Tree of Savior Forum

Runecaster buff?

I just got this class yesterday (ey I hate Chronomancer Master now too!).
There’s somewhat of a small delay after fully charging before you can use runes that should be fixed (you have to wait until you glow yellow to use).

I feel like Destruction and Justice should have their cooldown lowered a little. They’re pretty ok though so far. No clue about Protection buffing, I’m not getting it.

Rune of Giants was nerfed for lower Hp and Defense%, so I think you should be able to cast all skills now. I don’t really consider it broken to be able to, I think it’s very hindering to the class design.
Bushin for Shinobi is great and doesn’t limit your skill use, it just limits what the clones can copy. A skill that removes your ability to do any CC (or any new content skills) in return for some Hp and Defense isn’t really all that beneficial to use…

As a standalone class though what we can see is (1) severe lack of damage for the high cast time and CD of skills and (2) lack of real utility in terms of group play.

First point is the most notorious in my pov, for a rank 6 class Rune of Justice and Rune of Destruction do laughable damage given their super high cast time and cooldown, especially when you consider how bad they are to actually hit enough targets to even matter. So basically RoD/RoJ have moderate “Skill Factors/CD” ratios, while having poor AoE potential and even worse aiming potential for Rune of Justice. They both need much much higher skill factors and AoE atk ratios to be even worth mentioning as AoE bursts.

Second one, well let’s start by stating there’s no real reason to waste a buff slot for rune of protection at all in group play, be it pvp or pve. Clerics do it better, period. Hell, even dispellers (or the miko one I can’t remember the name) do it better on average. Now for Rune of Giants, I still can’t see what they intended that skill to be used for. There’s clearly no real point to using it in a general gameplay scenario.

From the whole kit, only rune of ice actually makes sense into wizard build-making. Even with the post-balacing nerf, it’s still great and very useful for cryos and cryo-kinos/elementalists alike. The high cast time though could get soem love and be lowered so it’s easier to set up.

Apart from that, the class severely lacks useful atributtes. Skills themselves are lacking as previously stated, but rune caster as a Hidden class - with a really nice lore behind it btw - has also no atributes to differentiate it from any other generic damage/utility class. The quick cast attribute made little to no sense before, but now that quick cast has much longer upkeep, it’s totally ignorable to say the least.

Still, Rune Caster has my favorite wizard costume lol, so I’m keeping one. I just hope someday i’ll get more use out of it than simply looking good!

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I kind of see what you mean. But as it stands, I feel they shouldnt, snow rolling benefits from quick cast and sure spell, Ice wall casting does get interrupted when being attacked by normal attack from mobs,(surespell can fix this). It seems as if cryo and wizard can complement each other, but with only 8 ranks its hard to fit 6 circles. Rune caster requires surespell and quick cast and it can buff cryo skills, hence I can see how the 2 classes can come together with runecaster.
I play a cryo3kino3 RC, Im planning to take wiz 2 at rank 9 to make snow rolling, ice wall and rune caster skills more easy to cast, but if some other hidden class comes out that does dps, then I might go for it instead.

Surespell shouldnt be moved to wiz c1, If it was, then we might as well have a permanent innate surespell effect on all wizards.
I too feel that knockdown/knockbacks should be addressed. Maybe rune of protection could have an attribute like “one with the Earth” to prevent knockdowns or knock backs.
I always wished that rune of justice was more like a continuous laser beam that did damage per tick in a straight line. Basically change it to: channel the power of the rune of “insert goddess’ name”. It could be a decent sniping tool, but I also want this skill to not combo with ice wall.

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After reading your reply, I can’t help but think that Runecaster is a bunch of unfinished ideas. It’s like they were trying to make it have a jack-of-all trades kind of function, and at the same time make it appeal to Wiz3 and Cryo builds, but it completely fails in every category save Rune of Ice (and even then the duration/cooldown for this skill needs to be played with more).

This class needs better focus in its design. That can be clearly seen. How the devs go about that though is anyone’s guess:

Do they want it to be an extension of Wizard3/Cryo3, and function in the same vein that Chaplain does to Priest?

Do they want it to be able to fit into almost any Wizard build, similar to how Miko can be made into all sorts of builds?

Do they want it to have a very specific focus, like how Appraiser seems to be working for Archer builds (could be wrong about this assessment, not an Archer player)?

