Tree of Savior Forum

Running Shot Bug

this is wrong , the bug happen when ur out of combat too . ur talking about something else that everyone know

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Sorry but you are talking about something else entirely.

We are discussing an out of combat bug,

You are referring to a legitimate combat move used by enemies to interrupt your actions. Saying that one thing is the other without checking is muddying the waters about a legitimate bug.

Please consider removing your dismissal of this bug before anyone involved in fixing these things takes it as gospel and stops


Consider casting some of these spells in game yourself standing next to no monsters or discussing with other people having the problem in game before you dismiss it so quickly.

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Happens only to Running shot and nothing else.

At least for me.

(I don’t have cata to test trot, but i meant for other buffs on my A3/QS3/Appraiser)

u can read? if yes read all comments before posting

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For me trot doesn’t work twice already today. Not sure why. I see casting animations and no mob around to cancel it but no buff and run very slow.

Bingo! that’s the bug, take a screenshot or even better a quick video for Staff_Letitia as requested a little earlier in the thread!

A little update, this still happens on my QS3.

Do you still need a video of the bug ?
I’d like to add that it affects all servers and any map. I just logged to try the bug, and I was in town.

EDIT: I will send a ticket with the video either way.


Bug is still happening.

Yes, bug is still happening but more erratically than before maintenance, which is why I haven’t submitted a video via ticket yet ._. I would need to literally record all my day of playing to catch it…

You don’t even have to do anything, just stay on town or anywhere, have the best FPS and lowest ping possible and use buff (Running Shot).

See your Running Shot go on cooldown and not get the buff.

Happens rarely but becomes very annoying specially when you need that RS filler.

What’s weird here is that it only happens to select few buffs, in this case running shot.

Doesn’t happen to other buffs.

Well, while I’m glad that the bug doesn’t affect you personally, and I don’t see your comment as dismissive, it doesn’t really add anything to the discussion. Some players are affected by this buff-bug, and are looking for a solution. Maybe, you could add actual technical data (as in, your pc’s specs and such) in order to further help IMC in solving the matter.

I sent them a video of it. I recorded it in town, on an empty channel.
They told me they forwarded it to the devs, but no news since then =/

This bug also affect Trot for me at least, as it is easy to notice the speed difference.

Will submit the ticket as well, but i just captured the same thing happening for Haste and Quicken.
Not sure what the bug is related to, but seems to happen randomly. Mostly happens when a lot is going on (many mobs, ppl killing stuff etc). Tends to happen less in less ‘populated’ zones, but still possible.

Haste does not apply the buff here

And both Haste and Quicken does not apply here

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Still waiting for a fix on this. It’s really annoying, especially with skills that have incredibly long cooldowns.

Anyway I wanted to mention that this issue seems to be map-specific (at least for me). On some maps it doesn’t happen, while on others it always does. Some maps I noticed it on were Shaton Farm, Dina Bee Farm and Spring Light Woods. There were other maps but I can’t remember which ones right now.

(For me) Frequency increases the longer the server is up, when the server is freshly up it barely happens at all, on the last couple of days before the maintenance, “Dual Weapon Assault - Corsair” and “Concentrate - Swordsman” are a huge gamble on whether you get the buff or not.

Who else is experiencing similar? Who is experiencing something else with this?


Here’s a clip of my running shot doing nothing:

this only happens to me if the game gets laggy from too much particles and random ■■■■ flying around

the best fix for running shot in particular is that buff making it 300 seconds long tho :tired: