Tree of Savior Forum

SAD 2H sword class

Swordman tree every weapon type have high rank R8-10 to go
1 H spear

  • dragoon (r7-9)
  • Murmillo(r8-10)
  • retiarius(r8-10)
    2 h spear
  • dragoon (r7-9)
  • Lancer (r8-10)
  • matador (r8-10)
  • Murmillo (r8-10)
    1 H sword
  • Murmillo (r8-10)

2 h sword
nothing r9-10 fro 2h sword
have only doppel r8 most hight rank fro 2 H tree

when r10 comming
main 2h sword character,Where we must go ?
back to r1-7 class fro r 10 ???
so sad life
other tree class have many skill hight dmg facter from r9-10 skill and new powerfull op att
2h sword will still have nothing fro r9-10

cor1 doppel3 ret2
iron hook > disarm > cleave > zornhau

you have only 1 choice, Muay thai club 69

Future Samurai Class confirmed :tired:

Please no boring samurai cls …
Btw Doppel>Samurai

There was this mexican wrestler class to be the next 2h sword class or am i wrong?

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there was a Luchador class in the list of future classes, but I doub’t it would be 2HS and more punch and kick like nya kaway… I mean nak muay

You can make a build with 2h Sword for Doppel skills and switch with another weapon for R8+ jobs. Sad we don’t have autoswitch.

Maybe they rework barb/HL soon.
If warcry/frenzy would be better buffs maybe doppel be fine with that and we get a new cls on r 11!

Its bothers me since rework that doppel goes from a aoe dps to a bosskiller shinobi clone cls …

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do you have the source of this ?

I still love doppel and think it’s very good to play with it. Hope they put some another 2H sword class in the R10 (when that content arrives in NA. Yeah i know it would take some good time until that.) But what can i do? I Love Doppel <3"

Luchador … Noooooooooo i no want mark man
what skill Luchador .??? Clothesline ? Chokeslams ? CC skill with body ?
that no need sworddddddddddddddddddddd
still have many other 2 h sword class
some thing like this T-T


@min191199, probably they are developing a class like this for swd, something like a samurai. U just need w8 for this.

I really hope that they do not go for the direction of traditional rpg classes and keep doing what they are doing. Personally I think that aside from Doppelsoeldner, that were mercenaries, that aren’t many other historical greatsword dedicated users. Knights and Samurais are not defined by greatsword use (the picture is broader than that). The only users I can think that fit that idea are the Iberians Montanteros, that were guardians. In a similar way that Rodeleros where shieldsmen that used “Rodelas”, Montateros were swordsmen that used “Montantes”.

Here are some examples…to me it is obvious that those are 2h only swords. The idea of how to use those would fit easily the theme. They do not need to put the swords in the game, only knowing how those swords were used would give enough insight to develop another class aside from Doppel.

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You know a class is becoming unpopular when a +15/16 Trans 10 weapon, two handed weapon, actually(more BG requirement) is this cheap.

I’m aware Masinios 2h Sword isn’t that great, but 200m for trans 10? Even with bad gems attached it’s very cheap lol

That are Doppel swords.
The hooks on the sides where used to parry and disarm the enemy.

Beside Doppel weapons where used to pierce too to penetrate plate armors.

Technical they where better then katanas harder and got more tricks a katana cant penetrate a plate armor.

Thats why i dislike samurai as a class AFTER doppel.

:no_mouth: … how can I put this :thinking: … when we play games, that are some things that we cannot represent into the game due design, balance and so on. No real life blade cut through good made plate, greatswords included. You can however “halfsword” your blade and use it like a short spear to thrust the plate armor gaps or poorly made mail armor. If you truly want a dedicated weapon for fighting an opponent wearing full plate, you will be using a pole axe, not a greatsword.

Most game developers have no idea of that, and even if the does, it doesn’t necessarily mean that would a good idea to put that in to the game. How would make that interact with the game mechanics? Would still be fun to play?

I am not trying to offend you, but when you say “doppel weapons”, I do not think you realize that German Zweihaender (Schlachtschwert), Montantes and Spadones share a lot in commom (eg. the hooks) and the difference between them are just a few technical things. It is just easier to call them greatswords, but they are not exactly the same weapons. If you are interest in the topic, you can join this group:

The members are really great people and do try their best to pass on what they know from research, studies and practice.

And just in case you think I am talking nonsense, I have one myself. I have been training with her for like 2 years, after a while you eventually learn a thing or two about those type of swords.

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Doppelsoeldner can still go on till Rank 11 without any problem:


In my opinion the Class is already way too strong for Rank 6.
We don’t need any more power creep on top of that.

In fact, I’d rather see a one-handed sword Class that finally makes a normal sword a thing (I mean, come on, it’s called Swordsman and yet you either use two-handed sword, rapier, spear or lance).

The only Class that uses one-handed sword is Squire, gg. Now we are getting a one-handed sword mastery attribute for a weapon category that’s not even used by anyone…

Though it’s interesting, given the fact that it increases attack speed without a shield, so maybe the next Swordsman Class will be a one-handed sword fighter who doesn’t use a shield but instead attacks at high speeds, maybe some bronze or iron age sword fighter from China/Korea/Mongolia or maybe even a practitioner of wushu/kungfu, utilizing a sword?

Would be cool and have some synergy with Nak Muay,too.

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They are very simlar^^
But yeah i didnt know about this i know some stuff about doppel swords.

(The most doppels use pikes anyway)

I like japanese stuff but come on another japanese cls in a game about eastern europe culture?

And for me greatsword>katana alone from the style :haha:

Dude, just a joke. :tired:

But yes, it would be nice, wouldn’t it?

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i hope you know how bad is barb 3 at this point of time. And yeah every class has new R8 class to pick and yet doppel have to pick lower rank class. KAPPA