Tree of Savior Forum

[SA] Cant log in

This is disrespectful, high ping, char stuck in maps and now can not log in…

I pay for this and IMC ignoring this situation.



yeah me to /20characters

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Same problem, spent money for early access, because I can not play after the server exchange.
I bought 2 packages already and almost can not play

Disregard for the player

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This thing, it’s only with silute players, all the others servers are OK, only us are doomed.

Why?! We need to know!
If there is a huge problem and an emergency maintenance, please, tell us! I’m very unhappy. :frowning:

same problem here, began yesterday after announcing they would do an update on the server, so you know, I can only login in sub-servers that are with some people, that is at least 2 population of points, if only 1 point as the case of the map where this my main, does not connect and if you join a channel or channel change and it has little population will give dc and not come back. (English by google translate = P)

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Same problem, now I’m using WTFast to log in… hope it will be fixed soon. =S

Same problem here, cant login…again.

Yup. Me too, can’t login in the server (I’m stuck on server list page).

What is happening? Suddenly the game became Free to play but nobody can play? Nice job. Such unpreparation for the massive hype on this game shows how IMC will handle things in the future in this game. But whatever, I already paid, right?

Hope you can fix it soon enough. Also, a recompensation for those 2 days (for now) would be good, since most of my acquainteces couldnt grind of do dungeons because of the lags, spikes and disconnections. And ofcourse I can sign in ANY other server, just Silute isn’t signing in.

:persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere: :persevere:

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @Staff_Julie


Here guys… Silute Server Instability - May 10th, 2016

this was 8h ago, and they say it is for a short while…

Now i cant login, even with Wtfast.
What’s happening ?

Maybe they still working on it? Well, I hope so… Since they didnt post anything else about it

everyone in this topic auditioned with the command “telnet”?

i think, just think that you guys are understand things the wrong way.

Not because STAFF forum not here answering the complaints of you every day, they are ignoring the situation.

The FAQ section has been updated constantly, and 1 day are asking all players who attempt to connect to 3 IPs they showed it in the FAQ.

Maybe it’s you who are not aware of what IMC is doing.

I can not log nor PingZapper …

IMC happens if the server is going to be so better be reminded that will be offline for some time mantencion …

If I have to work my way to play a game, I’d rather go play another game. How is ToS supposed to get new players if whenever a new player attempts to login he’ll have to config the telnet stuff?

BTW I did the test, not working at all.

Same problem. 9 hours since the announcement… and counting.
Stuck at Forest of prayer

Im really pissed with a similar problem, since yesterday i just can’t log in with two specific characters, i have sended a ticket five hours ago and no response so far, FIVE hours and no fixing on a simply character stuck or whatever like problem, lag spike and some failed connections is the lesser one of my problems with ToS, anyway the situation is frustrating…

i haven’t been able to login since i ■■■■■■■ transfered, when this will be fixed ffs

These are two different issues.

One question, they are the players get doing this discourse of “the IMC is not working,” which is unfounded.

Another issue are the “solutions” that IMC has shown.

Are you complaining that the “solution” given by the IMC makes no sense, but the creator of this topic are complaining that IMC does not give any solution. You realize these things are different?

And what I said was about IMC give “solutions”. Them been doing it so.

The telnet test is not a solution, they do not expect you or anyone to configure it to play the game. This test is to check who can not get access to these three routes and which IP range those people who failed are using.

This is a test, is not a final solution.

btw no one cares about how they will get new players.

Companheiro isso são duas questões diferentes.

Uma questão, são os players ficarem fazendo esse discurso de “a IMC não esta trabalhando”, coisa que não tem fundamento.

Outra questão são as “soluções” que a IMC vem apresentando.

Você esta reclamando que a “solução” dada pela IMC não faz sentido, mas o criador desse tópico esta reclamando que a IMC não dá solução alguma. Percebe que são coisas diferentes?

E o que eu falei foi sobre a IMC dar “soluções”. Ela vem fazendo isso sim.

O teste de telnet não é uma solução, eles não esperam que você nem ninguém passe a configurar isso para jogar o jogo. Esse teste é para conferir quem não consegue fazer o acesso a essas três rotas e qual faixa de IP essas pessoas que não conseguiram estão utilizando.

Isso é um teste, não é uma solução final.

Você nem ninguém da importância pra como eles vão conseguir novos players.

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