in a straight line. (it will fail if you aim it diagonally)
does anyone tried using punji stake (punji stake: knockdown damage attribute) while mobs getting pulled by frost pillar? does it work?