Tree of Savior Forum

Rune caster skills details

AAaaaawwww… :cry:

While Justice may not be the easiest of spells to use, saying it “hits like a feather” may be a bit of an exaggeration!

Some quick testing on Goblin Warriors in Ruklys Street:

  • 1237 MATK / 25 Magic Amp
  • 153 Fire ATK / 10 Lightning ATK / 9 Poison ATK / 61 Medium ATK
  • Quickcast Lv5 with Lv5 DMG attribute
  • Single target

Lv5 Destruction (+20% Attribute) - 28256~ DMG
Lv4 Justice (+20% Attribute) - 24925~ DMG

And some comparison DMG to some other skills:

Lv5 Magic Missile (+35% Attribute) - 19262~ DMG (combined x2 charges)
Lv10 Meteor (+20% Attribute) - 32281~ DMG

Frost Cloud obviously will almost always trump all these options except against flying enemies.

Electrocute is pretty horrible when there’s only one enemy and needs a sizable amount of enemies to really shine.

Hail has potential good damage, but isn’t very bursty. The hits are a bit randomized too, but it’s still good regardless!

Plus, if you consider the alternatives of Rune of Protection / Giants (which offer no offensive capability) and Rune of Ice (Which is highly dependent on what class build you are / has a ridiculously long cool down), Justice is pretty much one of your best bets at getting an extra damage cool down.

Honestly, Justice isn’t perfect and could probably use a bit of love, but it’s not downright awful. If they just increased the width of the laser and lowered the cast time of it just a bit more (maybe down to 5-6 seconds instead of 8) I’d be pretty happy with that.

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I have a question about the giant skill:

What would happen if I am a full con build, and cast giants for the Attribute bonus THEN cast transpose. would you still be able to retain the bonus HP from the con?

You can’t cast anything with giants on… so it’s not possible

I think rune of giants gives you a maxhp bonus, not a CON bonus.

I usually do Transpose (without equilibrium) to Rune of Giants and get around 90k hp. I could try disabling Transpose after I turn into Giant and see what happens the next time I get online.

ah yes…that was a question i was looking for if you still able to keep the CON bonuses from the ROG attribute skill…

I was also wondering if you can jump+strike(c button) with staff to do two different sources of attack as well…if you can help me understand that XD

From what i understand you can jump and auto attack© given you are standing still
you can cancel the first frames of attack© and jump and the damage will connect. XD sounds like im talkin about a fighting game.
however not sure if this is intended or not

Sorry it took so long to reply.

No buffs

Transpose Buff

Transpose + RoG

RoG withouth Transpose

Also, you can’t use “c” while giant just “z”.


So you can’t guard as peltasta as well? Or you only used it on mages before?

Hey Falenasfrey…even equiping a staff doesnt work? :frowning: if you press “c” ??

If this is the case…I might just consider dropping this for an auto attack wizard…:confused:

@Derael Not sure about Peltasta. I have to be paired with them first. But I heard you can use Swashbuckling during RoG so maybe you can. But I’m betting on not.

@mjskelton01 Yep I tried jumping attack, running attack, standing attack.

I think the game translates “c” as a skill. And because skills are disabled during RoG, you can’t use it.

pretty dumb how rune caster ice skill doesnt affect ele except for sphere.

Wiz3 Ele3 RC would be the most op thing if it did

and rune caster ice on ice wall/PP is not? boss disappears in 5 seconds …

I would very much like confirmation if you can do “c” staff or dagger attack while being a giant wizard.
and if any mage skills can be used at all during the effect, even self buffs like swell or transpose

Yeah but Icewall PP takes some time/coordination to setup/pull off. Frost Cloud and Hail are much easier to use. And even with Icewall PP being that strong, Elementalists still seem to be much more preferred over every other dps. If you gave the ice boost to Elementalists, we could have something like 3x Ele-RC + 1x Diev1 (100% uptime RoI) parties, while every other dps can go cry while they pray for a full-flying dungeon.

tldr; elementalists don’t need a boost

Tried it with dagger and it worked surprisingly :open_mouth:. But staff doesn’t, so maybe Peltasta shiled might work!

As for skills, I haven’t seen any that I can use while giant. But I’ll keep loooking. :slight_smile:

someone from Ktos confirmed that staffs CAN do “c” attacks…but he doesn’t do it in the video…perhaps its a bug? If you can auto attack “c” with dagger then why not a staff 0_0…
i was asking him in the comments section

True. but the attribute bonus from rune of giants gives you an HP boost based on your con. I am suggesting to transpose into full con, use ROG to gain more hp from the attribute, then revert back to pure int. Theoretically you will have more max hp

This was my plan, and the reason I’m not maxing swell and shrink body