Tree of Savior Forum

Runecaster buff?

I know they recently changed how rune of giants worked but its not enough unless they make them use other skills, because i only use the skill for running around maps or rushing dungeons.

They need to make rune of destruction and rune of justice WAY stronger, cause you can just deal the same amount of damage just clicking or attacking or using some low level +15 bolt.

The long casting time should be able to compensate with reasonable damage.

Its already enchaned to 30% damage but it stills feels like im wiping monsters with a wet tissue paper

Icerune is great tho pls never change it


You can’t say Rune of Giant is useless if you never use it in the right way
Rune of Giant gives you not only 20% more HP/Def and 20 Spd,but also the ability to jump on monsters and crash them!
Did you ever try it?

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that doesnt make RC good anyways, rune of ice its the only reason why its used on the first place, the quick cast attribute its so outdated now that its a joke that it still exist. To be honest the fact that this class its a hidden one doensnt make any sense, i would understand it if was better but as it is RN its just for cryomancers to take. Im sure someday it will get buffed but untill then…

Fun to see someone using the same build I made (For myself I mean… Kinda hard to create something new but never saw someone use it before except me and this video)
RuneCaster is a really situational build and well… Don’t really fit in any popular build.

And AA wizard can use Rune of giant with thaum you can tranpose before and then giant to keep a decent hp pool after transpose end/cancel.
Blessing is kinda important but because enchant lighting proc for some reason ToyHammer on every single additional hit…
It actually quite decent whitout it.

-Great buffer build
-Good aoe clear (Giant jump + Toyhammer small radius explosion)
-Good mono target damage (I often end up 1 or 2 in boss fight but still won’t down a boss in 5 sec like some build can)
-Great tankyness (Over 40k+ hp in giant whitout transpose and over 100k+ with it)

Thaum give the chance to have some really powerful toyhammer explosion and some damage on the main attack)

ANYWAY for the post…
I kinda understand why Rune of Giant is limited on some spell… I mean if we were able to cast all wizard spell it would be the best defensive/utility whit 100% uptime tool.
I just wish we would be able to cast buff spell at least!.

Rune of ice is good as is it. Situational but many class are pick for X build and not for Y build, there other choice.

Rune of protection, Good And Bad.
-Protect from all type of cc
-50% chance (Rng protection ? What is that)
-Not 100% up time
-Casting Time
-Smaller radius than most buff.

Rune of destruction
-Not that bad but also kinda random on the bounce and not a true aoe. (There better instant dps spell with lower cd)
*I would prefer the old cooldown and transform this spell in a really devastating AoE murderer spell.

Rune of Justice
-Hard to aim effectively (Same are rune of justice… Some other dps spell are more worth it.)

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its not useless, its rather useful on mobility but thats it for me

i dont plan on taking damage since my build is for taking bosses or mobs in seconds

yeap, rune of protection is just terrible i wish they would replace it with some kind of skill like Surespell to ensure the cast

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eh, 50% status resist is decent, and it gives crit resist. it also resists more things than plague doctor (not much of a difference, pd resists way too many things at 100%)

rune of ice damage can make cryo kino rune match elementalist in damage… for 50 seconds. then you suck.

rune of giants… useless except for map exploration. being locked out of skills after the def/hp nerf makes no sense at all.

and the cast time makes everything painful to use without wiz3.

oh, and they removed you getting warlock invocation spirits from icewalls, so you’re totally screwed.

good news for the RCs, runes are gonna get a discount in ktos. from 500 to 100 HURRAY FOR US RCs!!!

they needa fix rune of protec, the rng buff is horrendous. im just hoping r9 gets a new ice skill to pair with icerune,



Rune of Destruction can be quite nice, the problem is that you need alot of enemies in a small area to make it effective. As far as i know it works like this :

  1. Every enemy in the target area is hit by the main damage thats shown on the tooltip.
  2. Every enemy hit has a chance to deal follow-up damage to another (or multiple?) randomly chosen nearby enemy which, if i remember, is roughly about half the damage of the main hit.
    In short : It seems to work like magicmissile, but as a aoe instead of a single target projectile, with some random factor for if and who recieves additional hits.

Against a single target it only deals its main damage hit, so against bosses for example its rather bad, because there is no other target to trigger the follow-up damage…

If i had to make changes to Rune of Destruction i’d probably
-lower its cooldown to ~45 seconds
-make it 2 overheat
-reduce casting time to 3 seconds
-remove the random part so every target always deals splash damage
-make it deal double damage against boss monsters.

