Tree of Savior Forum

[SA] Silute - Lourent and other Necrobots in solitary cells

The GM COCONUT was there kicked the bots (the video shows). But in less than an hour they came back

You can see the GM in my video


This is the addon exp viewer disabled. My addon manager bugged and even with it uninstalled his box does not come out
. 7b0aacda0af266b94be3322d85edf7edeb5d0e95_1_690x337
In the image you can see the Exp Viewer working. And Thanks for watch my video <3

Very good video, but you ask me something in the game?
And how do you know if I’m AFK or ‘’ BOT ‘’?
it’s easy to create a post here in the forum with the name of my team and say ‘’ bot in Map X ‘’ and put an image and video … without even confirming if this is indeed true!
When you have in DG 300, in Sallus, Uphill or anywhere else doing anything with the Necromancer, you will always say it’s Bot, it’s class that has bad fame by the way.
and another I was watching your character on the day of the recording of this video, if I had it with hackapell, alchemist, falconer, cabalist and any other class, getting level 3 gem on the map, I’m bot?
Last time I was with a GM on this last month map drawing him almost everyone on the map they were afk, he even talked to me and even said, good farming something like that after confirming that he was actually Online.

This is the old addon launcher when we had to manually install them.
Delete the sumAni.ipf file and reinstall your addons via addon manager

Thanks for this. I hate this box

You are right, I don’t remember the Reset buttom.
@Gatorro can you do a video pressing the Start buttom to prove you are not using any bot? Well a can prove. And thank you :heart:


I apologize then, deleting my post to avoid confusion.

Last question:
For how long do you have this bugged? This will be good info to double-check if anyone ever appears with similar screenshot/video (already happened in the past).

It’s ok dude. Everyone can mistake. I would also doubt someone with a weird button on the screen. We can be friends

The people AFK don’t use skill, they just stand there when the invocation team is done. Let’s remember that Necro’s invocation doesn’t last more then 4 minutes and the Sorcerer doesn’t exceed 10 minutes. Bots stay there stopped, only invoking.
The game AI turn off invocations when you’re AFK, they work only after you attack once. The bots invoke and do one attack every 2 minutes and use this stopped without moving.
One person playing TOS moves different from a bot. You cognize it when you see.

It is up to IMC to investigate your account to confirm whether or not you were using a bot. But is not it suspicious? You, “playing” with necro with other players who also “seem” to be using bot, on a map that too, by coincidence?? is known as a “bot ville”?
And yet, it is not the first time I see you there… for hours.



‘’ hours ‘’?
I’m watching 2min
Anyway, I’m waiting for the GMs and Staff:
feel free to check my account.

Im wondering what makes people walk all the way to Solitary Cells just to “afk, not botting” lmao

u deserve to be banned
People who need bots to profit in a game like ToS are pathetic

pls staff, ip ban @_@