Do they want it to be a stand alone class that is to be built around?

Once they narrow down what they want the class to be doing, I’m sure it will get “fixed”, but until then I don’t expect the class to be much of anything, which is very sad and disappointing :disappointed:

I agree with you here, although I was speaking more about the apparent lack of direction in the Runecaster kit in this perspective, and was suggesting that if the devs picked either Wizard or Cryomancer to build off of, we would likely see a more interesting, focused and likely better designed Runcaster kit.

On that note, I should probably make a Wiz3/Cryo3/RC build myself and see how it performs. Maybe I’m missing out on something that isn’t obvious to someone that hasn’t actually made the build. Every Runecaster build I’ve made only had up to Wiz2 at most.

Haha yeah I know that would very OP, especially when you consider what that would do for Elementalists. But what I was essentially getting at here was to express how I feel Wiz1 needs a skill other than Sleep that can be used throughout the whole game and players would not feel bad or less efficient for using it.This is why I pointed out what the other classes get. But perhaps this point in particular is beyond the scope of fixing Runecaster.

I really like your idea of a channeled Rune of Justice. That would be an awesome skill. And I agree with you that it should not combo with Ice Wall the same way PP or Energy Blast does; but maybe another more unique interaction would be fun? Or maybe some kind of interaction with Frost Pillar? Something to think about.

Off Topic: Where is my Hidden Class that buffs Pyro? In Pyro’s case, I would very much like a Chaplain-like Hidden Class design for Pyro. Wouldn’t want something that requires 2 classes to play, just get Pyro3 and the Hidden Class to top it off.

Ive actually tried wiz 3 cyro 3 RC kino during the reset event, it isnt very effective. The build is a very focused 1 trick pony build that cant even get the one trick done right.(ice wall+pp). But it was fun to be able to use RC skills and cryo skills without interruption just that at endgame, it couldnt really kill stuff that well because it had very long cool downs and I could not really find a good rotation. And so i settled on cryo 3 kino 3 RC.
I geuss you could try this. Main rotation to use is JP+hangman’s knot, ice spike/bolt, ice blast. Use rune of ice to boost dps every now and then, cast sure spell and frost pillar and JP to set up mobs for rune of destruction after spaming ice blast.
The only thing that is bad about this is the low single target dps for bosses and JP resist mobs.

It would make this build OP at rank 9.

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They still don’t seem to understand that with that kind of cast time and cd the skills should be stronger than instant cast stuff other classes gets. It’s not, as a result the class sucks and is only picked as a cryo buffer. And to make things even worse those subpar skills use catalysts.

Destruction should have decent single target potential but deadly when dealing with a huge amount of mobs.
I feel justice aoe is fine, it should be focused on dealing very high damage against few targets, the damage of this skill is the only real issue with it.
Ice is fine and the only reason you see this class in most case, maybe reduce cd a bit.
Protection has some uses in pvp i guess but overall it’s lackluster and not worth taking.
Giant is the same overall, what’s the point in being able to use wizard or rune skills when they are terrible to begin with, but i can understand they don’t want it to work on everything otherwise surespell would have no real use. Maybe give the target splash on auto attacks and increase patk-matk massively so you can become a auto attack monster for a while instead of using it to walk faster around the map and to make yourself of other giants.


Sorry for my bad english

Firstly, the rune rune needs an attribute rework, the skilled cast is really trash, if u have quick cast u don’t need him.

If they change this attribute to something like:
2%*attribute lvl to half cast time of the next rune caster ability every time u cast a rune caster spell.

Rune of Justice:
Channeling cast, like kino spells. 2,5s with 0,5s dmg tick.
Some attribute to extends the time

Rune of Destruction:
More aoe and info about this spell
Some attribute to add more reflecting targets

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Unless I’m missing something, wouldn’t that build you linked at the end work with cryo as well? Ice pike would hit at least 2 times per linked mob, as would Ice Bolt, and there’s always ice blast follow up. Even Ice wall 5 would do decent damage in that build with proper positioning +hitting the walls with C attack. Looks like another bulld I would like to experiment with.

it could, but i would say that it would be less reliable then the pyro variant because of flame ground.

But ya. i geuss it could work. Another build could be cryo c3 linker 3 RC but I can already see it struggling with end game mobs.