Rune of Justice
The mechanics of it are quite ok. What i dislike is the low damage, cooldown and casting time. What i would like to see is
-doubling its damage modifier
-reducing cooldown to 30 seconds
-reducing casting time to 2 seconds

For Rune of Ice :
I don’t really like how this skill can’t be kept up at all times, since essentially that means while for a short amount of time you do great damage, the rest of the time you’re still hitting like a wet noodle.
I’d say reduce the damage modifier from +150% water damage to +100% water damage, increase its duration to 30*skillevel seconds so at max level it has a longer duration than cooldown and make it work with stationary skills like Frost Cloud and Hail, but with those skills it gets only half the bonus (+50% damage).
That way it can be used by more builds (with Elemenes for example), can be kept up permanently but is slightly weaker than before per hit. Fair tradeoff for alot more usability, i’d say.

Rune of Protection
What i would like to see is reducing
-casting time to 1 second (no reason why this buff should take 4 seconds to cast) -adding a party-wide effect similar to Priests “Revive” (if your hp goes down to 0 you lose the buff but refill some of your hp) That would make Rune Casters more wanted in parties, especially those who have cleric but the cleric didn’t get priest in his build.

With Rune of Giants i’d say at least allow the use of all buff- and support skills (like Thaumas skills, Linker skills, Chono skills, etc).


you would think rune of destruction would deal more damage than the Elementalist Meteor…nopeee its like a poor mans meteor

Except rune of destruction got a target number limit. If there enough mob… You won’t hit as hard

if rune of ice has 100% uptime, then every cryo c3 kino c3 is OP. Ice wall-pp will be broken.

If rune of ice works on deployment magic then hail and frost cloud would rival warlock c2 mastema.
Why wouldnt anyone want to go RC when you are going ele? Look at freezing sphere 500%x2 3 overheat every 30+sec at level 10. Rume of ice would be too good to pass if it worked with deployment spells.

I recall rune of destruction shooting more than one spark per target hit when I tried it at lvl 5. still, too random for my taste and it’s terrible with the link changes.

you are totally right. your icewall PP will be broken. smashed into little pieces, like all your dreams of runecasting!!!
maybe you’ll try fighting WB mirtis… or or maybe you’ll try to cast icewall in the right formation in one of those GM events where you have -1fps. or, heck, the current lag situation anywhere in the game!

Do you know what the limit is?

[quote=“ResonantSoul, post:12, topic:362148, full:true”]
if rune of ice has 100% uptime, then every cryo c3 kino c3 is OP. Ice wall-pp will be broken. [/quote]
Hence why i suggested increasing the duration while loweringf the bonus modifier.
I’d rather have Rune of Ice being up 100% of the time and doing good damage than being up only 30% of the time but doing OP damage, as it is right now.

[quote]If rune of ice works on deployment magic then hail and frost cloud would rival warlock c2 mastema.
Why wouldnt anyone want to go RC when you are going ele? Look at freezing sphere 500%x2 3 overheat every 30+sec at level 10. Rume of ice would be too good to pass if it worked with deployment spells.[/quote]
Compared to right now where rune of ice is absolutely useless for deployment magic…
I think getting some synergy in would be really nice. And yea, Frost Could and Hail could be OP with Rune of Ices current effect, that’s why i suggested giving deployment magic only a fraction of the normal bonus.

Funny thing is that it hit harder than Meteor/Flesh Strike before the balance patch and now its just gimp. Considering the reagent cost, the least they could do is push it back up so its on par with the two because /right now/ its weaker than it was before the “balance” patch.

On the topic of RC buffing…

I’d personally prefer if they made it so RoP simply was a 100% knockback/knockdown protection skill, ála Pain Barrier. And if so, make it scrollable as well for Enchanter so other classes without such protection can enjoy it(for a price). For builds utilizing channels or casts that hardly enjoy getting interrupted and going straight to CD, it’d be much more to consider picking RC for that alone.

RoG itself just need its restriction lifted entirely as well. Ever since the defense formula changes and making you go from really tanky to literally whatever, its nothing more than a “for fun” skill outside the goofy fellow a few posts above trying to tell people to “use it right”(when Blessing is literally half your damage even as a gimmicky buff slave build then you know the skill is outright terrible, please stop excusing/defending piss poor design that would force you to rely on another class’ buff like that). Also add in a “hidden interaction” so that giant stomps do double damage to mobs affected by Shrink Body. Maybe an attribute as well so the stomps have a chance to stun/armorbreak enemies.

As for RoJ/RoI, Sayurichan’s suggestions sounds well enough.

