Tree of Savior Forum

Sadhu Buff Suggestions

Attack Soul/OoB: Now gains an additional 18 damage per skill level (252 @ 15).

Transmit Prana: Enhance. Increases skill levels of allies by 1 per attribute level(3).

  • Stacks with Divine Might.

Astral Body Explosion: Finisher: Astral Body Explosion does 30% more damage (t0) per attribute level (5) to enemies under 20% Health.
Requires level 6 ABE.

Vashiti Saddhi: Magic Vulnerability - Enemies affected by Vashiti take 20% more magical damage. Requires C3

Should end up increasing the dps of OoB by about 500 (@ 15) or so given its rate of attack + help retain some potency after Transmit Prana reduces your INT. It’ll also make it more practical for Early-game Sadhu’s where level 5 OoB is gaining 72 more damage + its 50% modifier for 108. Nothing jaw-dropping.

Transmit Prana also increasing skill levels will keep it a INT class focused buff but give it enough general purpose and make it fairly coveted despite its significant cooldown.

ABE as a finisher is me ball-parking a niche for it. As a t0 this should let it do around 10-12k on some builds (2.5x after defense still applies) pre Enhance as a finisher on 398 Magi def enemies, assuming level 15 ABE. Possession still wrecks it but now it’s got a solid place in rotations while doubling as CC.

While allowing the attribute for ABE at level 6 still makes Sadhu C2 interesting to others aiming for damage (Druid), while Sadhu C3 will emphasize the classes support abilities with Vashiti vulnerability + Prana.
The large cooldown of Vashiti also means that its contribution in long fights (world bosses) is desired but not large (0.4%/0.33% increase) while being nice for short skirmishes.

Thought of some more ways to buff up sadhu


Now applies a stackable (slow) debuff that lasts 10 seconds
(slow) - slows enemy by 25%, max stacks is 2

Now deals 10 more damage (with each hit) per skill level


Cooldown Reduced to 25 seconds
Knocked back enemies are binded and sienced for 3 seconds (once they recover from knockdown state)

Vashiti Siddhi:

Against Players, vashiti applies a debuff, reducing their ougoing damage by 50% and recuing their speed by 25% while in the AOE. the the longer they are in the AOE the longer the damage reduction debuff lasts
( 3 seconds per stack, max 3 stacks, applies 1 stack every 1.5 second)

Transmit Prana:

Transmit Prana will now cause the players attacks to apply a debuff to the enemy, making the enemy take 15% mnore damage.


(Team battle league only) vashiti also applies a debuff that increases their incoming damage by 15% per stack, and 3 seconds per stack)
(max stacks is 3)(applies 1 stack every 1.5 second)(+10 seconds cd, and 10% increased sp cost)

I really wish the spirit exploded but did not go back into body

Ive been playing Sadhu’s since first CBT. Made 2 Sadhus in CBT1/2 and another 2 Sadhus in OBT, testing out different build and paths. However, at the start of OBT, i went Chaplain first since Sadhu got nerfed so hard and started Sadhu after that once i see soo many people with my Chaplain build.

I love Sadhu so much and i think its a very unique class, it’s sad to see IMC not giving Sadhu balance the highest priority when it’s one of the least played class. Why do you keep buffing classes that people play. The class is least played because it’s in a serious state and need urgent balance. The way the class it is atm, it’s only worth to take Sadhu C2 for possession, other than that, it’s just complete garbage. Just a shame to red DPS icon. Regardless, this is my wishlist for Sadhu:

Seriously… you dont even buff the class and dont fix the bug either?

  • OoB is stuck in the animation and cant move (not the OoB delay)
  • Possession is casted but nothing is there.
  • Graphics glitches

My favorite skill.

  • Increase its attack speed, damage OR a balance of both
  • Make OoB AA counts as 3 hits?
  • Completely remove hidden buffs (you missed out on Divine Stigma).
  • Please remove the damn delay after each OoB attack
  • PLEASE increase the hitbox for the skill. Even dagger has better hitbox.

I dont use it much.

  • Remove casting delay
  • Buff damage. Atm for the CD, is not worth the skill unless there are huge pack of mobs

My favorite skill when out of OoB. Very useful in grinding and dungeon parties to kill trash mobs since OoB is not used much.

  • Getting interrupted while channeling? Im actually fine with that because the skill is pretty strong and people pretty much die once they get caught up in it.
  • PLEASE make casting time faster.

Or whatever the name is lol.

  • Make confusion works in PvP?

Transmit Prana:
Just delete this skill already or…

  • Make it work with OoB
  • Design an entirely new skill

Thats all i have on top of my head atm. Will edit this later if i have more.

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One really simple way of buffing Sadhu without messing with numbers is turning Possession into a one-tapping skill to start casting, instead of a channeling skill. Then we could tap once more to cancel it if necessary. It would just allow you to hit everything with OOB in the meanwhile, solve a great part of aiming issues with the spirit, increase overall dps and add a lot of synergy between the class itself.

Lvl 200+ Sadhu here.
Please turn the number damage color from white to blue from OOB attacks, and add a unique spirit sound damage hit.

I have a very hard time in dungeons trying to figure out if my spirit is even hitting anything or just standing there attacking the air due the spirit attack hitbox being so small and ghostly.

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The goal of the channeling is actually not being able to use OOB while casting Possession.
Using both at the same time would be a bit OP dmg wise. Not that I would complain though.

I agree. But the point is: Possession just makes OOB pointless cause it’s much stronger with low CD. By the time you’re setting up to hit with OOB you’ll be just a few seconds away from your next Possession (considering you’re using other classes skills as well). Why bother setting up for low damage? It just makes Sadhu’s “signature move” useless, that’s why I think they should work together. Numbers can be lowered afterwards.


When you hit class tier 6, it gets even more obvious. Out of body is situationnal. It is not the main weapon of the kit.
Personally, what I like to do is go next to the boss, go OOB, autoattack while I cast both Zaibas, cure and heal if we ahve a dedicated healer, then carnivory. So while I cast my other spells, I OOB, then I Possession, which stops the OOB attack from coming. Rinse and repeat.

Obviously, a lot of time, it is not safe enough to go OOB while casting other stuff, but sometimes it works and it adds great DPS.

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a really really nice buff to sadhu without tweaking any of the numbers(damage and cost) for me would to add a way to cast spells with the spirit and cast others with the body. like switching unit controlled.
it will make the character micro intensive but fun. maybe