Tree of Savior Forum

Sap3 falc3 > sap3 rogue1 falc1 mergen1?

Making a falconer. Currently archer2>sap3>falc1. Not sure if I want to go falc3 or try rogue1 falc1 mergen1.

If anyone tried similar builds during the rank reset period please let me know how they turned out.


falconer3 has better potential for rank 9 build and is more oriented to party play than solo play,
falcon-mergen has more AOE DPS than above.
The best one is mergen who borrow other falconer3 circling expand lv 15 at the moment

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Mergen route is cheaper to dress up (equip and attributes). I have one, and it kinda feels like an all-around build but never the best in every aspect (single-target, AOE, support). It’s fun and not boring to play though.

Sap3Falc3 is more party and AOE oriented, and probably the strongest between the two once you’ve got decent investment in gear and attributes (maxing Circling:Expand in particular). Pretty clean build for rank 9 preparation too as @myself said.


Sap3Fal3 or if you were on ktos QS3Fal3 is probably the most future proof archer you could get, by far. Mergen is pretty neat right now though!

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need help about this too. I wanted to try sap3 r1 fal1 mergen1, but will they even invite me to ET?

My main build is Sapper 3 - Falconer 3, amazing against multiple monsters (like Eartj Tower) and kinda bad at bossing that is not flying.

But if you want a Sapper - Mergen I would put a Archer 3 instead of Rogue, because Twin Arrows are amazing and the low cooldown helps with big ones of Sapper, and a future patch will make lvl 15 Swift Step give more crit.

And about ET any DPS will need a good weapon ( something like +11 and stage 4 transcedence), Falconer 3 will need the Expansion in a high level to enter like lvl 10 at minimum (around 12 million) and a decent weapon (trans 3).

Where did you see that 15 Swift step will give more crit? the crit from ss is from the attribute.

afaik future patch swif step duration is 300 second, only that info

Duration increased to 300 seconds for all levels. Attribute changed to increase critical rate by [attribute level * 20] + [skill level * 5]. No longer decreases physical defense.

This means that lvl 10 will still give 150 critical, while lvl 15 will be 175.

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It would be a bit better to go Appraiser with the devaluation and blindside then.

Sapper and Mergen have high cooldowns usually with 30 seconds or more, Archer 3 fix that with their lower cooldowns, Twin Arrows do 2500% every 7 seconds and the damage attribute is cheap because of the lower rank. Oblique Shot becomes an interesting option too at lvl 15 doing 1800% every 10 seconds with the lvl 70 attribute costing only 1,5 mil.

Appraiser will give you 3600% every 40 seconds, because it always crit it will be around 5400%, and devaluate is not that good because it only works 50% of the time.

So it will be a better high cooldown burst (Appraiser) or better sustain with Archer 3.

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I am going to try this build

New to Sapper so I am not sure where to put points aside from Broom Trap and Collar Bomb.

I heard Spike Shooter is only worth getting if I go Falconer C3, so there aren’t any points into it (yet).

Main purpose of the build is to be AoE dps that can handle flying monsters and ground monsters, so basically a well-rounded AoE build. Also Rogue for Capture on Broom trap, giving me x2 Broom traps at times.

I don’t mind being less AoE dps than a Archer C2 Sapper C3 Falconer C3 if it means being able to deal with flying mobs in AoE easily for solo play, but I will probably try that build last on my alt account and see how well it does vs Sapper C3 Rogue Falcon Mergen

Spike Shooter is really good, Stake Stockade should be at least 1, it’s also good. Claymore has a long setup but is preference. Detonate Traps takes a little skill/timing, but can be preference between this, Claymore, and Stakes to max.

I’m not doubting this, but should I take it if I’m not going Falconer C3?

What is the the AoE ratio of Detonate Traps? I can’t seem to get it to work properly.

I will be honest, Spike Shooter is not that great because it’s a 100 seconds cooldown for 2000% damage if all the spikes hit. Take only if youhave 5 points without use.

Claymore and Collar Bomb se are decent, but you don’t really need because of your Mergen rank, so I would choose one or another. Claymore have some setup and material while Collar bomb is somewhat bugged so it’s your preference.

At least one point in Stackes for Detonate Traps.

Punji and Conceal are useless.