Tree of Savior Forum

Rune Caster, uhhh what?

What the hell kind of a class is this ? The cooldowns are hilarious and the cast time ? 8 seconds ? at least give some kind of astral finisher after that … but no the dmg is subpar at best. Why is this even a thing ? And I saw a lot of people planning to get it, are you really going through all this trouble for a 50 sec +300% ice dmg THAT DOESN;T EVEN WORK ON MOST SKILLS … ?

Be grateful. It used to have 10 seconds cast times.


Runecasters are there just to make things fun.


you have to applaud the detail and attention put to the characters…

if that same attention and detail was put an the map this iobt will be perfect…

On topic: Runcaster is a hidden class that does what the name suggest… play with runes and cast…

if you think casting should be fast you are awfully mistaken