Tree of Savior Forum

[Sadhu Skill Suggestion] Transmit Prana

Still nothing about reworking this skill? I feel Sadhu is too underwhelming right now. The mechanics of the ghost skill are awesome and the idea is quite fun to work with. I just feel the ghost is too weak to be the main skill of a class, wich has only an okay (and really slow) spell with the explosion and a super great but easily cancelled channeled skill. Reading guides i thought the C3 skill would make the ghost good( for a limited time, wich is nothing but adequate), but with this thread i see it doesn’t work and again, sadhu class just becomes a autoattack weakling, with casual awesome bursts with just one spell.
Prana should buff the ghost, it’s the only thing that makes it good, as it’s damage does not scale with skill level (wich too is a lot boring)