Tree of Savior Forum

[SA] Silute - without Guild VS Guild

they play it to their best they deserve to win ???

nice joke bugs for win

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and not only the guild Hydrarium in Silute server, many guilds are using Exploits and Hack “Hook64” and no punishments for these players.


See? All server know that, but no one in IMC is doing something

IMC is increasingly similar to LevelUp, the game is in decline , it was to be more concerned about these types of things … show service, show that they are taking providences

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8 k players and decreasing


Sad that, Omc not of the appropriate punishment for these players and still have plenty stupid, saying that it does not interfere with gameplay, Community of Masochist -.-.

no list of Punishments for use of Exploits and Hack Hook64.

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You know what’s the actual problem here? NO ■■■■■■■ ONE prove anything. The only proof is “hur dur everyone knows “x” person does “x” thing”. This is getting boring. Start filming this sht and post on youtube, share it here so we can see.

IMC barely does anything about hackers that were exposed, without any single proof they will ignore this. We gotta do it right to make sure (one day, maybe[or not]) IMC start banning these hacking asshoIes.


Silute have around 1000-1500 at peak times. according to the /!who addon.

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And no one in IMC have see this post … they are sleeping ? or addíng some new itens just for TP purshase to do money ? because, in real problem they really go out, is almost “i dont see, i dont care”

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Now we have capability of seems other people items, so you sit and check every hydrarium players and report it to GMs

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Me? I have no problem with hydrarium members, I just kill them in arenas.
Those who are crying here, take your time and enjoy your new job.

Arena is not GvG, in GvG, refined items COUNTING

Just to make sure you guys have read.

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Because there is no one with any evidence of it, because the first SA guild to report Hook64 was Hydrarium, because we tried to create a nice group that had its focus on the game, PvE and PvP, because for the first 4~5 months, while most players were “waiting on the PvP content” and complaining with IMC, Hydrarium players were leveling, farming silver and increasing their characters atributes and expertise.

You can tell that every one knows that Hydrarium uses bugs and exploits, everyone knew that the world was flat before it was prooven otherwise.

Stop complainning and start to attempt, to risk yourself and your guild, the game is full of bugs ? Yes, it is, channels crash because of the hack and stupid people who use it (which is funny, since the code-design of Hook64 is also a present community member and has already talked about aiding IMC on closing the doors that he has found, but well, we all know how this has gone until now), we (Hydrarium) already lost WBs, GvG entries that we were winning, ET entries, DG entries, Mission entries, PvP matches and a whole lot of things due to this, we are not creating a topic about it and wasting our time and the community with it, we do believe that IMC is aware of it but we are not waiting for them to solve it, we are going after other things to compensate for our losses within the game.

Whine all you want, the truth is the highest weapon (or refined item) within the guild at this moment is a + 18 Isbality, used on PvE content, if you have proof of any other, or do believe that we are keeping them away, please let us know where so we can actually use it.

I will see you on the TBL or the GvG, if you guys show up for it :slight_smile:

is posible?
es posible?
esta señorit@ de hydranium tienen mucha suerte para perder 1 de potencial
awakening -1
gems -3
upgrading weapon -1? so lucky


ok i think this is enough evidence lol

Just shut down this messed game.