At current RC only works with gimmicky AA builds, and Cryos, which speaks for how absolutely terrible the kit is. Specially for a “hidden class”. Something really needs to be done about that.

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If Rune of Ice modifiers for deployment magic were good, then pretty much all ele 3s will go RC. If it were bad, then you would have few ele3s going RC. Note that if you decide to reduce the +150% value, cryo skills get affected as well.

If say, +150% remains but for deployment magic say a 50% increase, then you would see more wiz 2 cryo kino ele 3 RCs. I find it very hard to come up with a blanced number when strong skills like frost cloud exists and weaker skills from cryo tree exist as well.

At the moment, people’s choice of warlock is dependant on other circles which are better, as soon as Rune of ice is good then you will see warlock as a class die. I like the current Rune caster balance, its a hidden class and i think the devs want to stear the player base to use it with wiz 3 or cryo c3 and not ele 3.

There are players that run wiz 3 ele 3 RC sage. Its just an alternative to elemem players. But I feel that wiz 3 into RC combinations need more love and one way to do it is by as you say buffing Rune of justice and rune of destruction.

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Rune of destruction: I think rune of destruction should do multi-hits when doing damage to a single target, after all it has a set number of target limit, that alone would make it good enough for bossing wich its what RC its lacking.

Rune of justice: I like this skill animation but its so bad that it hurts :c, increasing the damage would be nice, but maybe its range should be a little bit wider since most of the time it misses mobs that are near the beam (for some reason)

Rune of giants: They need to think what its the pourpose of this skill and think wich skills (from each class) they want to be used, it should be a full/support oriented skill so i dont see why so many restrictions when ein sof kinda does the “same” without any restrictions :/. Personally i think it would be awesome for tank/swordie oriented builds x) but with the current downsides they dont ask for this buff. (In all honesty i used it just for runing around :confused: )

Overall when i tested RC i was in love of rune of destruction but that was it, the other skills felt too situational for me. Another thing they should remove/change ASAP its the quick cast attribute from RC, quick cast can be 100% uptime now, so no point on that, unless they could stack (wich they dont) and even then its eh. What i would like about that atribute its that when casting a rune skill there its a chance (1% per attribute level max 5 or 10) there was a chance to reset all your RC cooldowns to 0 (or half). That way RC would a have a little more chance to “shine” since one of its BIG downsides its the crazy LONG cooldowns.

Runecaster needs more love, its a hidden class for god’s sake, and doesnt feel like its worth all that gimmicky questing you have to do (unless you are a cryo OFC).

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agreed…a lot needs to change

â– â– â– â–  like making rune of justice instant, rune of protection 100% and rune of destruction not so trash kek

but it still feelsgood to deal a million something damage when you use icewall + buff xd

It’s a weird/difficult class to balance, as it seems like the devs really want this class to shine with Wiz3 and Cryo3. More meaningful combos with the skills Runecaster provides need to happen though, as you pointed out. I have a couple of perspectives on this issue:

  1. I’m wondering if maybe the devs should just pick one of the two classes (Wiz/Cryo), and base Runecaster around that one choice. Make it more like how Chaplain is to Priest, rather than trying to fill two niches. Maybe even force the player to take Wiz3 or Cryo3 to get Runecaster in their build, as this would be a balancing factor and could potentially allow more freedom to make the Runecaster skills more interesting for either of those classes.

  2. Another way to look at it would be to buff the base Wizard class. I feel that a lot of the weakness one feels in Runecaster is having to invest so heavily into Wizard, which you’re primarily going for Sure Spell and Quickcast (Sure Spell is rather falsely advertised, especially vs bosses). Base Wizard attributes are mostly not worth mentioning either. Swordsmen get Gung ho, Concentrate and Pain Barrier (which are all at rank 1). Archers get Swift Step and Kneeling Shot and decent attributes (which you can get in two ranks), Clerics get Cure/Heal/Divine Might/Safety Zone and good attributes (which are available in 1 to 2 ranks depending on what you want). Wizard needs at least 3 ranks to make the most of its skill set, and even then Sure Spell isn’t a perfect defense against knockdowns/knockbacks, and blowing 3 ranks to get Quickcast/Magic Missile seems a bit harsh. Perhaps moving Sure Spell to Wiz1 and Quickcast to Wiz 2 would buff Runecaster builds in that they would have more rank freedom. Maybe some new attributes to address things like knockdown/knockback and speeding up cast animations would be nice, as well as an attribute that benefits channeling spells (would love to see a channeling spell in Runecaster)…